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Spearfishing Photos

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Dear Sven,

I have never judged Aquiles or Jay. They have proved long ago their skills and qualities as responsible spearos. But that's what I know. A youngster trying to earn his place among the big guys can make a mistake.. Especially when his language skills are not really great. And I wouldn't look for any concealed evil thoughts here, cause it's pointless. The guy just posts what he hears in a way that his language skills allow him to. I cannot agree with you more: I'd really think before pushing the Submit button, especially when calling people clowns. And especially when the long blue dotted line makes people to expect expert opinions and advice, and what's more - patience when it comes to the inexrerienced. That was the first thing I wanted to say...

I also tried to explain the reasons for the somewhat rashly reaction of the boy from Gibraltar in order to call for some forbearance. Since I obviously didn't succeed, I'll try to visually explain it:
I am attaching a photograph, taken during the French Provence Championship in the beginning of May 2003. I hope my friend Tony Raibaldi - the President of the Provence Spearfishing Committee will forgive me for posting it without express permission. The guy on the photo is the new Provence Champion Denis Dao Van Tru - a really young spearo, who can put all of us here in his shirt pocket in terms of skills. It took him 5 hours diving in cold water at more than 20 meters, to get this catch. Now I'd take a good look at the catch - there are less than 15 fishes on that stringer. And the size is real huge!
One month later on the other side of Europe in Bulgaria took place the first local event for the season. Only 12 out of 43 competitors presented valid catch (over 300 grams!). 29 fishes total...
I think that explains the reasons for the reaction of the guy from Gibraltar. And i thank Jay and Aquiles for their polite reaction to it...
Enough said.



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Re: Re: Re: Overfishing ! ! !

If i want to say something to someone, i directly say without IMPLICATION.
And in my post i defend Jay and Aquiles with saying 13 fish is not overfishing.In the second paragraph, my words are for everyone. I DID NOT point anyone.How could you think that i will imply that Jay and Aquiles are not real SPORTSMEN. If you look at my all post up to date, i never ever atack anyone or say something negative about. I can't understand how can you judge me like this. The problem sholdn't be my english coz i think everone got me right except you.
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I posted this under the wrong thread the first time.:duh

Ted and I intrduced one of our underwter hockey buddies to freediving/ spearfishing this week. We had a great night spending almost 5 hours in the water and getting quite a few pan fish to eat.

Towards the end of the night Ted happened upon this carp and decided to take a shot with his new "magic" speargun.

Our friend, Jurgen, decided to have his wife try some new carp recipe with it.
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Jurgen was having a little bit of trouble trying to get his first fish, so I speared a carp for him and snuck up behind him and let it "go" in front of him. He seemed pretty pleased to get a fish even if it did have two holes in it. rofl
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Reactions: icarus pacific
OF course there were bass everywhere we went, but since their illegal to spear we just watched them swim on by.

Vis was about 8'-10' and the water was around 61 degrees (F). We dove this place called Rock Lake which is actually known more for its underwater pyramids than its spearfishing potential. There have been many books and TV specials done on it. I dove the "pyramids" once about 12 years ago and wasn't that impressed.
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Major props for introducing the sport to the gremmies Jon! And as Rigdvr Mike would have exclaimed at the photo of the skewered carp, "There's the money shot!!"

Give your friend's gal my favorite recipe for carp- Take one shovel and go dig a hole about a foot and a half deep by the roses. Put the carp in the hole. Take the dirt that you displaced digging the hole and cover the carp. Tamp with the shovel. Go call for a pizza.


And yes, Ivan your points are duly noted.

Originally posted by Jon
Ted happened upon this carp and decided to take a shot with his new "magic" speargun.

I couldn't let that pig go. She was being flanked by 5-6 smaller males waiting for their chance :inlove. I didn't bother with the boys because if I kill one of them, I kill one carp. By killing her I killed over 2 million future lawnmowers.

*For those of you who may think this seems wasteful, I offer this:
Carp are exotic, invasive and unwelcome species in our waters. In addition to outcompeting, and in some cases causing the extirpation, of many native species, they also wipe out vegetative habitat with their huge appetites. If this weren't enough, by continuously stirring up lake sediment, they release nutrients (resulting in algae blooms) and prevent roots from reclaiming lost ground. Even knowing this, for some, it may still seem hard to grasp the idea of killing such a big piece of 'meat' :yack, without the intention to eat it. So just know this, the water quality and the fishery on that lake improved the second I pulled the trigger. And bear in mind, when carp numbers do get out of control, state agencies are frequently forced to rotenone the whole lake, killing all the fish :waterwork. If I can prevent that by sticking a few pigs, I will not hesitate.

Didn't mean to turn this into a soap-box pontification .....just wanted to be clear .

re: soap-box pontification

That's pretty much the only reason why I'm in these Midwest tournaments. I've never been an advocate or frequent participant of tournaments because of the mindless slaughter for points (however rules and regs have been making them more sporting lately) . So, having the target as Carp, it's a no brainer. What better way to get in shape for the real deal? Especially being as landlocked as I am!

Well said Ted... kinda like Right Said Fred... you too sexy for that carp? :blackeye

Kudos on the pig!

Reactions: Jay Styron
Re: Re: Overfishing ! ! !

Hello there Ivan,

I'm sorry that I stirred up the pot with the pics but I will defend myself just a little . There are eleven muttons on the table. There is one bar jack at the end, another grouper and one triggerfish. One over the bag limit of five per person. These are spawners and migrate through the area once a year. In all my years spearing this is my biggest catch of muttons. I may never get this many again. You have to be at the right place at the right time. We looked for them the next day and they had moved on. I know that there were fish left because we were passing up on the small 8-10 pounders to shoot the bigger 10 to 15 pounders. We stopped shooting because we thought we were at our limit and we were. One over, acually. The marine patrol usually understands one fish over the limit and this was done unintentionaly.

I have seen more bottom fish in the past five years than the ten before that. I have done all kinds of fishing and even commercial fished. What kills more fish than anything else is netting. This takes out the whole system from top to bottom. I know this looks like a lot of fish but belive me, all of it went to good use.All the fish was divided between me and the neighbors in my trailer park. Nothing went to waste not even the heads which we use for soup. The muttons were divided to one mutton per family about 10 to 15 pounds of fish per family.

I also quoted you NOT to single you out and attack you but to point out one very important statement that you wrote. We were blessed. You are right ;and we do give credit to the big man up stairs for this day. Afterward my we celebrated by roasting a mutton and we all ate together as a family.

Thanks guys for all your comments for, or against. They are all welcome. Luckily, we are in a place that allows us the freedom to state our opinion.

. you too sexy for that carp?


OR as our friend, Jurgen, put it:

Don't ask if the carp is good enough to eat. Ask are you good enough to eat carp?

Re: Re: Re: Overfishing ! ! !

Originally posted by Aquiles
.All the fish was divided between me and the neighbors in my trailer park.

true Mississippi style! Jerry Springer would be proud! For some reason though I think it costs more to get a trailer in your park than in one of our fine local establishments...rofl
Reactions: Jay Styron
Here's another shot Jon took which shows just how rotund that fish was. Another day, and those eggs would have been all over the lake bottom :naughty. "They stop here. This far, no farther! And I will make them pay for what they have done".

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Just to step in and correct my younger brother Aquiles...

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has set the limit to 10 mutton snappers per person per day for recreational harvest. So, Aquiles and Jay could have taken 9 more. But, normally Aquiles and I will limit ourselves to 5 big sows per person, regardless of species or availability. I know Aquiles and I are quite smitten on these muttons because of their table quality, so when they're there, we'll eat like kings. However, like Aquiles said, this doesn't happen very often. Normally when these guys spawn, they're in 200 feet or more.

Again, nice shooting boys. And thanks for thinking of me out here w/ an empty freezer. :waterwork


"so sexy... it hurts!" rofl here mister carpy, carpy. :blackeye
Originally posted by andrsn
, like Aquiles said, this doesn't happen very often. Normally when these guys spawn, they're in 200 feet or more.


Nothing a little work on the treadmill before the spawn could'nt cure:duh

As I have pointed out, there is absolutely no need to defend yourself, mate, cause I was never attacking you! I know you guys were within your limits. And the subject has been discussed in other threads before so I know your position.

I was just trying to explain why that guy from Gibraltar jumped immediately on you when he saw a photo of one man grinning at a long line of huge fish.

All the rest was in defence of Murat... And he needed some. He just said something in a wrong way. If you read his last post you'll see that he still doesn't realise that his line sounds a bit offending. That's it...

I have seen the wide trail of devastation a trawler leaves behind and you'll have to look very hard to find a more devoted defender of the spearfishing sport. As Andersn mentioned, I am not a saint myself - I did participate in competitions to kill just for points, even though the catch is always donated by rule.

Once again - I wasn't attacking anyone... I was trying to defend. And I am glad Sven accepted my point.

I wish I was there with you guys during that day.

Reactions: unirdna
p.s. that is a "money shot"...Sven you would have given mad karma to the shot I made last week. Remember how even Andys stoned jack found enough life to take him back into the wreck? Well this one never twitched...not a muscle fiber. You would have thought the thing was a WR as pumped as I was....


I looked at my post again and i realized that it caused a bit miss understanding.Thats it.I am sorry for that i did not do that intentionally.
Also sven was a right to defend his friends. But he overreact a bit and use some wrong words and i also over react coz i didn't even understand why he is attacking me. I aplogize from everyone.
C'mon now........"clown" can have many meanings, maye he meant it in a good way.

Jon your lucky you dont have Crocs in your water cos that vis is seriously scary you are brave to get in that water

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