I am a scuba hunter and wanting to learn to freedive cause I am beginning to see that I will get more fish by freediving, if the location is right.
My close by area only offer wrecks, FADs which are 4 buses stacked 2 by 2 and oil drums and one abandoned oil rig. The wrecks are at 120-170 feet bottom. The FADs are at 120 feet and the oil rig is at 120 feet. Visibility sucks, I will say 12 feet-15 feet about right. The deeper I go the more visibility sucks. If sometime u need to hit the wreck with the end of your speargun tip to learn that u have reached the wreck, viz can't be that nice right ??
I always do scuba on these places, except at the rig where I sometime freedive, may I say I snorkel waiting for rainbow runners. In certain wrecks, the current is so strong + bad viz, only tank dive can get me to the fish spot on the wreck ( with rope assistance ) , mind you these 3 wrecks are 500 feet long, so I get lost easy. This area is proven bad place, I know some good 100' Aussie freediver that could not dive these wrecks on apnea even when the shallowest deck is only at 70 feet. They might touch down but they can't see and shoot shit.
In a further area by the Indian Ocean side I have tried freeding/snorkeling. In all the very few hours I spent freediving there, I saw two Spanish Mackerel already..... this is why I think freediving will yield more fish. YEP I could not get close to one and I missed the other one....can't go deep you see.
I think there are places for both skill. The more rich fish area you are in, freediving will make more sense and of course more fish.
I seen good fishes from the surface to about 100 feet of depth, many at 60 feet in good area. If I can do 100 feet and 2 minutes, I will find my a way to kiss my OWN ass...ha ha ha ...both sound ridicoulously impossible now, for me. This area is where I troll for Tuna and that means they hang around shallow when the time is right. My Rapala lure does not go deeper than 20-30 feet at most. I even seen a Marlin sun bathing on the surface that we failed to tease it to consume our lure. I do not have a speargun with me that day and using one without a float will be a suicide anyway. Well this is a polite excuse of saying " I'm scared the Marlin will makes slices of Shushi out of me

Bali in Nusa Penida is one place that I spent about 6 tanks dive and I seen so many doog tooth, OK small 20 kg but to me those are better than any nude Baywatch Girls. Out of the 6 dives I seen like a total of 20 fishes, that is plentyful for poor me. If u 100' freedive dudes were there, you will definitely get a few.
I think those who can dive well on scuba and decently good on apnea is a lucky hunter.
Since I am noisy, less mobile, slow and do not use float line while on scuba, any 15kg fish or bigger that I shoot is a possible liability when not stoned. Loosing the gun is another option.
I think it is a fair enough sport. I recalled shooting a merely 20kg giant trevally in a FAD, the sunken bus. Since viz is always bad, I need to approach the front window of the bus slowly, side window too small to take aim, and rely on the illumination of the light coming from the rear window. I don't see the fish, all I can see is the silhoutte. If the GT goes not move around, I would probably missed it as one of the chair/seat of the bus. I mean this is awful and clusterphobic kind of visibility. Since I can't aim by looking at my speartip angle on the fish, a midbody shot as close as possible to the gill is the popular hit zone. This GT at 20 kg is big, so I will hit something of it for sure. I must shoot fast cause I know it surely have spotted and hear my bubbles. Typical time is under 5 seconds by the time I place my face and gun on the bus window. I hate when the GT moved around cause aiming at blackness without the speartip in sight and the GT keep moving is not fun. I get dizzy sometime looking at nothing and see nothing, the eyes just can't focus.
GT in/around the FAD in my poor area is not like what you see on Discovery channel or in Great Barrier Reef. They take off when they see you, they are not curious, they hate you. This is why we consider them prized target. When I saw how curious and approachable Amberjacks are on spearing I was jelous. The dumbest GT I seen was in South China Sea on an abandoned oil rig. These fishes come to you. I guess fishes behave differently by the geography. In Bali famous Tulamben wreck, you can even feed the fishes with banana. No shooting here.
That day I shot that 20 kg GT in the sunken bus and it gave me the strongest pull, must have hit the gill. I was dragged into the bus thru the front window. All I could do was spread my legs around the window frame praying I will not be dragged inside the bus. The bus is 20 years old underwater and unsafe to enter. My last resort was using the gun against the window frame as a brake cause sea urchin spikes was entering my foot from the soft sole of my full foot fins. The GT went mad and it broke free, leaving me with a 60 degree bent shaft, bruised gun and no fish.
What a waste. In this circumstances, I think unless u are very superb freediver, I don't think u can hunt this kind of FAD.
As for the stealthy Job fish, my friend and I have got them a few times on scuba, no problem. The key in my experience is consistent breathing rhythm. Fishes hear you even before you see them, sudden move is another bad one. If fishes are scared by noise alone, no fish will eat a lure trolled by a boat. Propellers are very noisy underwater. My only problem with rythm is when I see a big fish my heart goes goo-goo-gaga like Apeman so does my breathing.
I experimented a few weeks back on how a sudden noise can scare fishes while freediving . So I farted a few times.........

, those powerful fart with obstrusive sound does scare the fish. Those mild low frequency rumble, the fish don't mind...wha ha ha ha
As for me ,where I do not break law and where my apnea skill can't take me ( ooppss must be almost all location !! ) , I suck those regulators hard.
May The Force Be With You,
Master YODA
Turgeon,I thought Omer sponsors you for all comp , I mean u just bring ur Omer gun and they pay all the bills ? Don't speargun manufacturers sponsor spearos like how good sportfishermen get sponsorship + $$$ from fishing tackle manufacturers and boats manufacturer ????