Congratulations Will, that is one impressive dive! Sounds like when you get it right, there's no stopping you. What's the problem in Egypt? Salt? Indeed blood pressure is "everything", or at least more important that a lot of people (even quite advanced divers) give it credit for.
And congrats to Eric as well, very impressive! Did you equalize with standard mouthfill or let your sinuses flood or something?
Dave's experiences sound just scary to me. Narcosis must be pretty damn severe. Sounds too close to the horror stories from Eric's deepest dives. Are you still diving with max co2? Max packing? Have enough air for equalization? From the dive time it sounds like you don't need all that air hypoxia wise, so if eq is not the problem, maybe go with a little less air? What's the depth where you can dive without narcosis being a big problem (such as missing the tag, forgetting to kick up etc)?
Can't wait for todays update
And congrats to Eric as well, very impressive! Did you equalize with standard mouthfill or let your sinuses flood or something?
Dave's experiences sound just scary to me. Narcosis must be pretty damn severe. Sounds too close to the horror stories from Eric's deepest dives. Are you still diving with max co2? Max packing? Have enough air for equalization? From the dive time it sounds like you don't need all that air hypoxia wise, so if eq is not the problem, maybe go with a little less air? What's the depth where you can dive without narcosis being a big problem (such as missing the tag, forgetting to kick up etc)?
Can't wait for todays update