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Spearing/clarity report 2011

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Jon - have you been in Mendota lately? I'm heading up to my dad's in New Glarus for Easter and was thinking about trying to go and shoot some bluegills. What would your prediction for success be?
The lakes are all brown right now. I would wait a while before jumping in.

Cool stuff, Scott and Tass. Last year was definitely a "down" year for everyone - mostly due to the shitty water conditions. The Mad lakes are still in diatom bloom. Then they'll die off and go clear briefly. Then there is a phanazomona (floating algae) bloom, and then.......if all goes well......clear water. Last year was the first crappy year I have ever seen - 1.5 days of clear water in Mendota. And last year was the first full year the spiny water flea had been in the lake. If they are hammering down the Pulicaria, those lakes will never be the same. Cross your fingers that last year was just one of those years.


What is the spiny water flea going to do to the lakes? Is that the thing that gets stuck in the throats or perch and kills them?

If these lakes have switched over into shit-hole mode expect to see a crap load of my freediving/spearfishing gear up for sale on Ebay as I switch back to wreck diving. :head

Just went spearfishing at Rock lake in Lake Mills, just off tyrenana park. Visibility was great, about 15-20ft in spots. Saw no fish that I could shoot though, only pike. Next time I'm trying the south side off Korth park, I saw a bunch of Gar there last year and I'm dying to kill one to see what they taste like.
Reactions: Whopperhead
I will be heading back to WOLF LAKE (Adams County) on FRIDAY Morning around 9:30am - if anyone is in the area and is bored.
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Scott, I decree that I will definitely be joining you on at least one day this summer. Last year's skipping of L. Michigan depresses me every time I look up at those 14"ers on my wall. It needs to be done this year, dammit.

Mendota has gotten over the diatoms, and is now in its early season green bloom. Now, the test will be to see if the daphnia can explode and clear things up. I plan to go out today and drop a net in to see if they are on the upswing, or if the spiny water fleas are keeping them beaten down. I'll report back.

What's up with all of the DNR fish nets? I see them planted in front of the outlet and also by the Yahara river where it connects to Lake Monona. Are these areas off limits? Where else are they set and for how long?

Do the nets have triangular "DNR" flags on them? Those are likely the walleye survey. They'll only be there for a few weeks to collect spawning data.
Hit Lake Geneva/Abbey Lagoon for some crappies today. Vis inside of the lagoon was pretty crappy ~6'; made it hard to get close to the big ones. But it sure was nice to get one of the guns I made over the winter wet! Did take one nice 36" carp while I was out. Probably going to go again tomorrow on the boat and hit Black Point if anyone is interested.
went to wolf lake today in Adams County - Vis was 10'. water temp 47 degrees. saw lots of small and medium size fish - no giant Crappie like last time. was in the water for about 2.5 hours. a good time!
Went to WOOD LAKE today, here are my stats:

Water Temp: 49/50

Water Vis: 3'

Live Fish spotted: 0

Time spent in water: 1 hour

The look on Wreckrunner's face when he realized he had on dotey's pants: Priceless
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The look on Wreckrunner's face when he realized he had on dotey's pants: Priceless

This happened AGAIN!!?? :head

Once is a mistake, but twice an addiction. rofl

did not happen again- just thought it would be nice to throw that in there. And bring up painful memories for him.
Went out in Lake Michigan today off a beach in Evanston Illinois. Just was testing my gear out, realized I need to get some new gloves. Didn't kick out to far (about 150yds), was alone with family on the beach, but the vis was about 2 feet. Didn't see anything.

Why do you need new gloves?
HammerHead makes a really nice pair of 5mil open cell. Very Flexible and comfortable.
Thanks man, I'll order some of those this week, do you use 5mil or 3mil? I might just order both...
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