I managed to get out yesterday. Started with an hour or so in Dorothea, air temperature was around 2 degrees, water was 5 degrees, but got a dive to 25m, so quite happy. Then off we went to one of our scallop grounds and bagged 25 scallops. Sea was also a chilly 5 degrees, which really bites the face and I was getting cold by now. Anyway, we moved to another spot to look for lobster, we waited in the car until total darkness with the heater on full blast. Upon entering the water the vis looked pretty good, however, when we ventured in to deeper water it became obvious that the vis wan't great, this was compounded by my torch flooding (again!!!), so I had to scout about with my 2 candle power backup torch, which was frustrating. After only spotting one small lobster at around 10pm we called it a day and drove to the cabin that one of the other divers happened to be staying in for the week to get changed in a hot shower. The outside temperature had dropped below freezing at this point, so I'm very glad we didn't have to get undressed in the carpark. His wife also treated us to a lovely roast lamb dinner that was most welcome!!!
I finally made it home at 1am and bed around 1:30am. Today I have a sore, dry face from the cold and feel totally knackered. A very enjoyable day, though I think I'll be waiting until everything warms up until I do it again. No silver fish were spotted.