Evening all. Extremely productive scallop run today, they were everywhere. Thanks to Dylan for company and boat. Viz on s, not great, about 2m but fine for task. Tried your fave spot for park, wall and fish ian, but viz not great and not a fish to be seen. temperature out at sea wasnt at all bad in 7mm, could have kept going for ages but no need, got enough for the two of us v quickly. Temp ro und the corner fine on the body, but fresh water ingress felt like needles in the forehead..... And no fish, well, what can you do.... Even checked for your lobster at the end of the slip, ian, but he wasnt there, prob off on holidays skiing or something. That said, great day and brought it all back after some tips from Dyl.
New Guy,feel free to PM or get in touch with some of the guys on here. To be honest, theres no real secrets, if you can walk in and the car isnt too far, theres a good chance you will get lucky but happy to meet up if im down at the same time. spoke to some anglers btw, they had two bass and a 'pinky' last week (A good indicator I would have thought) but nothing at all this week, so suspect all were 'randoms' rather than any true 'early shows'. Good luck to all, wont be down for a couple of weeks but now ive started... GAME ON!