Sound like everyone had a good weekend all in all.
Sat was a blank for me, the vis was really great, didn't feel really into it for some reason, maybe down to seeing nothing but a few dogs, wrasse and a few piddly pollock after 3 hrs exploring in the noticeably colder water sacked it and was informed by my anxious gf I'd been pretty much surrounded by seals on and off the whole time. Little monkeys! At least they left me alone and none of them tried to 'play' I remember a few trips ago, one startled the funk out of me!!
In today again a little further down on the north. Did a few hours, man the suit was cold putting on! Vis was great again, got a good familiarisation with this previously unexplored (by me) area. Chilled more than ever on the descents, thought and explored the idea I don't need to swim hard down just generate some momentum and maintain, saving energy/oxygen arriving not much slower but way less taxed
Saw several massive wrasse, a school of mini pollock who looked like they were out for a fight(awe bless em). Saw a few of reasonable pollock further out in deeper water, strung one. Then when on way back in saw some silver in what must have been 3-4 mtrs behind a large rock (took me by surprise) couldn't get the gun round before it swam calmly off, nice mullet, I circled (large circumference) round hoping it hadn't been too spooked. When I returned to the same spot the vis was deteriorating but it (i'm assuming same fish) was back, it started to stage an exit but this time I got lined up just in the nick of time and bingo! Swam straight after it, it was thrashing on the spear which was in the gutt I didn't want to risk a tear. Cue some nacho libre action to pin it in a head lock (at least thats what i though about, oddly, as i firmly gripped it 2 hands and elbow) till we surfaced and sent it to a better place.
Enjoyed my weekend immensely.
Deffo getting colder. But hopefully fit a couple more in before the winter.