wolleneugebauer said:sorry friends, but I am shure also...
No chance that a beginner can do an clear 8 minute static. Never...
chris had a simply black out.
I coached very often beginners (and advancers) and pushed them controlled still the end (and further...)
After, I had often crazy discussions because they did`n`t believed that they had black outs.
Absolutely agreed.
In fact just yesterday I myself had my first ever blackout doing a negative static in the pool. Luckily I had my buddy Greg (commonerg) there and he pulled me out. I was shooting for 2:00 (having done 2:15 negative before), I remember giving the OK signal at 1:00, 1:15, 1:30 and at this point I was still feeling really good, not much urge to breath. Next thing and without even realizing it my mind wondered into a dream about things completely unrelated to what I was doing. Afterwards I feel Greg pulling me out of the water and I am thinking; Why is he pulling me out? I am feeling fine!. That's when he told me I had blacked out, he had even seated me down on the pool step and blown air into my face; yet I absolutely did not remember anything at all. As far as I was concerned I was on my way to a 3 minute negetive.... Like I said it came without ANY warning, I didn't have the urge to breath, and couldn't even remember afterwards. One issue that I have is that I NEVER get contractions so I really have no way to measure how much farther I can push it, aside from the typical burning in the chest. I hyperventilated but not really that much, about 3-4 breaths right before going under. The only thing I had done different was that I had a very short recovery time from a "failed previous attempt" where I had to come up and I did a very short breath-up followed by the 3-4 deep breaths and under (about 30 sec of elapsed time).
Anyway moral of the story: GET A BUDDY AT ALL TIMES
Thanks Greg!
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