Here are a coupla photos of a wsb that I shot about a week ago. It measured 33 in. and was probably +- 10-15 lbs. I did not weigh it. This was a small fish in comparison to the others that Ive been spying. Actually, Id been seeing all sorts of different sized wsb recently but had been unable to overcome their superaquatic powers which include, but are not limited to;
Diver Freeze ( where the fish renders the diver unable to move or think),
Cloaking ( where the fish metamorphisises into kelp, sand, rock, or water), and
Superior Wisdom ( similar to Diver Freeze, but is used by wsb to come very close to a diver when it knows that the saftey has been left on, your finger is not on the trigger, the gun is pointing the wrong way, are reloading bands, or are waiting to shoot the bigger fish that lies behind the one that is an easier shot).
I tried to explain this to the old lady every time I came empty handed. She told me to just shoot , so this day I did.
I had not been in the water 5 min. before a handful of fish swam beneath me, over a patch of sand that made them easily visible. I did not wait to see a bigger one, and the shaft entered through the back, diagonally toward the head. Pretty much dead, the fish did not put up much resistance as I returned to the beach after less than 10 minutes in the water.