hey guys,
it's an incredible gun. although i love sterling at hanapa'a dearly, i'd order one direct from daryl. he was great and gave me tons of advice on using it and setting it up.
first of all, i'm using(recommended) the riffe 5/16x65" hawaiian shaft. the line is wrapped pretty much just like a riffe, although it's setup as a complete breakaway system. there's no termination to the gun. i'm using a small 1/8" marine bungee pulled back to the release mech to keep the line on. my floatline is clipped to mono loop at the end of the spearshaft line. i'm using 4x 9/16" hi-mod bands from hanapa'a. made em myself w/ bloodline as wishbones. you can just as easily use riffe bands. lengths of your choosing.
the gun tracks incredibly w/ 2 hands. the only problem is learning how to aim it. it's seriously a 25' gun, you just need to get in quite a bit of shooting practice. all enclosed track guns are like this, by the way.
the quality's pretty good. it's not a factory gun, but go w/ the non-camo(just lacquer over the wood). mine's camo, and aquiles' is clear lacquer. i've got to warn you, these things are cannons! :naughty there's no messing around w/ em. the recoil is much less than one would imagine, but when you pull that trigger, you kinda wonder what the %$# just happened.
the trigger mech is fine. i don't care what others are saying. unless you're using it 300 days out of the year, i'd say you won't have any problems.
also, the handle is 20x more comfy than the riffe handles.
the mahi's 60", by the way. if you go w/ the 63" ono, you'll have to shop for shafts. i don't think riffe makes a 5/16 shaft longer than 65".
anyways.... (conclusion

) .... it's not a gun i use often. it's strictly a bluewater gun used for getting that shaft all the way through those big boys. i have a few trips towards the end of this year where i'll be using it as a primary gun, though. all in all, i'd recommend it for someone who's constantly running into large AJ's, tuna, wahoo, and bull mahi's. otherwise, it's a pretty expensive piece just to have in your bag. :hmm
hope this helps,