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Sussex Spearing 2012

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GOT MY FIRST KILL! Haha, went to Worthing Pier this morning, beautiful clear water spend two hours in the water got two mullet 4.5lb and 3lb, shot a third bigger one but it came off the spear and went mental as it was injured, but it was too quick for me to grab and it got away. Also shot a nice flattie at point blank range, but got my spear stuck in the ground and as I pulled it out the flattie came off the end and in the resulting sandcloud being kicked up got away. I'm over the moon with my two mullet though! How do you up load photos?

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Never shoot flatfish, hand spear them - what sort of flatfish was it anyway?
Had an interesting trip to Brighton this morning all fired up by reports of perfect viz and an enormous rogue gurnard ranging the seas and throwing itself onto the spear of all passing spearos.

Sadly by 07:00 the waves had picked up and I couldn't see the spear tip. It was a bit better further out but not very promising so I headed round towards Shoreham where it was worse.

Oh well, maybe the weather will settle and it'll all be back on soon.

I looked back to the beach in Brighton to find one of the litter-pickers going through my bag which was left on the beach. I hadn't left much in it of value but he was in the process of pocketing my liquid-image mask (whilst it takes great pictures it steams up and is horrible to wear!). I shouted at him and got him to give it back along with my shoes which he had put in the bin.

I don't think I'd leave anything on the beach there again whilst I go for a swim.

On a more positive note I had a great trip to Devon a week ago where my mate and I had a good day getting to grips with the local marine life:

The morning brought a 4lb bass for me with mullet and a thornback ray for my mate (I would not have shot it myself as their numbers have severely declined in recent years and once you've found your ray its not exactly difficult to hit!).


The just the wings of the ray weighed over 5lb. Thats a lot of skate but apparently he removed all the skin from his hands preparing it.

In the afternoon there were more bass all around the 2.5lb mark.


So its not all doom and gloom!:)
Thanks, sadly there were no cod! I'm still waiting for my first but I think it takes a good deep wintery dive and none showed up for me yet.

We were in the South Hams near Salcombe and in the afternoon had used my boat to get around to the middle of nowhere which helped produce some results.
Went down to Newhaven yesterday - not even worth getting in. Newhaven vis is now officially measured in centimeters rather than meters.
hey guys,

i only just found this site and figured i better dive in and say hello...
i have spearfished in greece for quite a while but as i am living in brighton east sussex and am literally 5 mins walking distance from the beach (in between both piers), i hoped id be able to sample some of my more local specialties for once.
if anyone would be up for giving me a few pointers as to where the fish may be or even where would make a nice place to simply get wet and see further than my own arms i would be very grateful.
i bought myself a wetsuit and have a snorkel and mask handy, i just need a pair of fins then im good to go (i wont bring a gun untill im confident enough in these waters). if anyone is heading out my way soon let me know and ill tag along and lean the ropes if its ok?

all the best

I'm planning on a dive tomorrow early afternoon at Newhaven. If you fancy joining me, just pm me. The winds are forecast to be perfect for the main arm and winds generally have been pretty low this week.....so hoping for some viz.
cheers barnacleboy but i am at work today during the day, im hoping to hit the sea later today if not tomorrow morning. the weather seems perfect, very low winds and the surface looked like a mill pond out in hove. i will report back with visability reports but bear in mind im used to 20m+ ........
has anyone been in recently?
wwc_gang reported poor vis at Newhaven early this morning. 1-2m on surface and dropping with depth and slightly choppy water :( It's been calm all day since...and I'm kinda desperate to get in so might be tempted to try today - if not definitely tomorrow.

I'll report and viz I find.
oh, mevdog, we measure visibility at Newhaven in centimeters rather than meters :D

If you're used to 20m+ eeek, you're not gonna like this! :) I've not been able to see the butt of my gun on some attempts.
first dive was in newheven wiz poor no fish seen then secound dive was at brigton near marina wiz was little bit beter then newheven so shot one not big sea bass and managed to miss good size sea bass.
According to forecast by Magicseaweed, it may be Xmass (or Summer) after all :friday
..."Lets begin the Spearfishing Olympics 2012" Hurray !roflrofl

... Well, as it finally had cleared, I have enjoyed Briton by end of July and finally had my 1st fish of the year. :thankyou

Stunning vis 8-12m was enjoyable, but has kept fish away from coast.
Seen couple of Pollock zooming away, but no Bass or Mullet :waterwork

Than at least, I took 4 Wrasse (36cm) on 1st day and on 2nd day another 4 Wrasse (40-50cm) and 2 smaller Brill.
Chuffed to bits, to have finally made use of my gun. :eek:

Wrasse was marinated and grilled, so quiet nice.

However, I want take no more Wrasse!
... As slow growing territorial fish, they could be easily fished out from one area.
I have seen there bunch of Polish guys with guns, taking literarily Wrasse babies and small Silver Eel too! :(

Last week I got tempted by Spearoedy’s proposal and went to check 1st time Newhaven.
Went there with the wife, by train from London, than walk to west arm and walk back around to east arm. :crutch
It was incredibly windy and rough from west and very murky around east arm.
Seen 2ft fish from the arm, but under water not even 1m vis.
No thanks, newer again Newhaven. :blackeye


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Anybody up for trip to Bognor Regis or further west tomorrow (Friday) ???
I will go, but I will have to take train from London.
Last chance, before it gets windy and choppy again on Saturday.
Well done mate,

Looks like you got in and enjoyed a dive which is quite rare in the last few months. Good work on the flatties, I'm sure they'll be tasty!

I'm glad you enjoyed eating the wrasse but I want to back-up your sentiment that they're not worth shooting. As you say there are people out there who will shoot anything that moves but this is terrible for the sport. This forum is a great way we can share experience and knowledge about how to behave in the water for appropriate hunting of suitable species which are going to provide a sporting challenge and be good to eat.

For anybody who is unsure then two basic rules are: 1. if you don't know what it is and whether or not it's worth eating then don't shoot it. 2. If you have shot a fish then make sure it doesn't go to waste.

Just a plea to everybody to please leave the wrasse alone!
Well I guess you ate the wrasse so they were not waisted in that respect but, be warned your pictures might not go down well with some folk!

I dont think your brill are actually brill, they are flounders....

I also think it is illegal to spear fresh water eels (silver eels)?
Got desperate and ended up going in at Newhaven this afternoon. Was actually greeted by the best viz I've had there for a long while. Met a couple of spears in the water - nice to meet you guys. So anyone up for a dive there tomorrow? I'm planning on getting there for around 2:30pm. Hoping the viz will still be good - winds are still in the right direction and low...

Oh and got a pollack today, saw 2 mullet but not quick enough to get the gun around. Really enjoyable dive. Looking forward to tomorrow.

So, anyone want to join me?
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