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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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i am not a metallurgist

titanium is very light wieght 6lbs titanium will occupy huge space and 6lbs titanium is too much money...

Steel may ba a good idea there are many different kinds of steel& steel alloys around all of them have different characteristics like density and oxidation properties....

I am happy with leads, only appreciate if i can found more hydrodynamic ones than mines
Yes Murat, but to have them surgically inserted it has to be titanium.

Only for the real hardcore freediver though
if we are going for the metal density, perhaps titanium coated depleted uranium ?
That would give you the shits though

And you'd glow in the dark.

You would have an explosive tip though
Just noticed that you want it in your body. Man you are crazy...:naughty

Only concern about my weight belt is its not stable its going all the way up and down, rotates right and left. I want good designed weight jacket, that will hold lead SHEET in it with zipper so varying the wieght will be easy. It has to be so secure that it will release the body with one button toch like a belt. I think if OMER works on theirs previous model it can done easily. So we can all get rid of those annoying weight belts...
I just got back from a dive shop and they only
sold antimony weights, I guess the anti-lead people
have already started to win. the antimony weights
cost $4 a pound!
it looks like my idea was a good one after all .can we see it shane... been out unting for tuna yet.
Hey Malta,

The water this year has remained cold for a lot longer than usual. There have been no tuna caught or sited yet so we are still waiting. Hopefully the late arrival means we will have tuna until november

Here is the pic.

This was a 20 inch inner tube filled with 4 kilos lead pellets by cutting off the valve. I bought 2x 2kilo soft lead weights used by scubadivers and cut them open.

I then used some masking tape to bind it in the middle ensuring the hole I hade made was sealed by the tape.

The harness is then worn as a rucksack.

I will be attaching a line with a small plastic ball (or similar) which will slip under the belt and stop the harness moving when i am descending.
I am not good at all DIY stuff. Is this thing easy to take it off in the case of emergency???

A knife would do it but I only use it for shallow water diving

mine is made exactly like that shane works great but like you said i gotta find a way to attach it to my weight belt to stop it from sliding down when im upsidedown looking under rocks and desending. about the weather and water temperature .you are right the water temperature is still a bit cold compared to usuall hear in central mediterranean malta. its only 20 or 21 at the surface and about 16 17 at 20 metres. i havent caught any ajs yet this season but i will be giving it a go this weeken at my favourite drop offs. a couple of my friends have caught some nice ajs already on of them was 37 kgs. if im not mistaken it will be full moon this weeken so it should be good for ajs .ill let you know what turns up. as for tuna in the med the migration has started shane. i freind of mine works for a korean tune farming company here in the med. and i spoke to him last week and he said that this year they made one of their biggest catches in 5 years. this was about two weeks ago . so defanetly the tuna migration into the med from the attlantic has started. talk to you later shane let me knowabout any got catches you make in the future. by the way theire is a competittion in greece in july in lthe island om limnos you shoud give it a shot. my freinds are going criss borg cardona and kenneth bugja i would go to but i am still not competion meterial lol but maybe some day. talk to you later

Hello John

Do you have access to any details on this tourney in Limnos?

Is is an open competition? Swimming or with boats?

Something I'd like to see: Fluid goggles with adjustable lenses

With the couple of fluid googles I have tried (one Fattah model and one homemade), I have noticed that you have to nibble around with the goggles in order to get the right angle of the lenses. Only then do you see sharp, and the lenses are easily again placed in the wrong angle before the eyes, letting you see unsharp. Aparently, it's difficult to define specifically where to place the lenses, because each person's head potentially screws up the math of the lense correction. Eric F. wrote something about this in the manual for his goggles.

I'm thinking that maybe this problem can be eliminated if one can adjust the angle of the lenses in the goggles, thereby adapting them to the individual eye, head size, etc. I don't know, some kind of click system letting you click the lenses maybe two-three directions, so you can adabt the goggles to your cranium.

Also, I'd like to have the lenses set in a large frame like the 'dive masks without nose pockets', the Aqualung Seal or Cressi Galileo (the Galileo would be better, since it has straight front glass). I don't like goggles on my eyes, they hurt slightly and irritate my warmup. I dream of a pair of Galileo with correcting lenses inside them. The frame of the mask then fixes the lenses as soon as the click system have them fixed correctly.

Well. That's a thing I'd like to see on the market.

Chris Engelbrecht, Copenhagen


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As soon as the galileo came out I considered converting them to fluid goggles. However, the problem with the galileo is the same as the problem with the aquasphere, which is the same as the problem with the dacor sportgoggles.

These goggle-masks have such flexible skirts that you can have the face of the lens at different distances from your eye, depending on how much you push it on your face, how tight or loose the strap is, and so on.

By changing the distance to the eye, the 'power' of the lens appears to change dramatically. The good news is that this allows you to adjust the power of the lens based on how tight you make the goggle. The bad news is that the power may fluctuate against your will--you would have to adjust the goggles on your face very precisely each time.

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada
with boats but im not sure if it is an open comp or by invitation.i have two friends that are going
Implantable gills that dont trigger an immune response.
A flexable suit of light material but still hard enough to allow a human to survive at depths of 6,000 feet.
A magic PILL that keeps the lungs from absorbing nitrogen in the first place?
Id gladly sacrifice ONE lung for an implantable rebreather.
Affordable FLUID BREATHING MEDIUM. Maybe after a small investment you could culture it in the fridge like yogurt, HA HA

World Peace.
An end to fishing for humans (endangered)
Ban on dumping chemicals in the water that irritate my gills.
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