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New Elios Suits

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Oct 8, 2002
For all those who wanted to see my new elios suits:

Benthos Heiwa Smoothskin 8mm :cool:
6mm Heiwa High Waist Pants in Brown Camo

By the way the shark on the back of jackets was an added extra I asked for myself and 4 mates who also ordered suits at same time.
Just so you guys can see the attention to detail. Look at the way a little pocket has been made to fit chin properly :hmm
I realy like them :D I wish you the best hunting with them!

and yes you made my mind now I'll order a 3mm summer suit soon :D
did you define the camo pattern on the benthos at the ordering stage?
8mm! How cold of water are you diving in? How much weight are you using to get down?

I plan on ordering mine at the end of this month.

MEmo, I did specify what sort of colours I wanted. Here in Gib the bottom is greenish and there is a red seaweed on the rocks. On the Elios pages there is a section with the different camo patterns available and I asked for the one with the red streaks. This was done on the phone.

Jon the water here can get to about 10-12C at coldest but I just do not want to be cold. I would rather be warm and let water in suit. It also really affects my performance.

The pants are 6mm heiwa (less bouyant) and have no shoulder straps so this should remove a bit of bouyancy, but as I still have not used it I cannot say the weight needed to get down.
let me guess mmmm......... 8kg

I loved the pattern on your suit but maybe I would prefer the pattern that I showed you before. keep us informed about the suits performance ;)
Very very nice suits Shane... I have wrote several times to Elios but I could not decide which type of neopren that I would buy because they have very wide options... For summer I want an 3 m Benthos but which type of neopren..Because cof this I am waiting your overviews with your new suits..
Congrats for your PB (5:15) on a chair...Hope to make longer aspettos with your new suits..
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The suits are everything I expected and more. I tested the 8mm heiwa smoothskin first. Man I think its a bit too thick :)

I was sweating inside the suit. Had to let cold water in a few times :D which is exactly what I wanted. Now the terribly cold North winds won't affect my diving any more.

Needed about 10 kilos lead which sounds a lot but it was suprisingly ok. The hood and neck felt a bit claustrophobic at the start but as the dive went on it felt more and more comfortable.

Yesterday I used the 7mm lined Yam suit. THat was real warm as well. As it was Yamamoto and not Heiwa it was a bit softer.

I was in the water for 5 hours and felt great. No need to piss in suit any more. All I do is get up on rock, pull jacket up and there you go :)

The short pants make a big difference to breathing. Chest feels really free.
I will be cutting my Ocean Mimetic for sure!

Only thing with pants is that when you go deep a very small bit of water manages to seep in to chest area, but as I was so warm that this was welcome. It might be an idea to reverse a strip at the top of the pants to have opencell on outside so it gives a better seal with inside of jacket.

Did not catch much though but was happy not to be cold.

I got a few samples or Neoprene from Elios and want to say that their new Black Widow neoprene looks real good. I also got some of the gold and copper lined and that looks real smooth and easy to wear. The elasticity is not really affected. Tried my fingernail test on the 3mm heiwa and it passed. hurt my finger before the rubber gave way. I tried that on a 5mm Omer New professional neoprene and the rubber split a lot easier.
Hey Shane,
Nice suits. They're the exact same patterns I have except my smooth side out is 3mm and my nylon out is 5mm. Very good suits, warm, dry and very well made. I will say thought my 3mm is a bit delicate(which I'm not) so I have to be a bit careful putting it on/taking it off and around rocks, good news, it glues together pretty well.;)
Thanks for your detailed overview about your wetsuits Shane..Are they custom size or standart sized and how much euros did you pay for the suits,cargo,etc?? And I want an 3mm Benthos for summer,Which type of neopren and lining could you advice for me?? Thanks
Hey Aydyn, dependant on the materials selected a made to measure suit will cost you between 180 and 220 euros. My suit was made to measure and the measurements required can be easily downloaded from the Elios website. For final order I telephoned a guy called Stefano who was really helpful.

How cold/hot is your water in summer and how deep will you be diving?

Are you a careful person or not? :D

I'll order a summer suit too ;) and I guess Aydin and I will use the suits more or less in the same waters.

Here is my personal choice:
-3mm heiwa lined outside / opencell inside
I dont want a delicate suit as I'm not the guy who is very sensitive, and I will lay on very sharp rocks at most of the time. I want opencell for the most comfy dive and I think at summers wet entry to the suit will never be the problem. I would send them a padding diagram aswell for the extra padding that I desire. And lastly I think I would go for a green camo lining.
Memo is right,I will be diving at sites a little bit colder than Memo,I can make aspettos at ~10-15 mt. and willing to dive alittle deeper to hunt dentex this summer.But nowadays the water is app. 11-13 Celcius.,and I can easily hunt only sea basses at1-4 mt. at north of Ýzmir.Two years ago I was hunting with just ambush tech. and under rocks.But then I have learned aspetto technique after that my diving tech. and behaviours under the sea have changed ,so I can say I am a careful diver .
Are you hunting sea bass (spigolo-levrek) at Gibraltar nowadays?
actually I love smoothskin camo but I'm afraid of being too fragile
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