Okay this is not a book but a DVD. That said I lashed out £25 for the DeepBlue DVD. Story of the spearo WR blurfin tuna capture. Didn't even realise it was a NZ thing, which is strange as I have just written about NZ in the last post.
Have only seen this DVD advertised by Apnea in Jersey. As my daughter was going over there for the day I stuffed some grubby notes into her hand with instructions to bring back said DVD. Spur of the moment thing to save the postage.
This is an hour long documentary about 2 experienced NZ spearo's traveling offshore to use their home made gear to spear a WR bluefin. These fish follow the giant factory trawlers fishing way out south west of NZ. On their first (only?) attempt they get one each. Biggest about 300 kilos (650lb), which apparently is the spearo WR.
You may have seen some clips which were available through some link here on DB last year? I saw them but hadn't realised it was from this DVD.
It is a bit of fun and well worth watching but certainly not exactly up to BBC documentary standard. Not really worth £25 but as it will I'm sure do the rounds it's the sort of thing that would be worth clubbing together to buy. Locals form an orderly queue and it might well make it across the pond in the bag of one of our summer visitors.
Have only seen this DVD advertised by Apnea in Jersey. As my daughter was going over there for the day I stuffed some grubby notes into her hand with instructions to bring back said DVD. Spur of the moment thing to save the postage.
This is an hour long documentary about 2 experienced NZ spearo's traveling offshore to use their home made gear to spear a WR bluefin. These fish follow the giant factory trawlers fishing way out south west of NZ. On their first (only?) attempt they get one each. Biggest about 300 kilos (650lb), which apparently is the spearo WR.
You may have seen some clips which were available through some link here on DB last year? I saw them but hadn't realised it was from this DVD.
It is a bit of fun and well worth watching but certainly not exactly up to BBC documentary standard. Not really worth £25 but as it will I'm sure do the rounds it's the sort of thing that would be worth clubbing together to buy. Locals form an orderly queue and it might well make it across the pond in the bag of one of our summer visitors.