wow... awesome, dotey and crew... we should DEFINITELY put a letter/proposal together.
I think if we are allowed a fishing stamp, just like for trout, or whatever, and just like Musky fisherman, have tight limits, I think I see no reason for us not to have the right to go get dinner just like anyone else.
I know some crazy fishermen that go fish for a week, get their limits for sunnys every day (25 per person, 2 guys fishing for a week), come home with more fish than they know how to eat (50x5days=250 fish)... makes no sense to me... there's, what, maybe 25 spearfishermen in the entire state if WI?!
I would actually like more rights given to spearfishermen... they are actually IN the environment, see what kind of situation the fish are in, and can make a wiser decision what to shoot, what to leave, than just an angler on top of the water.
(I caught a 14" bass tonight on a lure and released it, so I'm a big fishing fan either way.. I'm just saying...)