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Spearfishing Photos

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Here's my new PB fish.

Shot him in 90+ ft. :p



  • 70lb ulua 02 5 sm.jpg
    70lb ulua 02 5 sm.jpg
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Giant trevally arent known for being the best tasting fish..:hmm

But a nice fish all the same! Great shot too. Stoned him or no?
nice one!

the lumber in front is a sweet - custom?

so are you on the right? maybe the left? how do you load such a big gun with such little arms?

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I'm a bigger version of the guy on the right. That's Tyger and the guy on the left is my step son Max.

The gun I built myself. It's a beast, but very accurate and I can shoot small or big fish.

If prepared properly Ulua can be quite tasty.

The fish was 70lbs. The hole you can see is the exit wound. I hit it on my way down, so it hit just in front of the dorsal fin. I "had" a Sporasub float, but it ripped the straps off and took my shaft tag line and stringer and left my tired old float on the surface. The fish ran out toward the deep, but I didn't know that my line had ripped off until I saw my float drifting away. So I told my buddies to start diving to look for my line. My main concern was getting my $60+ shaft back. After I recovered from my dive I started looking and saw the fish back toward the ledge in about 80+ ft. I dove to see if my shaft was still in it and sure enough it was sticking straight up out of it's back. The line was slightly rapped in the coral and when the fish saw me it started to run out towards the deep. I saw my line trailing behind it. I was going to go down and grab the line and see if I could wrestle it up when I saw it start to pull the fish. I fallowed the line back to a big coral head where it was stuck. I was winded from my dives and I asked two of my buddies if they could dive down and shoot it again, they both said "no we can't dive that deep", "you have to go". So with very little recovery I took my friends gun down and shot it again. After we pulled it to the surface and got it on a stringer I had to retrieve my line. I pulled myself down it free immersion and as I reached the bottom I saw that I had clipped my line to the same ring as my stringer (which I had done just before that dive) and the stringer was stuck on a small peice of coral. I gave the line some slack and the stringer just fell out. Pretty fricken lucky! But I'd rather be lucky than good any day.

Did you guys noticed how the black kitty scared from this monster

Nice one Deron didnt think you were much of a spearo very cool you should post here more often. He if you had asked me to get your fish at 80ft + I too would have said the same thing lucky your a pro freediver or that Gt may have dissapeared into the depths.

Thanks Ivan,

I accually went from a spearo to deep diver.

I used to commercial spearfish here in Hawaii and I used to spearo halibut in CA.

I like to eat the smaller reef fish here so that's what I mainly go for.

I have always wanted to shoot an Ono or Mahi Mahi and that's what we were looking for when I came across this monster.

We just had our freedive club meeting last night and the guys I was with seem to think it was 100+. I don't know and I'd be a little more conservative in the estimate.

I'll deffinently check-in to this section more often.

Dive Deep, Live Long and don't always shoot the biggest one.
We need to save some for our kids.

Originally posted by DSV
Dive Deep, Live Long and don't always shoot the biggest one.
We need to save some for our kids.

Smoothly put and worthy of karma.


DSV do you guys in hawaii get Spanish Mackeral, I dont know what they are called in the US maybe King mackeral or something. This is our most prized costal species. The most prized offshore reef pelagic in the whole of OZ would have to be the tackle busting Dogtooth Tuna.


The pelagics to shoot around here from shore are Ono (Wahoo), Mahi Mahi, and the occational Yellowfin Tuna. The Ulua aren't really pelagic's, they hang around the reef and the drop off and are considered "the" fish to shoot here. I believe it is due to the shear strength of the fish. A lot of the locals have stickers of ulua on the backs of their cars and there are quite a few shore casting clubs that only fish for them.

I just want to get a Mahi Mahi or Ono, that'll make me happy.


Nice fish mate but if you're going to keep shooting fish like this you better buy a bigger Esky( cooler, chilly bin ,Ice box or what ever you guys call them over there).Congratulations Id love to see a fish like that .
Wait till you see the pic of the thing in that cooler in the back of my Suzuki jeep.:duh


So the Gt's or Ulua are hell popular there. As far as I know most here dont go for them including myself though when I started out I did shoot some, the reason is there are better tasting fish. But hell if you are after a good fight they are mad crashing into the reef and bending spears.

Dr. Mark Marks and Mr. Great White South Africa 1999

Across with this while surfing
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Here are a coupla photos of a wsb that I shot about a week ago. It measured 33 in. and was probably +- 10-15 lbs. I did not weigh it. This was a small fish in comparison to the others that Ive been spying. Actually, Id been seeing all sorts of different sized wsb recently but had been unable to overcome their superaquatic powers which include, but are not limited to;
Diver Freeze ( where the fish renders the diver unable to move or think),
Cloaking ( where the fish metamorphisises into kelp, sand, rock, or water), and
Superior Wisdom ( similar to Diver Freeze, but is used by wsb to come very close to a diver when it knows that the saftey has been left on, your finger is not on the trigger, the gun is pointing the wrong way, are reloading bands, or are waiting to shoot the bigger fish that lies behind the one that is an easier shot).

I tried to explain this to the old lady every time I came empty handed. She told me to just shoot , so this day I did.
I had not been in the water 5 min. before a handful of fish swam beneath me, over a patch of sand that made them easily visible. I did not wait to see a bigger one, and the shaft entered through the back, diagonally toward the head. Pretty much dead, the fish did not put up much resistance as I returned to the beach after less than 10 minutes in the water.



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