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Nose clip?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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What is the purpose of the appendage?

It's some type of a lock to hold the clamp in place.

I am open for ideas on what to glue onto the ends. I have a good bit of scrap neoprene in a wide variety of thicknesses. I guess that I could find some cork as well on the top of a bottle somewhere.:friday

What kind of glue would work best and which material would be better?

When I made my home made one out of a clamp and cork I used

LocTite Household Cement.

It was one of the many adhesives I had sitting around for these kinds of projects, and the packaging indicated that it would work for the plastic at the very least. I took a metal file, and roughed up the plastic surface where the glue would contact it as the glue directions suggested, then brushed all of the shavings off and glued. The cork pads which I cut from a large round cork, have stayed on fine for close to a month now. I would advise that the peices you use be thick as cork will crumble if it is cut to thin after the pressure of holding your nose shut is applied to it in the water.
Neoprene compresses when you dive deeper. This may loosen the noseclip quite a bit on descent. Therefore I would not use neoprene but go for something like cork.

For glue I would use waterresistant glue. Just ask in the shop. For many materials LocTite might be the strongest glue but Cyanoacrilate (superglue/ 10 second glue) might be good enough and is easier to get. :friday :chatup
This is an excellent noseclip which I received from my freediving instructor, former world record holder Erez Beatus!


  • noseclip3.jpg
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This is the ONE piece of freediving gear that seems like almost anyone could make themselves, custom fit to their own anatomy, using a stiff plastic frame, cork pads, glue, etc.

A little bit of heat from a heat gun or small torch allows you to bend a short length of acrylic plastic (rod or bar) stock to right shape. Trim to right length, adjust final shape and internal spacing between ends... then file ends to make the correct angle of contact between ends of stock and with sides of nose. Then apply cork, rubber or soft silicone pads on the ends of filed ends, using superglue or acrylic cement. With correct stiffness of plastic frame, internal spacing, and pad material, there should be enough tension and clip-to-skin friction to keep the clip in place over any depth range.

I'll be making my own, and will post a photo later. Hope this is helpful.
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sammydive said:
There is only one good nose clip for freediving and it’s a pain-in-the-butt to get. It’s the PARADISIA. It is made by a French man who doesn’t speak much English and doesn’t sell it to dive shops often. There are some threads here in db that tell you how to buy one from him. Do a search and you will find them.

I am a Parisian freediver and nose-clipping has always been a great preoccupation for me...

I bought in Paris a decent nose-clip for 5 € in Paris... in the shop "plongespace"... It's kind of string necklace ; + 2 rubber pieces applied to my nose by kind of pinch...

quite rudimentary but it is quite efficient for pool training : it allows me to put on swimming goggles, which feels better and reduces the drag...

I've never tried my nose-clip for deep diving... but shall try one of these days...

Next time I go to the diving pit, I'll try going underwater with nothing on the eyes nor on the nose, in order to test kind of "sinus flooding"...

I am kind of astouded and flattered as a Frenchman to hear thar the best nose-clip in the world might be French ! Who is it ?
zag0r said:
why doesn't someone/some company look at producing decent nose clips commercially(sp)?

excellent question I have asked myself many times ! and the market DOES exist !
as far as I am concerned there are two kinds of noseclips: The ones that use the tightening system of the Paradisia. This system is patented. And then there are those very similar to the classic synchronized swimming noseclips. They can be obtained easily anyway.
So building noseclips commercially is probably either pretty complicated to the restrictions you have to overcome or not worth it.
Just my 2 cents worth.
hi, every body,
I'm looking for a nose clip, any want know, how to make it, please let my know.
Welcome to the forum Luis,
If you do a search on "nose clip" you will find a lot of information. Some people have given instructions on making them as well.

The lovely thing about patents is that the Paradisia patent will only hold in the country it was patented in. You can easily sell the product, even online, to any country, as long as your country of operation isn't the country of the patent.
Heres some photos of my nose clip and pipe mask i made a while ago .
1.To make the nose clip i found some perspex in my shed about 5mm thick . 2. Cut out with a hacksaw the rough shape the 2 sides and slider bar. 3. Shaped them with a dremel drill [A small hand drill will various attachments] 4. Cut the holes for the slider bar (I wanted to make it as tight as i could in the begining then trim it later) .5. I used a candle to shape the sides. I had to play with them with the candle until i got them parallel on my nose .[tip wait until they cool down until you put them on your nose] :hmm .6.Drilled hole in the middle of the slider bar for some shoelace to use as necklace/safety rope. 7.Super glue some shamouis onto the surface which is in contact with your nose. I used some swimming cap cut-outs to start with but they were to grippy to pull off on the ascent and too uncomfortable. I got the shamouis idea off the paradisa. It holds well and is easy to tug off. 8.To finish off i shaped the whole thing to make it as low profile as i could.
It may look dodgy but it works very well .This is my version 1.0!!! One thing it has over the paradisa is that they seem to be too lose or too tight where with this one you can get the pressure just right. It took me about 1 hour to make (with a questioning eye from the wifey....).
I used it the other day and set 2 new pbs in no fins and free immersion. :) . Its great to have my arms free . One other thing that i did on the pipe mask was to put a valve on the end so when its not in your mouth the water doesn't get in. I hope this helps someone.
Cheers Nathan Watts
Sydney Australia
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Hey Nath,

Funny story, I just (like about an hour ago) finished gluing up one for myself... doesn't look a thing like yours, but I like yours better. Lucky I bought half a square meter of perspex... :)

Cheers mate,

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Yeh i know mine is soon to be mass produced by dodgy bros. pty ltd . :friday
Hello from Carlos
Paradisia Noseclip available at http/www.onebreath.nu/shop/default.asp.
The owner is called Gunnar (from Sweden) email :<gunnar@onebreath.nu>
Tell him that Carlos Lopez send you. Email him in English since he is fluent, Sincerely Carlos
What's the difference between the noseclip and the wishbone that Omer sells?

Just realized the thread is over a year old. Maybe things have changed since then.
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