Oceanswimmer - I do appreciate you're concern, I just wanted to make it clear that I have had some experience with these substances so my point that I think it is NOT safe to dive on drugs since many people who do use these substances(at least 20% of the people on this board do according to the poll) tend not to trust the opinion of those who have no drug experience in regards to safety issues.
I want to reiterate that I don't think it's safe to dive on drugs, I've only thought about it.
I think the anti-drug policies of the US have done a great disservice to people by making all recreational drugs seem unsafe when many of them have never been proven to cause any problems. This tends to make people distrust information indicating something is unsafe since most of the info the government puts out is bullshit. This has the negative effect of backfiring when people start using pot etc and some then get the idea that they are invinsible. I myself have felt that way at times.
I just wanted to identify myself as a occassional recreational drug user that thinks diving on drugs is a BAD idea. I hope the fact that I approached the subject in a lighter manner makes anyone think that I take the issue lightly, I just don't have the "Drugs are Bad" knee jerk reaction that most have.
I want to reiterate that I don't think it's safe to dive on drugs, I've only thought about it.
I think the anti-drug policies of the US have done a great disservice to people by making all recreational drugs seem unsafe when many of them have never been proven to cause any problems. This tends to make people distrust information indicating something is unsafe since most of the info the government puts out is bullshit. This has the negative effect of backfiring when people start using pot etc and some then get the idea that they are invinsible. I myself have felt that way at times.
I just wanted to identify myself as a occassional recreational drug user that thinks diving on drugs is a BAD idea. I hope the fact that I approached the subject in a lighter manner makes anyone think that I take the issue lightly, I just don't have the "Drugs are Bad" knee jerk reaction that most have.