Hi guys,
I've seen pic's of the gun and done quite a bit of reading up on it. Seems to be a well thought out product.
I've got a omer mimetic 5mm wetsuit, omer snorkel, omer aries mask (spare mask) and omer flat hunt knife and am quite happy with their products. Well, the knife doesn't keep its edge for long, but a regular sharpening sorts that out. My 90 Excalibur was also ok. (now my girlfriend gun!!!) I've also just recently acquired a omer 100 and 30 reels. Very happy with the 100's performance and it looks wicked too!!!!
Just curious, what gripes did murat have???
Tuomo, does the gun look just as wicked in real life as it does in the pictures??
Memo, some more pic's are always welcome!!!
Shaneshac, i know that you're as enthuisiastic about your totemsub's as i'm about my Rabitechs. Have you compared them to a rail gun yet (well, actually a South African railgun at least RA or Rabitech) Would like to see the outcome. I recall a while back, Hawain Skin Diver had a accuracy test of 1.1m guns. The RA was shot only once and had a near perfect score, but was deemed too difficult to load

. If my memory serves me correct, the omer got the best results. Would actually love to get somebody on the forum to do a similar test.