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Project "Carbon strongback gun"

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Im green as grass to spearfishin....2 years in. But the cheap reels are just to hold line right....or do you use them like fishing reels. I free spool(no drag) when im fly fishing. and im in alaska.

A good rinse will save the cheapie reels.

Well the backbone came out just fine, I have placed in back in the former to cure over the next few days.
I will be ordering the cedar tomorrow - 4 x 40mm x 20mm x 1.5mt so it should be milled & ready for next weekend.
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getting their Fox! looks good, look forward to seeing the finished product and see how it shoots! very interesting build a little like the Imersion Pelahic guns now that i think of it, but MUCH more involved and cool looking.

Getting there but I do have some concerns - the backbone seems incredibly strong, possibly far stronger than needed but it also seems a little heavy!
I will have to hope the lightweight cedar will offer enough buoyancy?
What this means is I will have to somehow check the guns buoyancy before I glue in the wood. I could possibly cut some holes in the CF if necessary?
Whatever it takes but the gun must be neutrally balanced in the water to make it all worthwhile.
Agreed!, strange that a carbon back bone would weigh so much, maybe too much resin?

i'd trim the wood to aproximate shape and just tape them to the back bone and see if they float, adding pockets of foam into the wood may also helps to add bouyancy in specific places. will be interesting thats for sure.

how much does the back bone alone weigh?

Send the wife on holiday and get some salt for the Jacuzzi mix to a density of
1.23 app.....float test.:friday
Cheers, Don
You sure? Is that to simulate seawater? Seems awfully heavy Don. That would be 76 lbs/cu.ft.

It was Martini time I left out a 0..... 1.023 I'll leave out the temp adjustment.
Thank god I put enough Grey Goose in my glass, Tinman.
Cheers, Don
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The cedar has been bought & shaped to fit the carbon.
I weighed the strongback - 3lb1oz & the wood 4lb 9oz.
However I estimate that one third or the carbon will be removed in the shaping process & about 60% of the wood!


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The cedar has been bought & shaped to fit the carbon.
I weighed the strongback - 3lb1oz & the wood 4lb 9oz.
However I estimate that one third or the carbon will be removed in the shaping process & about 60% of the wood!
looks awsome fox. cant wait for the finished product.
and sorry to be off topic but hww do i get all the dripped glue and stuff off my stock?
Depends on the circumstances mate - I would normally be planing up the glued up blank so any excess glue would not be a concern.
However a cabinet scraper is a good tool.
Well I glued up the wood & stuck it down to the carbon!
To be honest I am not at all sure how it is going to turn out ?

I had an idea & I have put it into action but my lack of CF experience has resulted in a quite heavy CF structure.

My initial structure was very light & reasonably stiff but had very little torque resistance or actual aesthetic thickness. So I added additional glassfiber mat & epoxy, this made the backbone very stiff (& attractive for my purpose) but added weight.
Now I am unsure if the gun will be neutral in the sea?

Most of my guns are built very close to the edge & plenty rejected because thet dont meet the mark - close maybe but a miss is a good as a mile!
if nothing else Fixfish, it will be a beautiful gun that can be added to the wall in the den! still look forward to seeing the finished product thats for sure.

Mart, the job has been an inspiration to me and no doubt many others, even if you never shoot a fish it has already served that purpose! Cary on to the end, even if you don't like it many parts will serve for other guns. I am on my third potato canon now, i know, i know, not the same, but the third would not be so cool if it had not been for the early (exploding) disasters

next time you can build up thickness with1/8" divinicell and make your strong back sandwich core construction .thats what i do when i lay up lightweight dive boards
Reactions: Don Paul
Well you live & learn Phil.

Today I removed some stock to obtain the basic taper & then I took the project to the sea.
I wanted to just see if the gun would float so I fitted the 1.3mt 8mm spear in the rail &.......it floats quite high in the water!
Unfortunately I still need to remove loads of the wood to get the desired shape - fingers crossed.
PS the gun in its present form weighs 5lb 6oz


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Bravo Mart, even with the mech and a light reel I still think your in good shape. Nice progress.
Cheers, Don

PS Nice camo.... it blends in great with the floor.
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Looks awesome fox, i guess its probably a good thing you went with the cedar as anything with a higher density would probably be negative by now huh?
I have now removed more wood & attained the basic shape I wanted, I simply ran my electric planner down the length & tidied it up a bit with a small sharp block plane.
Back down the beach &.....yep still floating :friday
This now means I can add the final shaping, cut out the wooden block in the trigger housing & shape the band holes.
Still plenty to do after that like the handle, making it look pretty with some wood stain & ultimately covering the whole gun in transparent fiberglass cloth & epoxy.
The gun now weighs 4lb 60z.


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