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Nov 8th

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"fish Fried Eggs" did make me vomit in my mouth a little. Wait till you goto the OUTLET- you'll think you've died and gone to heaven. You be like a little kid in a candy store. Fish Fried Eggs - now I don't feel very good :X
1 pound eggs, 1 egg, salt, black pepper, red pepper, mix with a mixer, fried in oil in slightly larger than bite size pieces. yum.
Reactions: Whopperhead
I think carp lost favor with the little bones and strong flavor. It seems a lot of European foods have stronger flavors. American food has gone a different direction. A less natural, less earthy flavoring. I remember my grandparents used to cook things that smelled bad to me, even my mother-in-law makes stuff that I can't even stand the smell of, but it used to be common. My mother-in-law loves liver and onions. I call it farm food. That is not a negative statement, it's because that is how a lot of my relatives on my mom's side lived. Boiling, frying and backing things that I thought were crazy. One of my great aunts that we would go visit had jars of things in the pantry that I could not even recognize.

Countries like Bulgaria still make the foods like this and they have grown up with them. Americans have fast food. Even Chineese restaraunts are Americanized. It would take a lot of time for me to get used to eating that type of food. I'm a picky eater! I am working on it though.

A friend of mine goes to a Greek restaraunt here in Peoria and knows the owner. My friend once said to the owner that he loves their food. The owner told him, "we don't make our food the same for Americans as we do for us and our Greek friends". My friend likes a lot of different foods and said he was sure he would like it the way they prepare it for themselves. He finally convinced the owner to let him try. He did not like it. I don't know what was done different, I'll have to ask.
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Chris you hit the nail..That's it..We like the food with stronger flavors.
And we eat strange things too...Like frog legs , pork hearts, feet, liver, tongues , chicken liver .btw the chicken liver in Bulgaria is the most expensive part of the chicken
I've had Frog legs- not bad. Kalin- we butcher our cows in the spring. I will hook you up with all the Liver, Heart & Tongue you can handle. FREE. This is beef, does that matter?
You don't know what you waste..I'm taking it..any quantity .150,000 Bulgarians are living in Chicago area
Hmmmm, I see a side business forming here.

I think I just figured out how I can pay for my kid's college. rofl

Kalin is going to need a big cooler dry ice and a pickup truck to take all these carp and cow parts home! Do you have a big freezer at home too?
Pickup truck??? I do not think so. I am not eating only this kind of food...I only mean we do not throw it away ......You get me wrong....all I say that the culture is different in Europe....people is more into savings...Not just food..everything..for example-98% of homes and apartments in Bulgaria is owned without mortgage..................................................and this food is good anyway...Why throw it away?
[SIZE=+1]Steamed Carp in Egg Custard[/SIZE]
1 whole carp, about 3/4 lb. (350g), with head and tail (substitute trout or other firm-flesh freshwater fish)""""" roflroflrofl:naughty:t
My grandfather used to say that smoked carp tasted much better than smoked trout. He ran a small grocery store for years and used to keep some smoked carp on hand for his better customers. Something about the oily nature of the fish kept it from drying out too much in the smoking process.

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