Creepy and Freaky...
I'm looking to your report Laminar.
Here is mine about the Hyperfins I got about the 26th of february.
It has got the 30 degree angle, and has a medium blade.
Though it feels rather soft at the end.
The fin I used up to then was a WaterWay MD2 Middle Distance. I did a pb (134m) with this WW just a few days earlier, on the 26th on the Freedive pool competition in Berlin. (
9. Berliner Meisterschaft im Apnoetauchen)
When I first put the fin on, it fitted pretty good, only the upper part , the foot arch, was too wide. I got flat feet. When I made the first two strokes in a shallow pool, I knew this was going to be good. Than in the 25m pool, I made some test swims. Slow fast, wide amplitude, smaller, etc. Stikeing differences are, huge glide, bigger swim amplitude, number of strokes halfed, higher speeds, slow more difficult turns with 'sucking' of the blade against the wall.
After this initial swim, I cut about 6cm into the foot-pocked and removed about a width of 2,5cm at the rim of the pocked and glued it back together with Bison rubber Super glue 'industrial'.
The next swim was in the 50m pool in Eindhoven, testing the adjusted new fin. That day I apperently had a good day. Did an easy going 100m apnee in a 1'16" with a very slow turn. The swim felt easy getting to know and work with the fins caracteristics and abilities. Then I proceded with my regular monofin training of swimming 1km 50/50 (after turn 25m UW monostyle with small fins, followed by 25 freestroke to the next turn). Than 1km of surface monofinning on my back on surface with a weight in my outstretched arms. After this the lane was empty so I put on my new adjusted fin and decided to try 16x50m under water. My pb and NR is 16'23" (WR is about 11'15").
Feeling good and warmed up I started with the 1' schedule.
The 50m dives were increddible, easy reaching 29-30seconds for a 50m, and having enough breath for conversation in between. With my WW it used to take 33 and 34 seconds. I asked Carl (timing and coaching) to take it down to 55". Resulting in a pb of 14'40"
An inspireing start, looking forward bringing the schedule down to 50seconds a 50m.
Compared to my old WW MD2 MD the Hyperfins fin feels like a catapult, cannot wait to try for the next competition.
I love the new fin, and named her Natalia.
I'm now going to alter my old WW to become my preffered CW fin, with 30 degree angle.
Feel free to ask any questions.