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Re: Ireland spearing 2010

Thornback Ray 9lb 6oz

I had a bit of a surprise this morning. I was diving a small reef out in a gentle current and expecting only pollack when a thorny came swimming through the kelps. I hit it behind the eyes and was pleased that it seemed dead immediatly. I knifed it a couple of times anyway just to be sure.
Water temperature was still only 11 degrees but should pick up soon as "it aint half warm here" at the moment.
The ray was 9.4lbs and the pollack were 4.9, 3.5, 3.2 and 2.2lbs.


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Re: South Devon Report 2010

Cuttlefish 3lb 9oz

Went in at budleigh today bloom very thick so went over to the reef was a little better dived down and had a nice bass come in stopped to see what i was doing went to shoot but had the safety on never use it so must have knocked it somehow very frustrating would have been the first of the year did manage a 3lb 9oz cuttle which was very nice for tea
hope the bloom is better for next weekend because it really isnt good at the moment


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Re: South Devon Report 2010

Flounder (European) 2lb 10oz

Went for a shore dive this evening on the low tide. Covered a lot of ground and only 1 shoal of small bass seen. Viz was very good. Lots of pollack about up to 3lb size,took 1. With the viz so good and no bass about i went flattie hunting and ended up with 4. The biggest was 2lbs 10oz. Lots of bait fish about and from the cliff car park looking out to sea i could see shoals of mackeral and herrings . The sea was like a sheet of glass so they were easy to see. A good sign,with them come the bass. Only seen 1 mullet aswell which is unusual for the area i was diving. It was a lovely evening for diving and a pleasure to be in with that sun on my back. Lets hope the summers started.


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The Deeper Blue Spearfishing Hall of Fame.

Sheephead 25lb 3oz

Despite all the reports and negative talk i decided to go out this morning and check out the sitch. I gave it a look over from shore and it didnt look good ,but i went. Ended up with a hazy 15 ft viz in most places, suprisingly it was the best conditions ive been out in, in the last few weeks, weird. Any way the day worked out with my new PB Sheephead @ 25.2 a nice sandy at 4.5 and two more decent sand bass. So im stoked and i just wanted to blab about it. thats it!


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Re: South Devon Report 2010

Garfish 1lb 3oz

I went in again this afternoon got there to see alot of chop to the water. I managed to read off the wrong day tide times so got in to find a savage current so got back out again and waited for the slack. I did finally calm down only saw the one bass today. The vis wasnt the best its ever been but well fishable also had an amazing site when a shoal of about 150 garfish came right over the top of me. I have been told they are nice to eat so took one and a fairly big one I think weighed 1lb 3.7 oz.which is a British record if I'm not mistaken.


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The Deeper Blue Spearfishing Hall of Fame.

Big Eye Emperor 9lb

Since the gun I made for my brother-in-law (http://forums.deeperblue.com/diy-homemade/86570-2-more-guns-finished.html) has been sitting dry at my house since I finished it, since he only paid for the cost of the materials, and since he owes me a favor or two:blackeye, i figured I would take it out for some "R&D":)... As it turns out the gun works VERY well, not sure I want go give it to him now...

We went out on the N side of Maui. Full moon tide so the current was ripping and in the opposite direction that it usually goes... so we ended up getting in on the wrong side of the point. After finning against the current for some time I found a spot to anchor the float where we could hold on and breathe up. When we were ready to drop leg go of the float and drift back over your intended drop zone.

First shot with the gun was this Mu, one of my biggest to date just shy of 9lbs. Mu is also known as a "Big eye emperor" and is by far one of the hardest to shoot in Hawaii, very curious but very cautious. They tend to always know the range of your gun and stay just outside of it. You have to completely hide your body from them and act totally disinterested, kinda the same technique I used on girls growing up... Well, on this day it seemed they were underestimating the range of this new enclosed track 120. The first drop on the pile produced this one, and the second one just a tad smaller which I gave to my dive partner as he was unable to land one for himself.

As I was heading to the surface with the second mu a pack of about 8 40-50lb uluas came in to investigate. Circled me a few times and headed back out. Figures, this was the second time at this spot where I had a nice fish on and some even nicer fish came in to check me out. The last time I had stoned a 20lb Uku when a school of 20+ onos came in and circled me while I struggled to pull the shaft out of the fishes skull.


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Re: South Devon Report 2010

Spider Crab 6lb 4oz

I had an offer to go out on a mates new boat today and he dropped me in and went off Skiing and towing inflatables. I had a nice dive and took a rare crab (I don't eat it) as he looked big. I only take and keep fish normally. I dropped in to see Shiny1 on the way home and he weighed it and it was 6lb 4oz. I saw a couple of nice bass today but no chance of a shot.



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Re: Dorset Spear Fishing 2010

Sole 3lb 10oz

In this morning with Stew (poolewanderer) at a spot of his choice, Vis was great. Didn't see many fish where i was but stew saw quite a few mullet and a bass, i saw one bass but was out of range. I decided to go and try over by some rocks and on the way there was alot of sandy patches so scouted them out for any flatties, i looked down and i saw something out of place, it looked liked 2 googly pebbles with a curved slit behind so dived down to it and when i got closer i could see the outline of the fishes head, i didnt want to scare it off so i speared it, followed the spear down and grabbed the other end so the fish couldnt escape, it looked as though the body was never ending. Once i had secured it, i swam to the surface to check out this lovely specimen of a sole. It weighed in at 3 lb 10oz.
First ever sole for me.


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Re: Catalina Island Camping?

Calico Bass 9lb 1oz

I finally got the stupid camera to download.. here some pics of the bass i got, although they're the wrong ones they still were tasty!


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Re: South Devon Report 2010

Thornback Ray 14lb 0oz + 12lb 7oz

Got the flattie bug lately. I had 2 bass one of 4lbs and one of 3lbs then decided to have a look for my dream fish,the Turbot (big one). Tried a place where i have had bass but never look off the reef on the sand for flatties. Its a none shore mark for them,usualy very busy with boat traffic and anglers off the rocks. Today it was empty.
I found one flounder after 30mins of searching the sandy bottom. I had enough after that and made my way back to the boat. In the shadow of the boat on the bottom lay the big shape of a ray. I didnt shoot him,instead pushing the spear through him. It was a nice 12lb7oz Thornback. Not long after a second Thornback of 14lbs joined him in the icebox. No Turbot this time but i will keep looking.
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Re: South Devon Report 2010

Black Bream 2lb 10oz

Got in today,viz wasnt great. Seen a few bass but very spooky. Lots of mullet around aswell. Last time i dived this reef last year i seen Black Bream but didnt manage to get near enough for a shot. Lots of searching but none seen. Then i seen a bass below me under a ledge,i lined him up from above and shot,it was only then i realised it was a Bream. Lucky shot really shooting down on the narrow back of a bream. I seen 2 more,fired at one of them but missed. Ended up with bass mullet and a black bream of 2lb 10oz.


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Re: Ireland spearing 2010

Pollack 11lb 11oz

I've got a few fillets of various fish in my freezer so I haven't been taking many fish lately. When I go out it's partly recreational but I take a gun just in case.Yesterday I gave some fillets to one of my sons so I decided to take some pollack today if I could find any good ones. (I like thick fillets for fish and chips).
I drove about twenty miles west to launch the kayak near the "stags" and try some of my favourite pollack spots. The first two places I tried had small to medium fish but I left them alone and after a couple of hours I shipped the gun and just did some sightseeing among the rocky gulleys. The water was noticeably colder out there in the tide run. 13 degrees c.
On my way back I trailed mackeral feathers but only got one mackeral.
I stopped off at one last place where I've been pretty successful before and after a few dives I saw a reasonable looking pollack. I was letting myself drift towards it when a bigger one materialised in the gloom but it swam off as I changed direction. After four more dives I hadn't seen the big one again so I shot one that weighed in at 4.5 lbs. "One more dive then I'm off". Nothing. "Well just one more then".
Out of the gloom he came again. This time I didn't try to close in but risked a long shot, after all I was using a 110 cm gun. I hit the fish further back than I would have liked and the reel whirred as he dived into the kelps on the bottom. I cupped the reel with my hand as hard as I dared so he didn't tangle too badly then as I lay on the surface I managed to ease him out of the weed and slowly upwards 'til I could get my hand in his gills, kill him and get him on my belt. As I swam back to the kayak I could feel his tail brushing my calves.He weighed 11.7lbs.(11lbs and 11 ounces)
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Re: Ireland spearing 2010

Bass (European) 11lb 3oz

Some mornings you just don't feel like getting out of bed. When my alarm went at 6.30 I felt warm and comfortable and had to force myself out of bed, knowing I'd be glad once I was in the water. I wanted to check a stretch of rocky shore before the tide turned at 10.00am.
The water was clear where I got in and after the first couple of hundred yards I started seeing fish. There were plenty of nice mullet and also some bass of 4 or 5 pounds. I didn't try shooting any but concentrated instead on trying to swim past without scaring them while staying ready for any biggies.
Vis varied as the water seemed muddy in places. I was going through a muddy area, pulling myself along with the fingers of my left hand. I eased slowly over a metre high rock with the gun already angled down when a large head rose up. Letting the fish turn slightly I drilled it through the gill plate, secured it and quickly killed it.
Back at the car I couldn't wait to weigh it. 11.2 pounds (11pounds 3 ounces)


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Re: South Devon Report 2010

Grey Mullet (common thick lip) 6lb 7oz

Went in on sunday with tribs the viz was terible but did finish the day with a good mix bag of fish including a mullet beauty tiping the scale at 6lb7oz. I hope for better viz for this weekend.


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Re: South Devon Report 2011

Edible Crab 4.5lb and 3.5lb

Left for spot Budleigh on sat afternoon but it was so windy me and Tom headed for spot Babbacombe which was well worth the trip. No decent fish seen but didnt have to be around Tom for long to catch crabs...

4.5lb and 3.5lb brown crabs and 2 x 5lb spiders. Pretty happy.

Thanks to Tom for loan of a bigger pan!!


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Re: South Devon Report 2011

Bass 11lb 2oz 3/4

hi all whent for a dive with dan this AM the first spoot was life less move to the next spot where dan got his first bass of the year well done mate:friday
to dan suggestion we move to a other spoot as the tide was running on the sandy patch the fish sarted to come i decided to look into those holes when on one of of the last dive i came across this head i could not make out what it was wrass? mullet? as the fish turn in this tight hole i whent S... !this is a bass shoot your moppet as i shot the line whent thight to this point i still did not see that bass properly is i am pulling on the string i am thinking this is heavy the fish must caught some big kelp after i intense 10 seconds the fish finally pop at the hole as i cheek for the entry of the spear i just realised that only 1 inch of the spear is in with the bard sticking out my hand dive in the gill of the fish to make sure this bass is coming home with me as i swim to the boat i just realised how big this bass is my heart was pounding i had to take the beast to a fishmonger
as we put the bass on the scale my heart was racing as i whanted the scale to said 10lb as the weight stop the scale show the magic numbers for me 11lb 2oz 3/4 ho yeah i finally got one my other bass at 3lb9oz look like a sardine next to it and manage a 5lb 4oz mullet 1 verry happy ollie


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Re: South Devon Report 2011

Lemon Sole 1lb

Went for a dive yesterday looking for flatties again. I had a 3 plaice a lobster and a Lemon Sole. I thought it was a brill but when i got back to the boat i realised it wasnt a brill. I met up with another spearo about a hour later who said right away what it was,a Lemon Sole. He did have tail damage where some thing had taken a bite out of at one stage.


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Re: Dorset Spear Fishing 2011

TUNA (northern Bluefin) 35lbs

So it all began with a plan to head up to Portland, Dorset with my dive buddy, James Keith from Cornwall. We were loaded like springs for the rescheduled run of the 2011 LIC Pairs Dive.*
That was until we heard about the event being called off, again, due to the wild weather wonder of the British summer!
After a few calls and advice from Dorset local Ben Garner, we cracked on!
Late saturday afternoon we pushed off from the Castletown slipway to see if the Crystal Vis crew and Parker brothers had left any fish for us!
Well suffice to say it certainly was not Crystal! Saturdays ocean antics closed with a green murk cocktail, capped with 30 knot westerly aeration!
Saturdays one consolation being two sublimely large lamb shish kebabs from one of Weymouth's finest stag and hen eateries!

Sunday dawned with the general melas in the Castletown car park and slipway of a few BSAC clubs getting ready for their pout and bib viewing trips.
James and I were joined by another spearo buddy, Scott, and we suited up and got the kit down onto the gravel as fortunately the Rib was already afloat.*
From here it could have gone either way as I battled to start the motor and keep it idling. Add to this, I was getting nailed by little shocks of electric current coming through the throttle control!
I managed to load the guys up and we shot off across a 35 knot whipped Portland Harbour. We had hopes for at least somewhere to dive.
As we motored over HMS Hood we noticed the swell and Balaclava Bay was even murkier than the previous evening, so it was either work the east side of Portland or go left to the waters outside the harbour. We went left.
We chose a spot and anchored up.*
James jumped in first and promptly reported terrible vis and quote, "it's almost unfishable...". Then Scott joined him and began to have his own scout down current from the boat.
I sat on the boat having got ready and feeling kind of gutted about the apparent conditions, put the bung back on the speartip, sat down and had a drink! I seriously at this point almost decided to just leave the gun onboard and just go and have some exploratory deep dives to see if I could get under the murk. Must have been Neptunes voice I heard in my mind say "always take the gun"....in I jumped.

I began the breathe up for my first dive, just off the boat on the uptide of the two already in.
I folded and began my descent inverted as you have all done many a time. I must have been 4-6m down, when I first saw the first fast mover barely through the 2m murk...now it's sounds a bit crazy but I immediately thought, "bloody hell, that's a big mullet!!!, whoa!?!, what?!?!, huge pollack?!?!?, NO! is it one of those Amberjacks?!?!?, by which time it was turning hard and fast after an arc from right to left, F#%K!!!!! It's a TUNA!!!! There's TWO!!!! I was arching back up and the RA 7mm tip in my 90 came straight up and onto the charge line of the huge head of a storming lead Tuna . Bang! The spear exploded at almost point blank range into the top of the gill plate, down through the bulk, exiting the left flank of the belly. Time stopped momentarily there for me. I just stared at it in utter shock believing I had stoned it. The tuna came to life and I came back into the gravity of the what it was doing in the broken vis. It went ballistic doing multiple wraps of spear line, gun and float line round and round my legs! I fought frantically out of the tangle and away from the crazed *circles this tuna was doing. If I pulled, the fish pulled harder and down! I was getting small breaths when I could surface and so after what seemed an eternity of tugging and finning, I was slowly heading towards the boat. James by now was sat on one of the sponsons and I managed to shout..."I have shot a effin TUNA!!!"*
I honestly got the most nonchalant glance and nod of Yeah right from James. I moved towards the boat and managed to hand up a section of float line to James who suddenly had very big eyes while feeling the pull of this fish but not being able to see it! I grabbed his gun, battling to calm myself for a dive and and possibly put a second shot in. I dived, aimed and missed, while the tuna continued it's *spirals now with added tangle!
The tuna had begun to slow and keep to a certain depth on the tension of the float line. I decided it was time to bring this magnificent fish up and into the boat. I dived down and grabbed the spear and fish securely, finned up and brought him right up to James who have the leverage to heave it up over the sponson and into the back of the boat! YES! Could I relax? No!
Utter shock across the faces of us all. The other two naturally jumped back in and I just sat myself down next to MY TUNA!
Besides an almost comical and literally shocking (as in jolts!), rubber jacket hand wrapped throttle arm, we beached onto the Castletown gravel.*
The faces from the now returned scuba boats was a sight.*
Amazing experience and perhaps I'm rambling on now but this tuna deserves it!
WEIGHED IN AT 15.87KG -Northern Bluefin Tuna Thanks to James, Scott and Titus for the support yesterday. Truly stoked!

Regards to all.


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Re: Guernsey 2011

Plaice 6lb 10oz

Sarnian85 well done on the mullet - they do turn out ok - and your recipe sounds tasty!!

I managed another trip, still on my flattie mission, but have to admit i was hoping for another sighting of the gilties - not this time tho...

i took the kayak out to do some drift dives, saw small bass, zillions of mullets and pollacks, and a nice flattie :)

I had my 90 with brand new bands, so with a stationary target, even i managed to make good the shot!
I was pretty excited as it was a real clonker of a fat plaice and both my wife and son do love plaice goujons :) :)


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