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Cornwall 2007!

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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There was certainly one seal we encountered that was sunning itself on the end of the island,he flopped into the water and followed us around for a bit,i always wonder about places where there are seals as to whether it effects the presence of fish.I'm sure at St Agnes where there are regular seals,the bass are more skitish than say,Maenporth where generally there are very few seals.Any ideas?
Wow, no one out at Porthleven on such a nice day!

Has anyone tried hunting for bass on a surf beach when there has been a bit of swell? They're supposed to come in looking for grub washed out of the sand. I wondered if anyone had tried spearing under these conditions.

I recall surfing at Woolacombe a few years ago and seeing shoals of fish (mackerel or school bass?) riding under the swells out the back before they formed waves and hit the beach. I'm posting this on the Cornwall thread beacuse you've likely got the cleanest water even under a moderate swell?
can second what spearodave said about the seals, my friend had his fin pulled off there it was very funny, scared the shit out of him ! we've had a few little waves come through at porthleven this week managed to snag a few ones to myself which is a rare event nowadays. North coats was puimping yesterday tho!

the second picture you took is a surf spot called cabage patch, can be an excellent left hander roll all the way down there from the point all the way to the beach on the inside - really long wave maybe a little fat.

Hey Sam give me a call this summer i'll give you the lowdown on spearing the manacles and that area if you like.
just heard that someone had 2 bass off rame head last weekend - rod & line .sounded like they were small tho about 2 lb
Jez.. I often hunt in the surf break. Usually on the reefs. Viz changes as the wave breaks, bubbles form and then clear. As they clear that is when I'm ready to spot the Bass. Have had some good fish this way. The only difficulty is after hitting the fish you have to fin "out back" away from the swell so you can deal with things. I love hunting in this way.
Headed down this morning for a quick one on the south coast.Didn't have long,maybe about hour but there was a huge shoal of mullet running along the rocks on the way out which provided a bit of sport,shot one,missed one.
Vis was good,there was a small swell running and on the whole very enjoyable if not just a little too short.Still no sign of bass though.
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off for a hunt tomorrow....mates jut got his caymen hf 90 from apnea......looks sweet.....probably the third of the weight of my gabbiano but barrel is so similar in shape.....rigged it up and begging him for a shot or two tomorrow..........swell permitting.....bass willing......we're swimming!
Had a pleasent dive,vis was pretty bad to start but once out and around the point it really cleared.My mate was very impressed with the hf,shot a mullet,i got a mullet aswell and saw some real big ones.Nice.
Hell!!!! Nice one guys...sounds like its gitting a little busier! Im free for the next two weeks, so i think i'll be getting in as much as possible. Its pretty windy here at the moment so the water doesn't look too great... although looking at the weather forecast, I think wednesday and thursday are going to be worth a shot.

good to see some fish showing at Plymouth breakwater, i will be diving there this saturday.
The wind in torbay has been crap for 2 weeks running, constantly east winds.:head
Hey Dave, what's the water temp like over at Plymouth? I haven't been in since early autumn last year and was thinking of diving the Thurlstone area this weekend. Much plant cover growing yet? All this sunshine's got me thinking it'd be nice to have a paddle but this tends to be the coldest time of year in the water. Then again I heard that the water temp didn't really drop too far over the winter?
Hi guys

I'm new to this forum and never tried spearfishing before. But been reading a lot on these forums and others and thought I would give it a go.

I've just bought a wetsuit, fins, etc...so just itching to try them out.

I'm picking up a gun hopefully on Friday in Aberystwyth so hoping to try it out in Oxwich Bay. I've then got to be in Devon/cornwall at some point over the weekend so ...

If anyone has any interest in showing a complete novice the ropes over the weekend it would be very welcome....

Maybe even a couple of beers might help to get over the shock of trying to teach me!

I promise, I'm not gung-ho and have no desire to be swept out to the deepest darkest parts of the oceans....oh and I'll try my best not to spear anyone

Anyway any help is much appreciated


Wow.....Porthtowan looks flat as a pancake and glassy as a cupcake this morning,same goes for the south coast looking at the praa sands webcam.....looks hugely promising.Taking the boat out for it's first spear mission tomorrow so i hope conditions are even half as good as they are now.
It cracks me up,after being a surfer for so long,i now get more excited by prolonged flat spells!..
Alex, Where in Devon / Cornwall are you planning to be?
Hi Pav, I'v got drop some stuff of for someone in Truro on Sat/Sun/Mon. So that aside I dont have a preference...I've seen a few postings on here about different locations...but always open to ideas!
Its never as clear up this way (North Devon) so I'd head West if you can. Thats my plan next week. It is pretty flat at the moment, with just a small swell forcasted for Sunday, so may check local spots to see if the Viz is good.
Such a nice day, and no swell so had to get in!

Went in local. The Viz was about 1m - 2.5m. No Mullet / No Bass.
Took the boat in for its first spear mission.launched it off the beach which was pretty easy really.Checked a few of my favourite falmouth haunts and the vis was good,better than i'd expected,probably about 20ft.Saw a load of bait fish leaping and slid in hoping to find some bass but it was a big shoal of mullet flying around that was probably spooking them.Shot a nice mullet anyway.Really enjoyable dive though,heaps of bait fish,loads of pollock.....first ones i've seen,crabs,wrasse....really felt like the life was well back.Coditions look sweet for the next few days on the south coast too.
Luverly! (was really expecting to see some bass but nada)
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