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North Wales, The Llyn & Anglesey 2013.

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Hi Guys,

Im heading upto north wales on monday to see family and briming my kit up with me.

Now im not asking for you top secret spots but some rough directions loctions would be very much appreciated. Just dont want to end up in the wrong place in dangerous conditions.

please pm me if you would like to help.


Hey Karl, Traeth beach is always a good place to have nosey at. However, the fishing can be as variable as the scenery!
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crap to day boys where i went north n south 1m vis little better some othet bits no fish sern going home !....
Back home wtf going on with the weather bakeing hot 24 0 c .gona have to mow the lawn now!LOL.North wales coast was stunning driving back sea looked flat and blue skys ,bloody typical bet is fantastic on low water this after noon n eve.Now ive got back and have unpacked to dry my kit off for a week in cornwall (thurs).it was crap vis this morning north and south but 3m at its best very milky n patchy did see one small gar fish and some mullet but i wasnt intrested in them.the kelp is dieing off and pileing up on shoreline , breaking down maybe that had some effect on the north but not the south side.Oh well different spot have different fish at different times of tide.and big tides drag a lot of shit around.?joy.Did any one go this weekend ?
Got in yesterday from shore as I had to catch a ferry today from Holyhead to Ireland. It was long time ago last time I shore dived and I was exhausted after!!! Vis was actually quite good, 2-4 meters and a few fish were about. Got 3 bass and a mullet and let some other bass be. Spotted some biggies but unfortunately my dive buddy was just above me (realised later when I surfaced) and scared them off.

Here is a picture of a half human half fish spearo. It's called the spearo transformation. Ah ah ah

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Went today , vis hadn't settled as much as I thought it might have and I managed to find 1-2m on the south and put a small bass on the stringer 39cm.
have a good one boys hope you have more luck than me at mo !keep us updated.
got in on the north side first. Was flat calm but with a 1m swell which gave me about 30cm of vis... Even off shore. went over to the south side and wasnt going to bother as on shore f5, white horses and all, but managed to find a bit of shelter to get in and actually vis was ok, minimum about 3, max about 5 but rough as a night with broceiden (allegedly).
saw loads of fish, thousands in fact, including a big shoal of mackerel which was cool but aside from them, nothing over 4 inches. (See above..allegedly). Two hours later tired and full of sea water, decided to call it a day. Nice to be back in the water though.

cheers all
Just got in from a dive off the north side. The vis was very patchy from 0.5 to 3m at best. Thought I was in for a great session taking a decent mullet (pictured) within minutes of getting in. I don't usually take them but I have been hearing lots of positive things so thought I might try one again with a bit of tandoori spice. Only briefly glimpsed one bass after that and nothing else. Maybe they weren't around or maybe I just couldn't see them due to the poor vis. Did see a couple of lobsters though, caught the first one but he was too small and the second but bigger one out swam me.

Glad your getting in boys and getting or seeing fish .i havent manage to get in yet! Its crap down here at mo !
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