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Spearing/clarity report 2012

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Was out spearing Monday afternoon this week on Big Cedar lake in Washington county...new to spearfishing and it was the first time I came home with dinner:girlie On other trips out I was trying out gear and getting a feel for everything. The trips I didn't have my spear gun I saw a couple nice perch but this last trip was only able to find decent sized Crappie. Have some video but was using my brother's GoPro and he doesn't have the underwater lens so everything is pretty blurry.

Water Temp: 75 degrees F (dropped about 6degrees last two weeks)
Clarity: 5-15ft depending on area of the lake, depth, and boat traffic
Fishing Depth: 5-15ft

Right now I am only going for panfish, as they are available and tasty but from watching Wopperhead's and other videos I'd love to spear carp. Do they come back to the shallows in the fall? Or will we not see them in Wisconsin again till Spring?

Anyone interested in spearing on Big Cedar? I live on the lake and try to go out weeknights...out of town for most of the upcoming weekends.



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Lake Michigan / Big Cedar Trips

Was able to get out for a bit in Lake Michigan two weeks ago near Algoma and Big Cedar lake this past weekend.

Lake Michigan:
Shore dive with about 300yards of shallow water until things dropped to around 20ft. From surface was able to just make out the bottom but once I dove to 20ft I could see around 40-50ft. Didn't see much for fish but didn't think I would since I was just taking advantage of a trip to door county to jump in the lake for a bit.
Water temps:
At the surface: 64 F
At 20ft: 55 F

Big Cedar:
This past weekend was able to dive in Big Cedar Friday afternoon. Visibility was horrible due to the winds we have been having lately but my original plan was only to treasure hunt the popular sand bar. Got tired of that after filling a dive bag primarily with beer cans and sunglasses. Boated over to a spot I've had luck with the fish and on the first dive got beginners luck in seeing and spearing my first carp. Bathroom scale says it was 37lbs... definitely a pleasant surprise at 20ft in 10ft visibility on the first spear-dive.
Water Temp: 62 F and dropping

Last Sunday I had some time between running errands and jetted over to Port Washington to check out two spots I found on google maps. One was the forest preserve a few miles south of port and the other was the kayak launch just south of the marina. The kayak launch looks very promising for easy access to the lake and ability to hunt the breakwall and around. Anyone ever spear around Port Washington before? Jon? I would like to make it out there soon. Or I am contemplating trying off of Atwater Park in milwaukee.


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I've done a fair bit of scuba diving, and even a bit of freediving, around Port, but I've never speared there. If you have access to a boat I would try a d head out to the wreck of the Niagara. I can remember diving her when I was 15 and there were these HUGE school of fat lake perch on her up by the top of the paddles wheels this was before anyone talked about spearing out there and I don't know if it was even legal back then. The paddle wheels have since fallen over and the wreck is now covered in zebra mussels. I have no idea of the schools of perch are still there, but it was a sight to be seen when they were. The wreck is only in 30' to 40' feet of water with plenty of structure coming up off the bottom.

Just north of the break wall by the marina there was another wreck we used to dive on called the Toledo. It was shallow and broken up, but back before they changed the laws on 1988, we used to dig through the sand for artifacts. I know that at least one gold coin came up off that wreck along with tons of junk. Not sure about fish as the water was pretty murky back then.

I would think that anywhere you had water access along there would be good for finding something. Just keep swimming until you if d some structure.

Anyone in the Madison Area been to Mendota Lately? I'm hoping to get in a dive or 2 before it gets too cold. Need more fish for the winter.

How's the Vis?

I was in Jordan Lake last week. Water Temp was 61, vis: 10ft a lot of Bass and hardly any Panfish..... only tiny ones.
It looked like crap when I rode down there last week. I rode by Monona on Wednesday a it was greener than my lawn. I'm not sure when things will start to clear, but it sure doesn't look good right now.

How are things up by you?
Little Muskego / L Michigan (port washington)

Was in Little Muskego Saturday for a scuba cert class. Wasn't really able to venture around too much looking for fish but visibility was ok when someone wasn't playing in the silt.
Vis: 10-15ft
Water temp: 62F
I have noticed in Big Cedar lately that the whole lake seems to be turning. The surface temp is now equal to the below thermocline temp. When diving next to a deep drop off there was a complete brownout at 20+ feet down.

Yesterday explored around the breakwalls in port washington in hopes of finding perch. Started on the beach at the South breakwall, just south of the power plant. Worked my way out along the south break wall and around to the north wall. Not much going on at the south wall...depth was less than 10ft till I got close to the marina exit. Found 1 golf ball (go figure) and saw one lost salmon.
The north wall proved to be more interesting though the visibility was not as great (maybe due to the northeast wind). Depths were around 20-25ft. Was running short on time but saw 6-7 carp and one more salmon. Did not find what I was after but did remove 2 carp from the area :). The north side of the breakwall would probably make for fun carp spearing but was more interested in something I could put on the dinner table.
Learned of two equipment upgrades that would be nice for next time:
A little thicker gloves; was using 3mm, could go for some 5mm.
Flashlight: would have been very useful to have a flashlight when looking for fish in the breakwall holes.
Visibility: 15-30ft
Water Temp: 52F
I'd like to head back there sometime this season to spend more time on the North wall and look for the Toledo wreck.
Any word of Lake Geneva??? It is a clean Lake by default. I need to go spearfishing somewhere.
I talked to a guy that was scuba diving and pulling docks yesterday out of Geneva and he said it was clear and 47 degrees.
@Fishstick22 - but did he see any fish? It can be clear all it wants......... but diving in the cold with no fish.... sucks.

I saw Mendota was clear, but I don't think there are any fish in shallow, so to me...... not worth getting cold and wet for nothing.
I've been watching them install the floating fence around the outlet for the past couple of weeks. I'm not sure if its going to be turned on or not this winter, but the water around there looks like crap right now.

Hi Jon I was hoping to see some nice wintry dive shots to make the forum all Christmassy!
Things have been warm and wet here so far this year, but winter is supposed to come roaring in on Thursday. I've heard anything from 6-15" of snow, but it looks to be about 8-10" for sure.
Talked to my father in law last night and he said that the Milwaukee river ( one of the dirtiest bodies of water I've ever dove in) has better vis in it than my local lake (Monona) does right now. We'll have to see how the winter shapes up.

Is the only part of the lake that's iced over. Not much diving action going on these days.
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