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Pool Pervert

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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What would you do if you noticed a pervert in the pool checking out lady swimmers?

  • Ignore it and focus on your workout

    Votes: 13 24.1%
  • Tell the lifeguard

    Votes: 7 13.0%
  • Tell the lady swimmer about it

    Votes: 6 11.1%
  • Confront the pervert

    Votes: 16 29.6%
  • Grab the guy and drag him to the bottom of the pool

    Votes: 5 9.3%
  • Complain or notify facility management

    Votes: 7 13.0%

  • Total voters
This topic reminds me on a comic strip that has been posted some time ago:


  • espera_larga.jpg
    157.4 KB · Views: 447
HAHA! thats funny, but the bubbles are a dead giveaway

EDIT: if only the women at my pool were naked babes :(
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ok ok now I'm confused. Lets see the women put on a sting bikini and jump in the pool but we are not suppose to look! mmm lemme think !
ooooo ok!! I get it The next line would be "would someone please close the lid on my coffin?" When I see a pretty woman swim by the first thing I do is check my pulse and thank God I'm alive:friday

btw jimdoe, sorry to hear about your son who would do such a thing to our future freedivers. After all the future of our beloved sport is in our youths.

ya know that reminds me. A buddy of mine was swimming at a pool in the UK while he was visiting there. And he saw a woman who had left her headlamps on her car burning. He said it was quite funny how every time he swam toward her to tell her, she kept swimming to the other side of the pool then she would dissappear for like 5 mins.:confused:
I was at a Water Polo training session about 10 years ago and we had these two lovely young girls watching us from the side of the pool.( they were having a good old Perv)

One of them went for a swim and pulled herself onto the side pool as she did her bikini top ( strappless ) slid down, she sat on the side of the pool with her friend for about 2 minutes and couldnt figure out while most of the players had stopped training and were stairing at her.

It was then her friend noticed that we were all perving at her friends ample chest and they both ran away.

I would have loved for the poolies to try and through the 20 of us out for having a Perv

All this time I thought that the lifeguards were watching me to make sure that I didn't drown while practicing dynamics. Now I wonder if they ensuring that I wasn't perving. It wouldn't really work for me anyways, everytime I start diving, half the kids in the pool come over and start diving too. I feel like the bloody Pied-piper. However, I do have a tendency to stare at my girlfriend while she is swimming.
On the flip side, as a guy I have been perved at the pool. This old guy used to stare at me everytime I went to the pool and had a tendency to arrive in the changeroom while I was changing.
Returning to the original question: the proper course of action would be to report it, not complain, to the lifeguard or the pool management. Preceptions of perversion vary from person to person as this thread shows.

Having said that, this post brought back a twenty-five year old memory. For a several month stretch of time, a lady came to lap swim. She had the habit of having the top of her suit slip past her breasts. She would continue swimming for the duration of her workout. Could I not look? Obviously, I did. (I tried to avoid goggle to goggle contract... but I had a hard time not looking her way) I rationalized it this way: I could not imagine that she did not know she was swimming bare-breasted. So, it seemed that she was asking all the other lap swimmers to look. Now, who would be the pervert in this situation? If a man exposes himself, it's more perverted that if a woman exposes herself. Actually, what's perverted and what's not depends on who gets offended. In the original situation of this thread, it seemed like a third party got more offended than the actual participants. That's why it would be best to let a fourth party, like a lifeguard or pool manager, decide any appropriate action.

That's another 2¢...

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rofl rofl rofl

oh Jim
did i mention your son was with another small individual and they were carrying those plastic swords underwater? Waving them about? A strange individual indeed.

And yes, ggarett, the lady whose mammaries were poking over the top of her bathing suit was probably not doing it on purpose as if you wear balconette style (Wonder Bra) bikinis the rush of water tends to do that and that is possibly what sparked the youngster's interest, rather like a young voyeur in a peep show, staring through those funny lenses of a Kinetoscope trying his best to see the full image but it's not quite visible while he desperately stick another 2c in the slot and tries not dribble on the eyepiece.... rofl it's at that point in the pool that his goggles are not goggles any more but rather googles...

I was in the LADIES CLUB at the time where one expects privacy and the whole point of the club is maharem :D i.e. one expects to escape from prying eyes and enjoy the freedom of exposing some parts of your body that, in this country, no other men may see except your husband... :D
You do have to use discretion on whether or not the person is truly perving. In the case of the topless ladies, it's probably a cross between checking them out and a double take, as in 'I can't believe I just saw that'. In that case, pretty much anyone could be excused for glancing over, kind of like a car wreck.
that happened to me once here in a pool in Dubai. Fortunately (or unfortunately for the guy) he was only about NINE YEARS OLD, but old enough however, to stare at me under water using his mask.. he was even trying to stay ahead of me to see me from the front...

I swam close to him, pushed his head under the water for about 3 seconds, then brought him to the surface, and shouted in his face. WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT???? WHAT DO YOU WANT? WHO IS YOUR MOTHER AND WHERE IS SHE???

Island Sands you should realy think about the effect this could have before taking such action, because it happened to me.

I guess I was only starting to see women as a subject of pleasure when I was in the local pool with my mask and snorkle.

After admiring a well built women for a while she did the same as you. Grabbed me and held me under for what seemed ages. Dragged me to the surface and demanded to see my mother.

My little heart was beating and with the small amount of breath I had left in me I sobbed. "I'm 59 she's been dead for years you stupid bitch."
Poida said:
Island Sands you should realy think about the effect this could have before taking such action, because it happened to me.

I guess I was only starting to see women as a subject of pleasure when I was in the local pool with my mask and snorkle.

After admiring a well built women for a while she did the same as you. Grabbed me and held me under for what seemed ages. Dragged me to the surface and demanded to see my mother.

My little heart was beating and with the small amount of breath I had left in me I sobbed. "I'm 59 she's been dead for years you stupid bitch."

rofl rofl oh well with that language it proves that little boys aged nine are yet too old to be accompanying their mother's /nannies to the club.. should be going to the men's club at that point...
more than once i have had to go behind the curtains in the provided cubicles to avoid the pointed stares of "nine year olds" who clearly are not their age rofl rofl
island_sands said:
more than once i have had to go behind the curtains in the provided cubicles to avoid the pointed stares of "nine year olds" who clearly are not their age rofl rofl
Are you saying they are malnourished 16 year olds?
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When I was 16/17 we had our school carnival at the local pool. Our group of about 15 kids was sitting around our spot when we noticed that one of the girls in a one-piece had a boob hanging out the side, obliviously chatting away to us. After a combination of staring at the sky, the ground and ultimately the boob, one of the guys went up and casually said "Hey Kelly - you're boob's hanging out mate". She laughed, slotted it back it and once again balance was restored in the universe.:D
BennyB said:
When I was 16/17 we had our school carnival at the local pool. Our group of about 15 kids was sitting around our spot when we noticed that one of the girls in a one-piece had a boob hanging out the side, obliviously chatting away to us. After a combination of staring at the sky, the ground and ultimately the boob, one of the guys went up and casually said "Hey Kelly - you're boob's hanging out mate". She laughed, slotted it back it and once again balance was restored in the universe.:D

rofl rofl
love it :D

We used to collapse laughing at school swim training because of all the guys with uncomfortable looks on their faces while they were standing on the dive boards... needless to say they were sporting School Regulation green banana hammocks of the Speedo nature rofl rofl

no balance in that universe... never seen so many guys with their hands kinda folded in front of their frontals and their cheeks glowing rofl

yeah we were mean... mean!
If someone was staring at my wife while we swam I wouldn't really care too much- hell, I like looking at her too.:inlove

Now, is some perv is checking out my kid while we're at the pool then we're going to have a little talk- and a private swim lesson .:martial

When I was in college I guarded at this pool where I had this guy who used to stare at me while he swam laps. It was pretty creepy, but the other guards said he did that to all of them at one point or another. He would just swim back and forth in the lane in front of me staring at me every time he took a breathing stroke. I igonored him and he found another guard to look at after a short bit.

We had another LADY, at the same pool, who used to place herself in a strategic position over the water filter return jet on the side of the pool. That was crossing the line a bit too far and we would get the pool manager to remove her for the day- it's ok to love the water as long as you don't LOVE the water I'm swimming in. :yack

I've never had a fight in the pool, but a friend of mine did while he was swimming laps one day. He just kept on swimming as this guy took a swing at him. Next lap back he just did a simple kick turn, into the guys chest, and kept on swimming without ever missing a beat.rofl No reason to let someone ruin a perfectly good workout. ;)

I also think it depends on what they are doing. If someone is just staring, or making rude jokes with their friends, I wouldn't make a fuss about it. It could be a misunderstanding, and I wouldn't want to get someone into trouble unfairly. Maybe it's just a freediver getting some training done. :D

If someone is actually following me or someone else, and I am sure of it, I would ask them to stop or tell a member of staff. The same goes for making unacceptable comments. And of course, if someone is behaving suspiciously to children or other vulnerable people, I would report it immediately.

I prefer the "hairy Strawberry" method.

involves catching the pervert mid-stare and mooning them. cheaks wide!

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I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say, ......................."Thanks For That Visual"!!!! :yack

rofl rofl rofl
That might horrify some innocent bystanders, and then they would be scarred for life.
Most importantly, if the perv is checking you out phibbyus, that might be seen as not as a deterrent...
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