Tell me about it! The last 5 or probably 6 weekends have been howling gales - pretty shocking - I'm not driving a 250 mile round journey for that!
Saying that, at the moment, next week is looking pretty great, wind wise, I'm sure it will probably change for the worse but next Friday / Saturday could be decent.
It's a shame as I've really wanted to visit this big sandbank I found a few years back, not too far offshore that is completely covered in a 7 / 8 foot tall, 5 foot deep wall of stingweed - it's at it's best in August / September - as the tide come in, all the bass and mullet coming towards the shore run into the stringweed wall and most swim along it, instead of going through, as it's so dense. You can just sit at the base of it and wait for them, really good fun, chilled fishing. You can get all comfortable and relaxed and do some nice, 1.5 - 2 minute breath holds and just let them come to you. With all this wind, the stringweed is probably all gone.