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UK season is on..or is it?

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neoprene dreamer
Aug 22, 2001
Hi to you all,

I am planning on going for a dive this saturday, take my camera and gun to take few pictures and get some fresh fish on the table as well.. how are other UK spearos doing? any luck or what is happening?

Will be posting results next week... (hopefully first fish pics of the year..)

Hi Pekka - been going in most weekends over the winter - went in last weekend with a mate who got a nice 9 pound bass (male) and I saw a few large ones too - should be flat fish season too in a week or two for a short duration.
So definitely worth going in - glad you have a camera now - need some shots of that large bass you shot last year (was it 19 pounds ? - if it was then I guess it was well over 20 years old).

I lifted this from a welsh bass site :

"In the Irish Sea, bass grow at about 8cm per year for the first five years of life, slowing down in length as they put on weight, up to a potential maximum of around 18lb (kg). In UK waters bass can live for up to 30 years, but nowadays few are found over 15years old (normally about 8 to 11lbs). Bass can be aged by reading the growth checks that form on the scales. Bass feed on a wide range of prey, shrimps, crabs, marine worms and many types of fish, especially sand-eels, sprats and mackerel."

Happy hunting - show us some snaps !

I went diving for a short while, took few pictures and tried to catch a glimpse of any fish.. just anything, but the reef was completely empty... I dont think Bass or any other fish for that matter lives on those shores for an other few weeks.. I was happy how my camera performed but was missing all the fish...:(

Perhaps in near future I take an other look and find something under there..

. Pekka
Definitely NOT and still bloody freezing for my Mediterranean person even after the initial 10 minute face numbing period elapses.

Pekka was gracious enough to show me some very promising fishing grounds but alas not a fish in sight. Was a pleasure all the same.

Will give it another go in May.
May ?!
Come on ! Easter is the official start to the summer - get in there !

(Oh - new warm Elios suits have arrived so maybe that is the reason I am so keen :))

9C on Saturday morning and Sunday morning - saw about 90 mullet between us - loads and loads of 'em. 2 hours each session and a bit chilly on the Sunday.
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Well... I think my relatively "experienced" suit will go for an other test this coming friday and hopefully I will be able to post some pictures of my home reef then.. I might go only with my camera to catch some photos of fish.. as I am sure I'll see the biggest and juiciest fish ever with only my camera in my hands.. :)
Sorry Nikos as I left you standing on the rock for awhile.. next time lets hope there is less fog and more fish..
I remeber last "summer" when the plankton bloom was on getting some good sized flatfish... perhaps I'll nail my first flat fish this friday..

Happy hunting to you all, especially if you are hunting in UK.. let me know when the big boys arrive so I can join in the fun..

So here we are, dive trip done and about an hour worth of diving and what was the result..?
UK hunting season is definately not on in Devon yet..
I did see a little shark and a some little creatures on the way, but mostly bad viz one wrasse, and loads of good looking spots too keep in mind for the summer season..

Happy diving to you all and hope to post some pictures of real fish and catches soon..



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Well i went in with Charlie and saw nothing on friday for an hour - then went with some freediving buddies in the evening for an hour and a half - they got a sole (but it escaped) and two mullet - very nice to be out on a full moon for my first night dive...very calm too.
Went in for an hour and a half on Saturday with Fabio at one spot and he got a lobster and we saw a few mullet and some large wrasse.
tried another spot for an hour but no luck.
Maybe a bit quiet....so I didn't go today.
Phone's just gone and Fabio landed a big bass today (I should have gone but was too busy cooking meals...damn !)
Well give it a try tomorrow for a few hours maybe.
Ed (warming up in this fresh season...still yet to land a fish)
Dived the Brighton area today. Viz about 3/4 metres. Water was cold about 8 degrees but not to bad for my first dive of the year. Lots of fish life and i was surprised at the amount of kelp growth. Was not lucky enough to spear any bass myself but a friend had two. Have to wait a bit longer to try out my new totemsub gun. Anyone else been in over the weekend?
Went in today for nearly 3 hours - Fabio landed 3 bass of about 3 or so pounds each... me = none :(
But I may have caught a cold :)....

Going to try tomorrow - water is a beautiful 9C and the vis is really good - all the fish in the shallows ... seeing alot of mullet ...

Viz great, this time I saw some 3 bigish Wrasse, and half eaten wrasse... made me think about sharks again.. Water was very cold this time.. the face numbing thing... you know first it hurts then you just know your lips and half your face has lost shape and feeling and you'll have to wipe snot off all over your face when coming up..
Sunny day and everything, but I think I need to wait for some few weeks before flatfish season kicks in..
till then I have to be satisfied to take pictures of things that cant migrate out of here even if the water temperatures go as low as 10C...

safe diving and Ed, I'll get you a short clip how to nail some flatties.. as soon as they appear here at SW.. :)


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Went down to Cornwall last week, Mother Ivey's Bay, went out for 4 days out of 6, glorious weather, fortunately had my new 7mm Cressi on, vis was terrible at about 2-3 feet, instead of fish for supper, we had mussels.
Hey it's not all doom and gloom !

Water was clear to the bottom - 6m - about 9C and this plaice looked a bit small from the top - moved as I was about to plant some steel so spiked it's tail but managed to bring it home. About 5 and a half pounds. Charlie got some fish two but he might post a pic himself...

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Quite nice Plaice there Ed..
I am itching to go see if My local plaice spot would offer some fish for dinner here at mainland...

Cheers Pekka
Really good day - vis down to 6m and the only day when both me and Charlie have caught something - normally I do or he does but rarely together...(he got a smaller plaice and a 4 pound cuttlefish from what I remember and a mullet)

Went in on Sunday for 2 hours at the same spot but only saw a lumpfish and Charlie couldn't resist the mullet !

Good luck - I will be out of the water for a week to sort the small matter of driving out...(hopefully).
I hopefully get to evaluate the situation at SW UK next weekend.. but that is still to come..
I'll take my camera with to shoot some photos if the fish are not there yet.. this all ofcourse if weather holds..which I have no clue and very little trust.. :)

Yes started two weeks ago six Bass average size 3.5 kilo's no pictures forgot camera :duh Todays catch seven Bass average 3 kilo's sea conditions flat calm visibility 5 metres and Cold B'rrr enjoy pictures.

Good Hunting Old Dave


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Dave were fishing of the marina? Did Steve manage to pull back his own gun rubbers?
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