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Waterway longblades

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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I should be working
Nov 8, 2002
Has anyone tried the Waterway fiberplastic longblades? From what I have been reading, they have a better response and longer life than carbons. Are these blades suitable for spearfishing? I understand that Scott Turgeon ordered a pair. Let us know how they work. Thanks for your help.

I have to ask... I went through the search function like crazy, but where did you find a comment about Turgeon & these fins recently? Last I recall(several months ago), he decided the forum wasn't for him and parted way...

Emailed the rep from the company and according to him, Turgeon ordered a pair. I wasn't aware that Turgeon walked away from the forum. He's a great diver who could provide a lot of insight into a lot of subjects. Anyone elso tried these blades?

Brad :martial

Turgeon was a great guy and good diver. I think the reason he left was cos some people where arguing with him about feeding fish for a competition or something.

Now I remember. I can see both sides of this feeding issue. I mean if everyone else is doing it, why not right? Why let someone get an advantage over you if you can prevent/neutralize that advantage? What's stopping others from doing it? But then again there is the issue of ethics and that whole can of worms. I say let by gones be by gones. He didn't stash fish in traps, he found the fish through hard work ie scouting. As far as I'm conserned he's still the 2002 Champ. He took out the best divers in the US. The likes of which I couldn't keep up with. Besides, he was not the only guy who fed fish before the tournament. Hey Scott, come on back to the forum. Wait a minute, I wanted to know about the waterway longblades, got any info anybody?

Brad :martial

Hey dude dont get me wrong. I didnt want Scott to leave I liked his info about what its like to dive in comps and world champs. And obviously he was good to be a US spearfishing champion. I have nothing against scouting hard I believe that those who dont feed the fish but still scout extremely hard and win are the ones who are the real champions. I dont believe that feeding fish to kill later is right though just my opinion. Im not sure if Scott was actually feeding the fish anyway.


Ps I dont know anything about those fins your talking about
Originally posted by w3ac
As far as I'm conserned he's still the 2002 Champ. He took out the best divers in the US. The likes of which I couldn't keep up with.

Did I miss something? What is he the 2002 champ of? I was at nationals & I know it wasn't that... :confused:
Hey Fuzz, I just ck'd uot your toys. I like a man w/ a well stocked armory What size is the esclapez. I've got a couple of 110's and and a 90. I'm thinking about a 60 for close in work, holes, dirty water,ect.
The Esclapez is a 90!

Okay, originally it was a 90, but someone stepped on the barrel. I asked my friend if I could tineker with it and he told me go for it... so I chopped it, modified a few things, bought a couple shafts(one regular length & a small black stubby one for tight spots) & that's the final gun. I believe it's about a 55mm now.

Overall it cost me $50(since it was free), but it's very surprisingly strong with those 16mm esclapez bands & I'm very happy with it's performance in tight spots.
I remember seeing the advertising post about the Waterway fiberplastic from Peter. I am all for more fins that have the efficiency of carbon (actually he was claiming much better than carbon), but with the durability of plastic, I just don’t understand fiberplastic. The word sounds like it’s just cloth (fiber) added to plastic. In other words, fiberglass! How could fiberglass give more snap than carbon fiber? Carbon and graphite fibers are supposed to give more flexibility, snap, and strength than fiberglass. In fishing poles, bicycles, etc. the better ones all have carbon or graphite added to the resin.

Remember the Sporasub Radical Carbons. They were fiberglass coated carbon fins. The point with them was you lose a little bit of the snap with the fiberglass coating, but the coating protected the fin. So you ended up with a fin almost as good in performance as pure carbon, but more durable. Now we going to throw the carbon away and go to pure fiberglass?

Peter or others, please don’t be offended, I just don’t understand how the performance could be better. Think of it as a selling opportunity. I would sure like to hear some convincing evidence why they have better performance than carbon, like a well know freediver testing them against carbon, or at least a good mechanical explanation.

I know their mono fins are setting world records, but is this just because the mono fin is more efficient than a pair of fins, or is it the material? Are their carbon mono fins that Waterway’s fins are better than?
Although I have tried several carbon monos, the fiberglass waterway blades definitely seem to work better. This can't be because the waterway *material* is better, it seems to have more to do with the fin design. So maybe what waterway is trying to say is that their fiberglass bifins outperform carbon bifins due to better fin design, as opposed to sheer material properties?

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada
I see I've opened the can of worms. Sorry gang but I was just trying to make peace. Regarding the fiberplastic fins from waterway take a look at their Monofins. I think it is the same blade material. I have seen how much snap these fins have compared to bi fins. True that the wider blade will displace more water but have you seen the snap that these things have? Crazy man! So far, I have not seen a carbon bi fin that has snap anywhere near that. Sporasub PURE actually looks like it's fluttering behind the diver. C4 looks like it has some good snap just nowhere nearly as much. I'm going to give these bad boys a try and will post about results. Unfortunatley it won't be until April as wrestling season is in full swing leaving me very little time to dive. Besides, I was going to buy some new toys with the paycheck.

Brad :martial

"Can't we all just get along?" Rodney King
re: url?

Thanks Eric!

Those fins hardly look like something that would outperform C4s or Sporasub Pure Carbon, but I guess you'd have to try them to know. I have tried a Waterway monofin and didn’t like the foot straps. I found it hurt my heels after about 10-15mins of use. It might have been a bit too tight, but then again, it would have to fit snug since it's not a full heel fins.

I'll be interested to hear how they work.
answers to a few things...

Originally posted by ivan

Turgeon was a great guy and good diver. I think the reason he left was cos some people where arguing with him about feeding fish for a competition or something.


Scott is a great hunter and has proved so, many times. He left because members on this forum didn't agree w/ his self promotion through this site. Some way or another, maybe the competition thread, he was pushed too far and got fed up. :hmm

Anyways, I know Scott was one of the first in the states to try out the Ice blade from OMER. I know there was a discussion on the forums about that, but no discussions about him and the fiberblades.

As for the blades themselves.... the fiberplastic is apparently "layered" just like my waterway mono(thickness is tapered as it approaches the end of the blade). I think waterway has perfected this system so that the efficiency of the blade response is peaked for the energy put into them. And obviously, the optional stiffnesses help maintain that peak for different body styles and kicks.

Tanya's bi-fins are a type of fiberglass and are clearly tapered/layered. She seems to like them much better than any of her other pairs. I remember seeing a pair of sporasub radicals in her bag as well.

Hope some of that helps. Maybe we can get peter on here to clarify. :confused:

Hey Gord,
I've been in contact with Peter from Waterway Canada. I tried to check out these blades that fit the Sporasub foot pocket on their website www.finswimming.ca but they have been experiencing some kind of problem with their site where I couldn't view their products. He emailed me a catalogue with pretty much everything they have. If you want to check it out send me a PM with your email address and I will forward the stuff that he sent to me. The blades don't look like the ones on the finswimworld.com site. They don't have the black rubber (I think that's rubber) channels in the middle of the fin. It actually looks kind of like a C4 blade. Interesting stuff.

Brad :martial
While your spending your paycheck, please buy some PICASSO CARBONPRENEs ($330.37 plus shipping from the db store) too. That’s the other fin some of us have been lusting at. Then give us your opinion, Waterway or PICASSO CARBONPRENE?

Your check’s not that big? Come on you wrestlers are rich!

In all seriousness, if anyone knows anything about the PICASSO CARBONPRENE please share. Last time I remember discussing them, someone had seen them and thought they were really cool, but had not tried them yet. The Scuba Store says this about them “The tests have demonstrated that the thrust of these fins is enormously higher than any other fins ever made!. The use of the neoprene also allows the camouflage and protection of the blades, in addition to eliminating all noises.”

If Tanya like fiberglass fins, then they must be good.
I think Tanya's & Fred's fins are made from Kevlar...?

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada
Actually, they're made out of carbon fiber and fiberglass. They're handmade in France by some guy. I think Frederic was the one who got Tanya's pair for her. I remember now that there were carbon fiber strips down each side and the fiberglass was layered over everything.

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