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C4 Monoscocca

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Hey Rui you really know which guns to collect:cool:

I had MB 30/86 but i sold it, i couldn't remmember the first gun (top) do you have more pics of it? Looks like black master but couldn't see the rail or its the one with graphit/ceramic barell (master 2000?)
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i heard master america is harder to track compared to other lightweight omer guns let us know how it moves in the water after you try it...
Hi Murat,

Top gun is a Master 16. Black Master is like the second from top.
I've switch the muzzles of them. Master 16 has a muzzle for 20 mm omer bands treads (originally from the master), and the Master has muzzle for 16-18 mm bands treads.
Omers stop making then 1998 if I'm not mistaken. Originally the Master 16 had two sets of bands (a pair and a loop band) plus reel.

I don't have any doubts that the master america will be harder to side track with than any circular section barrel gun.
But you get other advantages from a bulky barrel: less recoil and more stability.
It's not the ideal gun to hunt sargos and seabass on the surge or any other small stickiest fish. For that I got the carbon T20!

The main reason that I like the T20 handle it’s because the angle between the barrel and the handle is bigger that usual. Your hand stays in a more "natural" and relaxed position. Great for aspectto! Cressi and Marc Valetin handles are similar.

Rui Santos.
Thanks for the info on omer guns :D I'm at the edge of choosing a handle for my project wooden gun and now T20 might be an option too...

Finally got a digital camera. Some pic's.........


  • c4 & 55inch adjusted.jpg
    c4 & 55inch adjusted.jpg
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Holy SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is that wooden Bazooka???????

How many bands can you load up on a Beuchat Mech miles?
I removed the original reel and fitted this one. Nothing wrong with the original, just felt like working on my gun:D :D


  • reel close up.jpg
    reel close up.jpg
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Picture of the line release


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Hiya Shaca

55 inch wooden tuna gun built by Rabitech. 8mm SS spear with shark fins, 3x16mm rubbers. Rigged up as break-away. As the name suggests, just for TUNA :D :D

Actually just bought a Rabitech Apex Carbon 1.3 with a 8mm SS spear and 2x16mm rubbers last week. Easier to use the rail-gun when the water isn't too clean. The woodie gives better range though in clean water.

Hiya Ahoyhoy239

I don't think i'd do that to a loomis :D :D . It's a shimano ultegra78.

Now using a Loomis as a reel on a speargun would really freak out some fly fisherman!!!! :D :D :D

part of my collection......
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Did you say PART of my collection?

I am sooo freakin envious!

Hey, if you continue you will be able to open a spearfishing shop !!!

By the way, I'm curious about your wooden gun, the TUNA one. How many bands can you cook on a beuchat handle, does the trigger mech is a custom or standard, isn't it dangereous, I mean the handle is so strong that you can put 3 ribbers on your shaft???
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Hmrrhed, my 90 Carbon Apex is at Rabitech having a omer 30 reel fitted, my 1.2 Carbon Rabitech Stealth is at my mates place (borrowed it as his gun was lost at sea :( ) and my 1.1 RA Saracen, 1.1 Beuchat, and 1.1 Picasso is laying at home somewhere. My 90 omer is at my gf's house (she's claimed it!!)

Cece, that wooden gun was thoroughly tested by rabitech before he sold them to the public. Some pictures of large amberjack shot, don't know where, are proof of the testing. Used it a couple of times and it's ok. I don't like loading multiple band guns though!!. So i've got no hestation in using the beuchat grip with 3x16mm's.

Hiya Fuzz

The two of us toghether can shame alot of dive shops with all our gear!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D

using a fly reel for spearing

miles, was the decision to use the fly reel your own?

i got a bee in my bonnet a couple of years ago and bought a salty fly reel. i used it about 5 times, and i can see myself using it in the near future, so i'm thinking of sacrificing it to the railgun. the reel is real el-cheapo.

any no-nos?
Hiya Griff

Read about the fly reel idea on another forum. Works well. Needs thorough cleaning after each trip though. I actually put the original reel back onto the C4 and am going to fit the reel to my 100 Apex. I only use the reel to store line. Any fish big enough to take line off the reel, is simply fought by dropping the gun (just make sure your gun floats with reel attached !!!) and then pulling it in by hand. Once landed i simply reel the line back and reload.

Like you said, its cheap and works. Just needs proper cleaning.
Hope this helps.

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