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North Wales,The Llyn and Anglesey 2015

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I'm planning on heading on to the llyn this weekend, who's going to be around?
Oh yes ! Well that's the plan but working in South Wales at mo! It's looking good .
I'm down in Aberystwyth for a couple of weeks, anyone know any spots/people to go with?
Just got down the Llyn after a long drive ( 7hr) via Runcorn and Chester from Swansea it's dark blustery and feeling wild at mo see what sun rise brings .North side looked absolutely shocking rather 'Cappachino' but grey .winds v strong from North.Its going to be good ....???????
I have just been down to look round on high on South it looks very good v windy ,bit choppy smooth out of the wind .hoping wind will drop going in later will let you know how I get on .had 2-7 m on low 7am this morn got two lobster one escaped out of bag on float ahhh! One 3lbs stinky checked on scallopes for next month just bait n jellies two edible crabs but put them back put three pots in some where new .
Just pull my pots 21 prawns 10 crabs 4 fish winds dropped seas flat viz wasn't as good as I was expecting but a milky 2-3 m+ will be better on high tomorrow would of thought just small wrass and bait seen.didnt really look tho.
Reactions: Hoppe
Haha how unfortunate I have been tempted in the past when driving home having blanked and there is one of the feathery blighters in the hedge and the speargun is sitting on the backseat...
Managed my second trip to the llyn this year after a summer of following this thread and not making the 4hr trip due to all your vis reports etc. Think it's fair to say most of you have said that there has been a distinct lack of fish this year on the llyn. Bizzarly I have have never seen so many bass s / mid Wales way, so decided to take the n Wales challenge and head to my favourite spot for some mullet on low followed by bass on high.... That was the plan anyway

I arrived Aberdaron area just before low. After a hellish decent to my spot I was greeted by calm seas, and the vis from the shore looked good.

Got in and started my 700m kick session to the mullet grounds, hoping to see some bass on the way... Yeah nothing seen apart from loads of wrasse and small pollock.

Arrived at my spot. Last time I was there, similar time last year, there was fish everywhere munching on weed. After an hour, nothing seen. Vis about 3-4m over weed. Perfect... Baffled!

Finned further out to a pollock mark. Plenty of Pollock about around a pound so let them be. Huge wrasse. Then, just as I was about to surface a firkin 5/8lb bass swam past my head, so close I should have headbutted it lol, then another in range about 5lb, took aim, fire... Fu#?in safety was on. The small shoal carried on into the gloom. I was gutted. See gopro pic of one of the bass.

Two more hours, no more bass seen, no mullet. Started getting cold. Finned back to the start and the bass grounds for high tide.

Spent a further three hours hiding behind rocks, in the weed and nothing. Bottom times 1.30ish. Saw a shoal of gar fish, hit one but pulled free. Gutted lol

After 6hrs I was shattered. One shoal of bass seen, a zillion small pollock, big wrasse and ten zillion bait fish.... A sign there are no predators??

Had a good day, but genuinely surprised by the lack of proper fish. Met three anglers on the way back, all blanked...

Perhaps all the fish are own the north enjoying the poor vis and safety lol.

Won't be able to get back in for a month or so due to other fishing commitments so I hope the bass appear in number for you all.



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Managed my second trip to the llyn this year after a summer of following this thread and not making the 4hr trip due to all your vis reports etc. Think it's fair to say most of you have said that there has been a distinct lack of fish this year on the llyn. Bizzarly I have have never seen so many bass s / mid Wales way, so decided to take the n Wales challenge and head to my favourite spot for some mullet on low followed by bass on high.... That was the plan anyway

I arrived Aberdaron area just before low. After a hellish decent to my spot I was greeted by calm seas, and the vis from the shore looked good.

Got in and started my 700m kick session to the mullet grounds, hoping to see some bass on the way... Yeah nothing seen apart from loads of wrasse and small pollock.

Arrived at my spot. Last time I was there, similar time last year, there was fish everywhere munching on weed. After an hour, nothing seen. Vis about 3-4m over weed. Perfect... Baffled!

Finned further out to a pollock mark. Plenty of Pollock about around a pound so let them be. Huge wrasse. Then, just as I was about to surface a firkin 5/8lb bass swam past my head, so close I should have headbutted it lol, then another in range about 5lb, took aim, fire... Fu#?in safety was on. The small shoal carried on into the gloom. I was gutted. See gopro pic of one of the bass.

Two more hours, no more bass seen, no mullet. Started getting cold. Finned back to the start and the bass grounds for high tide.

Spent a further three hours hiding behind rocks, in the weed and nothing. Bottom times 1.30ish. Saw a shoal of gar fish, hit one but pulled free. Gutted lol

After 6hrs I was shattered. One shoal of bass seen, a zillion small pollock, big wrasse and ten zillion bait fish.... A sign there are no predators??

Had a good day, but genuinely surprised by the lack of proper fish. Met three anglers on the way back, all blanked...

Perhaps all the fish are own the north enjoying the poor vis and safety lol.

Won't be able to get back in for a month or so due to other fishing commitments so I hope the bass appear in number for you all.



Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk

Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
Reactions: DafyddRees
It's getting harder and harder to get fish, many of the places that were always packed with bass are now totally desolated. So yesterday after trying unsuccessfully some bass spots I visited some new marks for Pollocks and caught a nice monster from the deep. [emoji41]


Good post buddy, shame you didn't score well, but decent write up.
Thanks for the report Ian, I headed down on Sunday, despite it being pretty breezy it wasn't having much effect on Sea state and I had a very smooth fast run to my spot in the boat. I could just make out the bottom in 5m and I saw bass on 3 drops I did, but they were really spooky and wouldn't come within range of my 70, I either needed to go up to a bigger gun or increase my bottom times, but I was very keen to christen my homemade wood gun. I was only managing a minute down finning against the current,. So I left without anything, only had time for 3 hours in the water so didn't try anywhere else. Will put a vid up when get chance
Reactions: DafyddRees
Got in yesterday (in Aberystwyth, talked to some fishermen who had some bass) Saw plenty of fish, they all seemed to be concentrated in small patches not moving around much. Bass, Pollock and Mackerel. Finally got my hands on a lobster that was legal size only to see a notched tail so I put it back.

Finally getting the courage up to just grab them quickly. They are much slower than I thought with those claws. Thinking of getting in this evening too.

Vis was 5-6m. Slightly milky at the surface but as soon as you got down it opened up loads.
Reactions: DafyddRees
Got in this evening off Anglesey. It was a lovely evening flat calm seas and good vis. Saw plenty of pollock and wrasse but no bass or mullet.

Lovely dive but no fish taken.
Reactions: DafyddRees