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Best gun of 2007?

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i have that particular issue of HSD, i think th testers liked the sporasub x-fire most in terms of accuracy... and the HHead overall...for the omers several guns were tested...the omer cobra, caman carbon, cayman HF ... the yliked the HF the most in terms of consistent results....the bechats didnt do good and received pretty harsh reviews, the marlin carbon elite was one of tested....the riffe euro did well too
Hey Marwan, were you ever able to use the HHEad Muzzle that we send over on one of your other 40 spearguns?
Sorry Kevin. Never used it..it wouldnt fit the Rabitech..
Hey Marwan, were you ever able to use the HHEad Muzzle that we send over on one of your other 40 spearguns?

Well me I'm considering to install a HH muzzle on my old trusty (and rusty) Master Comp 106 (another retro man...). I like the hammer shaped muzzle with band elevators/stabilizers. Good idea of an open muzzle with in-line bands. There are not many on the market.
PS: I was just joking with the HSD tests thing. Big congratulations for your EVO, looks brilliant!

Nothing personal taken on the comments

There are a few people that installed HHead Muzzles on their master comps. One in particular was Matt Head out of N.Carolina, US.
About the Hawaii Skin Diver shooting tests, now seriously:
when the best gun is italian, tests are to be taken seriously. But when the best gun is not italian, those ridiculous tests are proven to be just a big heap of bull s...t.
I have spoken.
rofl rofl rofl Amazing looking speargun - expensive though:
[ame=http://spearboard.com/showthread.php?p=519705]C4 "Mr. Carbon" group buy - Spearboard Spearfishing Community[/ame]
The HSD '07 Gun Test only reviewed recently released spearguns. In the '05 Rabitech tested well however the Rob Allen did not and was on par with the sporasubs as far as accuracy
Interesting, didn't RA use the same handle/trigger mechs. as Sporasub (albeit with beefed-up mech components) - or was it Picasso -- in the past? Did the RAs tested have the old green handles or the new blue Vecta handle (introduced in 2005)?

I can't say I've ever had any reason to doubt the accuracy of my RA (my own accuracy sometimes, certainly). The last accuracy test I saw showed the RA coming out top, so I would take these things with a pinch of salt.

Do open muzzles really help or is it just a passing fad? I can see some advantages but can also see some disadvantages -- not an obvious improvement.
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I have no doubt the open muzzle is more accurate...I have a 110cm rabitech closed muzzle and sometimes the shooting line rubs on the top of the muzzle wich would affect accuracy. That is why I got an open muzzle on the 130cm apex I just ordered.


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Reactions: spaghetti and Mr. X
Talking of HammerHeads, I think this might be an even more interesting product: Home of HammerHead Spearguns
...a reversible camo wetsuit, blue camo one side, green the other! Could reverse top & bottom for the continental competition look. (Might be even more interesting if one side were slick camo and the other nylon "lined" camo.)
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Here is what most readers of that test is missing. As in archery as well as firearms target shooting, consistency is the most important factor. Consistency in form will yield consistent results. If you look at the results of some of the other guns, you'll see that their groupings are much tighter as well as much more consistent by all the divers. So if you ranked the guns based on consistent shots (as I believe is more pertinent), the current favorite wouldn't even make the top three.

If I were looking for a euro style gun, I'd be looking into those guns first. But of course, like many have said there are many much better guns that weren't tested.
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I got a PM from HHEAD and the title said "Merry XMASS". But his two word message was not as nice. I guess his PM is very much like his guns: looks nice on the surface but...roflrofl
Reactions: foxfish
Spinal Tap;683667 If I were looking for a euro style gun said:
Interesting, so what gun do you think should be at the top of the list?
Hey Marwan,

How do you find your C4? What length is it, and how do you have it rigged? (Shaft dia. and length, No bands, band dia, open/closed muzzle etc...).

The video's look awesome, but I'm a bit concerned about the lack of a rail... doesn't that affect accuracy? Also, what happens with the open muzzle when the gun is upside down?


the c4 i have is a 106, i find it the most accurate gun i shot to date (and i have shot many)...for the rigging i took the advice of the C4 people themselves, 1 band 17.5mm, 26cm long and shaft is 140cm , 6.5mm thickness
C4 dont install a rail as a matter of principle, the reason being to elimiate the loss of energy in friction with the rail...the gun is powered in a way so there is no shaft whip so no need for the rail....
the way the gun is rigged, is that the shooting line goes over the shaft (like the case with open muzzle spearguns) so its always intact in place even when inverted...
the only downside is that the rigging takes some getting used to at first then its easy...
you can check out the rigging on the c4 website, c4carbon.com
Hey Marwan,

Thanks for the feedback. I'm toying with the idea of getting a C4, even if I don't really need it, as I have a few other guns. What kind of fishing are you using it for? What size fish and at what range?

How does it complement your other guns? From what I've read you have quite a few So when will you use the C4 rather than one of the others?


I'm looking forward to RA's open muzzle performance on their railguns. I too agree with spaghetti about the tests being kinda fishy. On the hammerhead site the magazine has "Rob Allen Vectra" is this a new gun or something? On the other hand i do not take anything away from hammerhead or any of their equipment i just don think those test results where 100% on the money.
Reactions: spaghetti

i dont use it very often..too good looking but i use it for medium size fish at 3 meters range typically....
Then why have such an expensive beauty! I can not imagine my self having one of those not because of the price but because just like you I would be against using it at times. It's more like on of those show guns that you really hook ^ and make it look so nice yet hold back on using it. At least that's how I would feel if I had it.
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