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2james 3rd annual keys kraze

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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I'd just as soon not get into the adjacent members thing, thanks, though I will make note that the magnetic and core shift deviations, as well as a simple plot utilizing a Great Circle track, clearly point out, well, something.

Freebie #2's eh. Very smooth.

Always remember Sven, when plotting your course one must account for set and drift according to approximate speed and direction of said current in relation to heading and velocity of vessel x...
Your Friendly Boat Captain

or you could always just use a wasgps...:cool:
Indeed, Mike. This crew doesn't even need to hear anything even remotely close to rhumb line. Or tequila line w/lime...

DB's 2nd Mate, Unlimited HP, Any tonnage, Any Ocean ;)
There will me no "Papa Sevn" at this gig, jefe!

Don't think customs will let me import THAT much brew....

although a 2-4 of ours is like a keg of yours right?

aslong as you boys don't go lush on me and somebody decides to hunt my tent (another good story) everything will be just fine...

In the immortal words of Notorius B.I.G.-"East Coast til' I die"
If I can do nothing else for the team, at least I can bring the average age of the team down a bit. Sounds like it needs it. Then again, it's a hell of a lot easier to shoot a hand-fed, pet fish...and it seems as if the West Coasters have been doing there "homework" in that department. Tough call.:confused:
Andrsen, I will email you in a bit for the lodging info.

Matt-unsure of my duty/place on Team Flotilla

If the east coast thing doesn't work out, sign me up for equipment captain on the ladies-only squad.:chatup
Vince - been spearfishing for 10yrs or so - have an extra gun you can borrow. we'll turn you into a spearo, don't you worry.


So if I make it will I be considered part of Team Way West Coast?


Hawaii's not technically part of any coast.....
Geez, a guy doesn't check up on things for a couple of days and anarchy takes over! I'm saving breakfast for you Anderson! Any more cracks or :yack and you'll be asking Santa for a new wetsuit for Christmas! :ko

I'll be down in the Keys marking my fish with a very clear 'M-2' in the next month or so. The same goes for the women, so beware!
That IS spring break time isn't it?

It's about the same time as HIGH SCHOOL spring break:naughty

Most colleges are beyond Spring Break by April, but then again...I don't really know anyone well enough to rule the HS girls out, especially after all that I have heard in the past several days. (and for the aged gentlemen) If nothing else you can use your age to your advantage at this point--I'm sure they are looking for some sucker to by them beer. Just don't call me to bail you out.:hmm

17 will get you 20. :blackeye

key west should be pretty killer w/ the great weather and all. :cool: duval st. is always hopping w/ chicks. maybe we can start a "keys kraze gone wild" :D
we'll all just have to live vicariously through Vince, though @21 I think I'm still good for the Seniors :D

How you getting down there Vince?


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Originally posted by M-2
I'll be down in the Keys marking my fish with a very clear 'M-2' in the next month or so. The same goes for the women, so beware!
Let's hope your branding exercise is more sucessful than your "catch" during that night in "The Beach Club" at DEMA... :hmm

Shame I didn't have my camera with me that night :D
Originally posted by andrsn
key west should be pretty killer w/ the great weather and all. :cool: duval st. is always hopping w/ chicks. maybe we can start a "keys kraze gone wild" :D
Or "The Real Keys Kraze" on MTV :duh
Hey Stephan, she told me she was just using me to get to you!


Sometimes fish just jump right into the boat when you don't want them to and you just have to very kindly release them.

I'm all talk. Besides I think it will be much more fun just sitting back and watching the q-ban and the snow princess tripping over each other!rofl

hey, when he goes to work, i step down. girls pick up on his qban mojo for some reason. :head it gets kinda frustrating sometimes. :eek:

but, nevertheless, he's still distractable. give him food or a dewars and you've bought yourself another 5 minutes w/ the ladies. :D
look out q-ban...rig's got more game than the Parker Brothers and Milton Bradley put together. It's all in the game gentlemen:chatup
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