Well, including myself that's 4 orders outstanding by 20-40 weeks, 3 weeks after "all orders older than 6 weeks have been fulfilled", Ted.
Counting myself I make eight people waiting, that I know of, plus
@Chipswim that's nine. Whilst Chipswim volunteered to go to the back of the queue, on account of having more Lunocets than you can safely wave a stick at, I certainly did not and neither, do I imagine, did the others in our select group.
Whether or not the fin itself is, or will be, successful I don't know but the process which we have gone through this last year has, for me, tarnished the thing to such an extent that I asked for my money back in December at which point I was told it had been posted and that I wouldn't be disappointed...
Well Ted I'm afraid I'm already disappointed and more than a little because for the lack of timely and, some might say accurate, information people get upset, angry and a general feeling that the treatment we've received is, to put it mildly, insulting.
Your problems may be genuine and if it’s making life difficult then I’m genuinely sorry but believe me that you not communicating these things to us in a timely fashion is making it an order of magnitude worse for us.