BTW about those floats, why are safeties carrying those? I suppose it's for those that do not surface near a line or wall. The danger of touch with such small floats (enough stable support?) is present as the safeties are usually trailing a (monofin)diver.
In my first comp, I surfaced in the middle of the lane (don't ask why!) - I had a foggy mask and tried to go for the float but wasn't close enough. I ended up dipping and getting a red card. Point being, it's debatable whether realistically the safety diver can have the float in the right position for someone to surface and hold onto it. I guess there's no harm having them - don't think it's an issue?
Floats do look cool though (think baywatch) and presumably make it easier for lazy safeties to swim and focus on watching the competitor lol
Also agree with your comments on touch Kars - for sure safeties can wait for judges orders to intervene OR in case of clear BO or samba that could result in injury (e.g. banging head against edge of pool, but then again safety could place their arm over the edge of the pool and if the competitors touches it, tough luck)