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Spearfishing in Alaska?

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New Member
Mar 13, 2007
Hi! I'm new to th the forum. I was wondering if anybody has ever spearfished in Alaska. I currently live in SE Alaska. (Prince of Wales Island) I am a fishing guide and I absolutely love to fish, but am getting bored of the rod/reel fishing. I also surf here in Alaska so I am used to the cold water.

We have big King Salmon, Ling Cod, and Halibut that move into shallow kelp beds in ultra clear water. Any reason why I couldn't spearfish for them? I've never heard of anybody doing it up here. I've done some spearfishing when I was in the Bahamas and I loved it.
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Hi Aksurfer,
I only know of a few freedivers scattered around Southeast Alaska, but there are Scuba spearfishermen down there.
I was the only one up here for a few years, but there are now half a dozen of us up in Anchorage that freedive spearfish in Seward and Prince William Sound. It's been mostly for rockfish, with salmon (silvers, reds and pinks) thrown in for August. I got one king last year.

Technically, it is illegal to spearfish with a speargun in Alaska. A couple of us use 3-prong pole spears. The rest of the frreedivers, the bubble blowers, and we do some times, go ahead and use spearguns. The rule is old, and there is no enforcement of it. We will be trying to change it next year when the fisheries board meets.


Be prepared for cold water and great fishing. Nobody freediving has speared a halibut yet, but we're trying. Kodiak is the best bet at the moment, but if you find one first, feel free to let us know about it.

You can also go to Yahoo groups and try to find Alaskafreedivers and join.
AlaskaFreedivers : Alaska Freedivers Association
That would be a good way for us to stay in contact as spearfishing progresses up here
AK surfer what are you doing on POW are working for the forest service or logging man I miss southeast Ak. I lived for several years in Petersburg wish I would have known about the open cell 7 mil wetsuits scuba dived couple times use to love sea kayaking miss the fish and game smoked black cod was my favorite. Went to a log scaleing class at thorne bay many years ago.
I lived in the logging camps at Little Naukati, Big Naukati, Coffman Cove, and Whale Pass on POW in the early 80s. Those were the days of no roads and no game wardens! I miss seeing salmon so thick that you caught them with your hands.
Hello aksurfer,, I lived in the Mat-Su Valley and around Dillingham for about 15 years. had to leave to go back to FL to care for my dad who is very ill. Anyway, I know of a couple of guys who did some spearfishing for halibut around Homer. They did fair, but with the tides, currents, and the frigid water they couldn't stay down or in the water very long. I hope hteas can get the regulations changed as I am planning on returning to AK pretty soon and one of my goals is to start a spearfishing charter service arond the Kenai Penn area.


They now have very active troopers on the island who take game violations very seriously. I wish I could have been on POW 20 years ago. Sounded like a pretty crazy place from the stories I hear. I think we are still one of the only pure places left in SE Alaska. No cruise ships!!
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What kind of boat do you think would be best for chartering spear fishermen in Alaska?

I really like the Pacific Boats for the low maintenance, safety, ride, and fish ability. I own the 1925v currently, but I'm considering upgrading to the 23' or 26'.
Hi! I'm new to th the forum. I was wondering if anybody has ever spearfished in Alaska. I currently live in SE Alaska. (Prince of Wales Island) I am a fishing guide and I absolutely love to fish, but am getting bored of the rod/reel fishing. I also surf here in Alaska so I am used to the cold water.

We have big King Salmon, Ling Cod, and Halibut that move into shallow kelp beds in ultra clear water. Any reason why I couldn't spearfish for them? I've never heard of anybody doing it up here. I've done some spearfishing when I was in the Bahamas and I loved it.

Man, I have always wanted to try and nail a big halibut freediving in AK! You have to PM me and let me know when the regs will make it legal. How deep are the kelp beds where you can get the big Hali? I will go up there and make a video of the whole expedition! Really, its sounds ultra cool and I really want to try it!

You AK boys let me know when I can come up and really pull it off and I will be there!

I dream of shooting a barn door of a Halibut and having it drag me for miles!

Note to AKSurfer and everyone else who is interested.
I sent in the application to the Alaska Fisheries Board to change the regs to allow spearguns. The deadline is April 10th. The hearing on the change won't happen until some time between October 2007 and March 2008. No idea at this point what the decision will be. The only recent decision that is at all similar is there was a petition to allow spearing pike statewide from boats or from the ice. It is allowed now in the Susitna valley and around Anchorage. It was just turned down, but I don't know why.
Until then it will remain a pole spear challange.
Note to AKSurfer and everyone else who is interested.
I sent in the application to the Alaska Fisheries Board to change the regs to allow spearguns. The deadline is April 10th. The hearing on the change won't happen until some time between October 2007 and March 2008. No idea at this point what the decision will be. The only recent decision that is at all similar is there was a petition to allow spearing pike statewide from boats or from the ice. It is allowed now in the Susitna valley and around Anchorage. It was just turned down, but I don't know why.
Until then it will remain a pole spear challange.

Does this mean I can get one freediving with a pole spear/hawaiian sling? Does the pole spear have to have 3 points or can I use just one?(breakaway) Still would be awsome to try! How deep can you find them? Or should I say how shallow.

Don't know yet. None of us has done it yet. My Odor is a heavy spear with an AB Biller slip tip, and is attached to a float line. Without having tried it yet on a big fish, I'm not sure about results.
The snapper whisperer, in NZ, is using a Manny Puig spear with Riffe slip tip, and has been spearing snappers to I think 40 lb. he may also have speared a yellowtail or two, as well.
There's even stories about tigers and makos taken with 3-prongs by Hawaiians.

One was spotted in about 40 ft off Seward last year, but there are places like southeast Alaska, where aksurfer lives, where they may come in shallower.

The possibilities are limitless (until we actually try it).
AKSURFER, I'm from Hawaii and I'm coming up to Prince of Wales Island in mid July and wanted to do some spearfishing. I'll be staying in Craig if you want to get a few dives in.
I do a lot of spearfishing in Hawaii and I've been all over the world for spearfishing competitions so I have cold water gear. This will be my first in Alaska, let me know!.

Cool! I'd love to dive with you. I better hurry up and get that big halibut before you show up!:t I'm ordering up a Daryl Wong speargun from Hawaii. I think it's going to be the cat's meow for a big halibut. Are you staying at any particular lodge?
AK, AWESOME!!! I'm stoked! I read in one of the other posts that spearguns are illegal, is that true? I have a few questions about gear too.

What is the water temp. and what thickness suit do you use?
What is the water visibility? What depth do you usually dive?
What species are we able to shoot?
If guns are legal, what length guns do you use?
Most of all, how is the fishing in July!!

The Thursday get together we limited to general talk about spearfishing and access (boats). There were three of us that have been diving up here for a while, and four new divers. Your name came up, but nobody is sure when any of us will be down there. I hope to this summer.

Hi Andy. You going to make it up to Anchorage as well/If so give me a call.

The spearfishing question is suddenly not so clear. Seacidal, a lawyer, wrote to the state Dept of Justice, and got a letter saying that they would decline to prosecute anyone for using a speargun here. But it may still be technically illegal, leaving those hunting for a world record dragging a pole spear around. Not sure at the moment.
Howard, Don't think I'll have time to get up to Anchorage this summer, But I'm thinking of making an Alaska trip an annual thing. I'll be on POW in mid July if you're in the area.

Howzit guy's,

From hawaii as well, it's been warming up and was thinking about spearfishing/diving sometime this summer currently in Anchorage. Do know the first thing about diving up here but dove all my life. Searching the web lead me here. Good find. Don't have my gear but going back to the Aloha state in a couple days hoping I could touch base with you folks before then to see if it's really worth the extra effort to bring my gear up. Also have a couple of teenage sons who have being diving most of there life as well.

Much mahalo's for any input.

jst, there is a small band of hardy freedivin' souls in Anchorage. And you're in luck. Our monthly get-together meeting is tomorrow, Thursday, at the Snow Goose Restaurant on 3rd Ave. See you upstairs at 5:30 pm. - The Worlds Largest Community Dedicated To Freediving, Scuba Diving and Spearfishing


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