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Cornwall 2007!

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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2 posts and it's 'How to win friends and influence people'...:naughty
You may well have a very topical point at the moment but yes some may occasionally shoot a 2lb bass. IMHO this is not something that needs feeding off morally and getting all hissy and fitty about. This has been discussed at length before and the conclusion is always that it's down to the individual and if he is happy to take the trigger decision. As people gain more experience they undoubtably will find the bigger bass.
One other thing....are you a spearo or just on here to be a troll? If a genuine spearo then crack on and welcome to the DB board, there's a great bunch of people on here.
;) :wave
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yes, I have been spear fishing for the last four years, and thank you for the welcome. Its a shame you make light of this subject though! I wasnt getting all hissy or fitty, as you put it, I was simply pointing out that if fish are killed before they can breed, then the results are inevitable. Its a shame some others cant see this, and not be so trigger happy!! :head
Huw do you not use crimps.
My local spots are still not showing any mullet or bass only big wrasse.
whats the viz like your way at the moment.
1st dive on saturday to test the new 110, viz wasnt that great but bagged a 4lb mullet with the first shot , saw nothing after that but my mate got a nice lobster
Just to let kernowdiver know, the 2 bass I recently caught measured 44 and 45cm (so above the 42cm breeding size). I will be the first to hold my hands up and say 'yes these are small fish', but they are safely above the legal size, and for me a welcome catch this early in the season.

I have been spearing for the past 4 years and have only once caught an undersize fish (in my first season) - to which I felt thoroughly ashamed and guilty!

I always make a point of finding out the legal size limits for taking fish and respect them when I go spearing. (I even have the sizes marked along my gun so that I am familiar with the lengths in question) If the governement says 40cm is the new size then I welcome it and respect it. If they were to say 50cm then I will work to that too, happily. And as all spearfisherman know, we have the choice as to the size fish we take (something that anglers and seafishermen dont). If a school of small bass appear in front of me, I won't go trigger happy and shoot the first one in range, I will wait until one I judge to be a suitable size presents itself - if one doesn't then I don't make a shot. Simple as that.

It seems to me that kernowdivers greviences about the bass size limits should be directed to the government and not other law abiding spearfishermen!

There, I rest my defence. Spleen vented!

Anybody else out there had any luck with the bass this week?
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No i ruddy well haven't everitt because you keep shooting all the small ones!!!!!only kidding guys good discussion tho.def up 4 another sesh soon,maybe weekend.Anyone got any good spots down west they wouldn't mind sharing with a nubey?
nickever, glad to hear about your bass sizes, and that they will have had a chance to breed before doning your plate! I do have grieviences about bass size limits, but they are not directed at you guys, just hopefully discussed with you guys, as its an important facet of our sport. I'm genuinely glad to hear that there is a sensible attitude on the size of bass taken, and I hope that our discussion may help others who might not have given it much thought to consider the concequences of their actions. Anyway, nice shooting and may see you in the water someday! :)
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Got up at dawns crack and had my first north coast spear of the year.Vis was pretty poor at 2-4 meters.Shot an average sized mullet though which made a lovely lunch so well worth the hideously cold wetsuit change this morning.Brings my mullet total to 7 in three days.Seems like they're bloody everywhere with huge shoals on the south coast.Got some bigguns too but can't seem to upload the pic for love nor money.I don't know if it's just me but they taste a whole lot better early on in the year.
Getting up early again tomorrow and gonna have a go on the south coast somewhere,havn't decided where yet though.
Nice one guys, and Kernowdiver welcome to the forums!

Spearheads, vis here is about 6m horizontally, but the bottom can easily be seen in 25ft water. During my last dive, over the sandflats, the vis could have been over 6m to be honest... superb.

And no i dont use crimps, but i am relly looking into it... use kevlar cored line at the moment, and love its flexibilty and the way that it doesnt fray too badly. But every one seems to use mono, so i wouldnt mind having a look into that. Unless you can use crimps on dyneema too?

What's vis like your way?

Hey guys,

I will be down in Bude next month for a long weekend and was just wondering if anyone knows of any spots worth a try?? I will only be shore diving but dont mind a bit of a walk or a drive!! I can repay the favor if anyone fancys a trip to Wales this summer!!
Will have a look on google earth for some likely spots but some local knowledge would be great.

Was diving in North Wales last week and could barely see the end of my 90cm so these reports of 20+ ft are the stuff dreams are made of!!!


The viz in my area is around 4 meters, But we had 8/9 meter viz down Plymouth last weekend which was great.

Go for crimps huw, they last a long time and wont fail you unless you crimp them incorrectly.

Give us a pm nearer the time. I know the Bude - Bideford coast well, and am beginning to explore south of Bude. Hopefully be some Bass around up here by then.
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Great cheers for that. Have seen a few spots and they look quite fishy.

Hi All
I went diving off Rame Head, near Whitsand bay, then into Kingsand bay yesterday afternoon. Viz was quite good at about 15ft. There was a bit of a swell coming in.
There was a large school of mullet going up and down the shoreline in about 8ft of water, and there were quite a few Bass mixed in with them.
Shot three over 2hours, would have been four but i got it in the belly and it tore itself off when it dived over the reef. Bit of a bugger coz it was the biggest one!!
Quite a few Spider crabs too.
Hi guys, thinking about spearing somewhere tommorow but not sure where?wouldnt mind trying somewhere different than south coast.Read there could be a bit of swell picking up?any one been in today? Also guys think im gonna splash out and treat myself 2 a new gun[actually borrowing nickevers spare 4 last couple of years]looking at the cressi 100 with reducer whatever the hell that is?? Greatfull if anyone got any tips.
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Depends, what sort of fishing are you going to do with it - a 100 is a long gun IMHO for the UK unless you have great vis and are used to handling it. I have only heard good things about the 75/80 from Gabbiano (Scottie3030 has one of these and the bigger brother the 100 - he only really uses the 77cm gun in the UK now.) Dave sells them at Spearo.

I made my last gun (80cm stock) myself out of teak and I love it. But I took it to the med last year and it was too damn short. So there I would say a 100/110 would be a must after my frustrating range limitations.

Not sure if it helps.
Thanks james think i will go 4 a 75.Looking on scuba store but bit expensive to ship from spain.dont think im ready 2 make my own gun prob shoot my self in foot or something!!!got 2 guns in mind 1 is cressi air gun the other cressi comanche with rubbers,cant decide???
Why don't you take a look at the Moarisub if you are going pneumatic - thats what I fancy myself. I know alot of the channel Island guys use pneumatics - also alot of the med spearfishermen seem to use them (based on the Utube videos.)
If you are looking for a pneumatic gun, I can recommend a Mares Cyrano 850. Ive used one for the past 3 years around Cornwall and i've had no problems with it whatsoever. Its a bit overpowered for really close stuff, but its deadly accurate, and has a useful power selector.
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