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The Guernsey spearfishing & social 2016

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Mart - looks like we are going to be in Guernsey for 2/3 weeks. Dont know exact dates but stick me on the reserve list. I should know for sure by Feb. but with s bit of luck our holiday dates will tie in with the fish in :)

Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk
Good news Grati.
Still waiting for Tom Todd & Paul Achler to confirm on the forum (not trying to be petty however I need to have some form of official registration) but I think we are close getting replies from all last years attendees.
That is great Chris :)
I will get my act together soon, just a bit overworked at the moment.... need to think about building a prize gun & perhaps a raffle gun too but at the moment its work & sleep.
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I am pencilled in for some time skiving around the weekend, so if anyone wants to join in the scallop hunt, do any other diving or just some social trips around the other islands, don't forget to shout.
I would love to get in on this, if it goes to an open event and you end up having room for another Just registering interest
Hi Louis, yes you can take Jasons place as he can't make it this year.
Hi Rossi, you are now on the list
I will get a something together tomorrow to see how we stand for numbers.....
Reactions: Rossi01
Sadly we can't make it :-( holidays and life stuff just not making it possible

Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk
We have ......
Jersey Dan
Jersey Mike
Matt Le Clercq
J Hunter
Little Sarge

Who have confirmed on this thread that they will be attending.
We don't have ...
Paul Achler, John Norman or Tomas Todd.
I know they want to come but can someone please remind them that to officially register they must post on this thread.
We also have Nasy but as he is getting married I am not sure on his status?
If we can get conformations from these guys I can then welcome other folk waiting to hear about the situation ....
Hi mart I can only attend the Sunday, so if you want to pencil somebody in to take part in both days it's fine with me, I'll still come down the Sunday anyway let's hope for some good fishing.
Great news John
I am going to start asking around the forum to see who else is interested but at a final last plea ... any Jersey guys watching this please contact Paul & Tom & ask them to register on hear ASAP ...
Great news John
I am going to start asking around the forum to see who else is interested but at a final last plea ... any Jersey guys watching this please contact Paul & Tom & ask them to register on hear ASAP ...
Hi Mart, messages have been passed.....will try again. Cheers mike
Reactions: foxfish
hi Martyn, Paul and I tried to set up a new account today (Le gambler2) so Paul can officially register. The account exists but it won't let him post. It says 'you don't have sufficient privelages to post here'. Not sure what else to do?
Hi Martyn

Tom is the same, also when he tries to go on your page to send you a message it says 'You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action'.

Maybe because the account hasn't been verified by admin yet.
Aah, that explains some things. The forum is detecting and reporting to us that you have multiple accounts, which is against forum rules. It has probably blocked your new accounts for breaking that rule. I gather the rule is enforced at the machine level - so if 2 of you share a PC for example, that might bethe cause -- Paul/Dan, is that what is happening here?