Little Muskego / L Michigan (port washington)
Was in Little Muskego Saturday for a scuba cert class. Wasn't really able to venture around too much looking for fish but visibility was ok when someone wasn't playing in the silt.
Vis: 10-15ft
Water temp: 62F
I have noticed in Big Cedar lately that the whole lake seems to be turning. The surface temp is now equal to the below thermocline temp. When diving next to a deep drop off there was a complete brownout at 20+ feet down.
Yesterday explored around the breakwalls in port washington in hopes of finding perch. Started on the beach at the South breakwall, just south of the power plant. Worked my way out along the south break wall and around to the north wall. Not much going on at the south wall...depth was less than 10ft till I got close to the marina exit. Found 1 golf ball (go figure) and saw one lost salmon.
The north wall proved to be more interesting though the visibility was not as great (maybe due to the northeast wind). Depths were around 20-25ft. Was running short on time but saw 6-7 carp and one more salmon. Did not find what I was after but did remove 2 carp from the area

. The north side of the breakwall would probably make for fun carp spearing but was more interested in something I could put on the dinner table.
Learned of two equipment upgrades that would be nice for next time:
A little thicker gloves; was using 3mm, could go for some 5mm.
Flashlight: would have been very useful to have a flashlight when looking for fish in the breakwall holes.
Visibility: 15-30ft
Water Temp: 52F
I'd like to head back there sometime this season to spend more time on the North wall and look for the Toledo wreck.