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South Devon 2014

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
cheers think I'll make a trip down there before the end of the year. I'm guessing there are some good spots for spearing nearby? as i hear thurlestone mentioned on here quite a bit.
Haven't dived it this year but usually some big wrasse, nice to watch. like previous post never seen any takeable fish, apart from pollock. Google it and maps will put you right on it.
Swim from golf club end - park in their car park at the end and cut through the footpath, sometimes £3 to park other times I've phoned up and let you park for free.
Or park national trust south Milton - main part of the beach. Sting you for £4 but this time of year they may have packed up for the winter so then it's free.
Either way enter from whatever side of the headland you are on and swim out 90 degrees to the headland and large block of apartments as a guide. Dive on a low tide to start, sometimes part of the wreck is slightly out of the water.

Problem with thurlestone is every man and his dog heads there. Dive by all means but either head further out to the reef in the bay and the deeper channels.
And don't be the muppet who we saw a while ago walking up the beach with a loaded gun!!
Oh yeah, the important point...never seen any decent fish around it at all. Others may have had a different experience but I have heard others say the same.

If you're taking a camera it's a great site. There are plenty of better places to take a gun.
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Thanks for the info on the dive site, keen to do it just as a dive but I will have a look that way for spearing sites, as i want somewhere for future trips that's gonna hold out a bit against easterlies.
This is a dive report from the 22 August. Bit late i know but i dont get time to post these days and the post never seem to get any response

I went for a shore dive yesterday. My first dive for may be 3 weeks. It was one of those mornings when it was a pleasure to be up so early. I parked the car in one of the only free car parking spots I could find in this beautiful Cornish seaside village. It was perfect conditions with no wind flat seas and sunshine. A quick look out over the dive area and just as I thought not another spearo in si...ght. I started to get my gear out of the boot of the car when nature called. I cant dive trying to hold one in so a quick dash up the road to some public toilets. I was in look they were unlocked this early in the morning. Spotlessly clean I thought while sat there but to my horror when I reached for the loo paper "Empty". Hell my day just got shitty!! I had a brainwave then. It was very early in the morning and I had only seen a few dog walkers heading towards the beach. I thought a quick dash next door to the ladies to grab some loo paper could be my life saver. Tracky bottoms half pulled up and doing the penguin shuffle I made a 20m dash to the ladies. The toilets face the main road that run through the village, lucky enough being 7am in the morning nobody was around to see me. Plenty of loo roll in the ladies so I pulled off a large amount far more than I needed and made the long run (penguin shuffle) back to the gents with my tracky bottoms even further down. To my horror when I came running out of the ladies with my trouser half down and a hand full of tissues a double decker bus was parked right outside full of people off to work. I don't know what they thought because it just didn't look normal. I will give that place a miss for a while now!!

To many fish taken to post pics!!
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Think I've read similar about you mate maybe on another site otherwise you've got a problem!!!
Reactions: shiny1
I copied and pasted off my Facebook wall. I thought i would try to put some life back into the Devon thread.
Good report Shiny, although surprised as only a few posts ago you informed us of your butt plug approach for such circumstances)

Less funny and without any incidents of having to go to great lengths to wipe my arse, I had a quick dive after work in Torquay and came away with a bass and 2 mullet all unremarkably average. But will taste good
Ah well yes, butt wipes and mullet do seem to match quite well
Reactions: Dai ASBO
Surprised you found viz. good on you
Mixed vis, generally not great but enough fish around to be rewarded. Also went in early Thursday morning and spent the first hour using the torch for the first time before the sun came up. Great experience and worth getting up at silly o'clock but didn't see much. Vis was dreadful, saw plenty come and go but too quickly and fleetingly to take anything amongst the gloom.
Hi All
My first catch report so be gentle. Got in this afternoon on east side of the south hams, fished 2hrs either side of the high tide. Viz was alright around 5m but fair bit of swell made getting in and out a bit of a scramble. Didnt see much for the first hour except some rapid mullet which had no chance on, then a nice solitary bass came out the gloom and lined right up. Got a good shot in but still somehow managed to wiggle off the spear, luckily was half stoned so launched at him and got a good hold. New pb at 6lb so well pleased. Weather is looking nice for the coming week so hopefully some more dives before the seasons out.
Morning all, have just received a weekend pass for a trip furthur west, looking for a mark in SouthDevon, Google earth shows some promising diving off Membury does any one have any experience in this area ref vis/currents??