Crap, I hit "post" before I meant to- freakin' buttons on an iPad screwing me up. 
My second point,was that maybe we should all put forth questions to be added to next year's ballot. I would
It forth that we open up spearfishing of any kind to anyone with a standard fishing license so long as they don't go over the daily bag limit. If we attack it like they did the dove hunt, wolf hunt, and crane hunt I think we might have a shot- no pun intended. With the states now allowing all kinds of areas to be opened up for hunting that were closed in the past, I don't understand how they want to role back our rights on this one issue. If we pronounce that everyone in the state should be allowed to spearfish, like the native Americans, I think we might get further ahead instead of trying to reason with people who go off of gut instinct and resist the facts in front of them. Add something into the question how this would improve tourism, commerce ( think of all those bows and spearguns they could sell) , and license sales and we might have a winner.
What we need to do is come up with a short statement that multiple people can submit for next year's ballot. Something like:
"I vote to open up ALL Wisconsin waters to ALL types of spearing for ALL races".
This would be short, easily copied, and get everyone riled up that there's something their not allowed to do that they should be allowed to do. It's kind of cheesy, but this is Wisconsin. I'm sure that Ted, or someone else, could come up with a better question, but it needs to be short and we need to get a bunch of people to submit it from different parts of the state. We could always add in how people in South Dakota get to spear gamefish, or similar stories, but brevity is the key. Adding in bow hunters to our cause only makes it easier for everyone else to say "yes" to us instead of shutting us down.
Just my $0.02
My second point,was that maybe we should all put forth questions to be added to next year's ballot. I would
It forth that we open up spearfishing of any kind to anyone with a standard fishing license so long as they don't go over the daily bag limit. If we attack it like they did the dove hunt, wolf hunt, and crane hunt I think we might have a shot- no pun intended. With the states now allowing all kinds of areas to be opened up for hunting that were closed in the past, I don't understand how they want to role back our rights on this one issue. If we pronounce that everyone in the state should be allowed to spearfish, like the native Americans, I think we might get further ahead instead of trying to reason with people who go off of gut instinct and resist the facts in front of them. Add something into the question how this would improve tourism, commerce ( think of all those bows and spearguns they could sell) , and license sales and we might have a winner.
What we need to do is come up with a short statement that multiple people can submit for next year's ballot. Something like:
"I vote to open up ALL Wisconsin waters to ALL types of spearing for ALL races".
This would be short, easily copied, and get everyone riled up that there's something their not allowed to do that they should be allowed to do. It's kind of cheesy, but this is Wisconsin. I'm sure that Ted, or someone else, could come up with a better question, but it needs to be short and we need to get a bunch of people to submit it from different parts of the state. We could always add in how people in South Dakota get to spear gamefish, or similar stories, but brevity is the key. Adding in bow hunters to our cause only makes it easier for everyone else to say "yes" to us instead of shutting us down.
Just my $0.02