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Cornwall 2007!

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Gonna try Maenporth tomorrow after work,tide looks a little high but i'm hoping the vis will be good....looks sunny too so that'll help some.....

you intending to use that bad boy down here or is it for traveling? What size rubbers and shaft have you fitted it with? Im thinking of getting a 110 -120 sometime this year too. What model did you go with?


Huw, I think a 90 band gun is a well established weapon of choice for most UK spearos, a 120 is a really big gun! You may find such a gun difficult to load & very ungainly in the water?
I have a 1050 band gun (barrel length) that I use sometimes but it is a long stretch for the 20mm bands. If it is more power & range you are after - get a mamba, a 90 is in fact only 900mm total length as a mamba 110 is only 110mm total length. For whatever reason band guns are quoted in barrel length not total length :confused:
Huw, I think a 90 band gun is a well established weapon of choice for most UK spearos, a 120 is a really big gun! You may find such a gun difficult to load & very ungainly in the water?
I have a 1050 band gun (barrel length) that I use sometimes but it is a long stretch for the 20mm bands. If it is more power & range you are after - get a mamba, a 90 is in fact only 900mm total length as a mamba 110 is only 110mm total length. For whatever reason band guns are quoted in barrel length not total length :confused:

Cheers Foxy,
I am giving equal thoguht to a mamba - 110 possibly, and have been reding up on them quite a bit... plus it would be nice to add a pnumo to my quiver :D. The reason for the onger gun is for travelling only... i dont even intend to use it here at all. Next year is my gap year, and i'm off to a few countries for one reason or another... and really would love to get some spearing done abroad. This however means that i have to carefully decide which countries i go to (if i choose the mamba) as some regard pnumos as firearms!

I have to say that i have been lookign into some of the american wooden guns, just because some of them are so beautiful that when im not travelling they are still just as entertaining to look at rofl.

:D all you darksiders feel free to try and persuade me otherwise :D!!!

like gutshot i also got the ra 110, it is set up with 16mm single rubber,6.6 x 160cm shaft, these are for the north coast when the viz is good plus i got an inflatable for some new reefs to check out.my trigger finger is getting very itchy for those bass....
Cheers Foxy,
I have to say that i have been lookign into some of the american wooden guns, just because some of them are so beautiful that when im not travelling they are still just as entertaining to look at rofl.

You must tell me about these "beautiful" guns Huw :confused:
I know your a keen and very talented craftsman foxy, so im not entirely sure that these are as good as your beautys... and belive me if your mamba cradle hits stores soon ill be first in line :D... but these guns have really taken my eye... (also i meant to say hawaiian not american :duh )




The model I am particularly looking at is the euroti,

there is also one other guy making similar guns somewhere too, but i can't find the link at the moment so bear with me:)...

Spearflap got there with the reply first so you have the spec's. It is a Rob Allen Tuna 110 although we have taken a rubber off as it comes with a double rubber set up. Some may think it is a little long, but the areas i dive get good viz and it suits my style of hunting. I don't usually go hunting in holes or into gullies as i prefer to lay in wait under the kelp line and tease the bass to me. It has given me an extra meter range over my 90. Anything with in 5 meters is as good as on my table!

As spearflap mentioned, there are some new reefs which lay just offshore which we intend to explore, and as i use to blow bubbles when diving i know they are full of fish and even better viz.

Anyway i still have my 90 for when the viz gets shitty or when the wind pushes me to dive shallow kelps and holes and such! If i ever get a break away from the family to go tropical again i will take the Rob Allen though!


you intending to use that bad boy down here or is it for traveling? What size rubbers and shaft have you fitted it with? Im thinking of getting a 110 -120 sometime this year too. What model did you go with?

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Had a couple of dives lately....got in at Maenporth on Friday,tide was a bit too high and Vis wasn't too good,it was cold and all i saw was wrasse.
Then i got literally 20 minutes in at the beach round from Portscatho on sunday (had to get to a mothers day dinner)...Vis was better...saw wrasse,dogfish and a spider crab.
Not great then,considered going today but my chores are backed up and it is a little nippy out there,maybe tomorrow...giant tides.
Did my first boat dive of the year on the South coast on Saturday, mainly to check out my replaced sounder/gps.
Checked out a wreck I have been meaning to look at for ages first, 12ft viz, plenty of light on the bottom at 50ft lots of big wrasse, doggies and spider crabs, and a few decentish pollack. Lots of interesting holes, bags of potential for when it warms up a bit.
Second dive was in the estuary looking for flatties, non to be seen, but I did get a bag of razor clams and a lobster.
Water was a surprisingly warm 10c
Spearguns by Spearo uk ltd finest supplier of speargun, monofins, speargun and freediving equipment
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Guys, I really would like to see where you guys are spearing, so I know what you are talking about....
Any movies or clips?
Mike, I got a camera and case for Christmas that can shoot video but it hasn't got wet yet. I think spearheads got one the same time as well and has taken some video and posted. Search his posts for the link.

I got some videos in south Devon 07, all the vids are in bad viz 3 meter. The sea is very much the same in Cornwall as in Devon.
No spearfishing videos no fish to spear at the moment.
Wahooooooooooooooooooo... suits arrived today :D:D:D:D:D!!!!! Happiest guy awake at the moment! I couldnt resisit leaving it in the bag so i ran a cold bath and took it for a dip :duh. Left the speargun mind you. Bring on the good weather / viz. Please anyone around in Cornwalll post a little message if there seems to be a fishable area :D.. the river has just been churned up by the stormy gales, so it looks like a week or so 'till that will settle again.

However I have this friday free and all weekend, and am dying to get in!

Also got a nice pair of 2mm superstrech gloves, that have some nice grip on them... look ideal for the summer!

Wahooooooooooooooooooo... suits arrived today :D:D:D:D:D!!!!! Happiest guy awake at the moment! I couldnt resisit leaving it in the bag so i ran a cold bath and took it for a dip :duh.

Please tell me you didn't see any fish, 'specially the dread Brown Floaters! :)

I'm thinking of making a new weight harness this year to try and improve on last years design - you'll find a link to the old one below. Anyone got any suggestions? I'd like to use something other than cable ties to link the two parts. Someone suggested amalgamating tape which sounds like a good idea but a little sticky.

Trying to drum up some enthusiasm for a quick dip this afternoon.Bit hard when the hail stones are doing their best to smash my windows,even the dog seems uncharacteristicly reluctant to go outside.
There's bugger all swell on the south coast though,the praa sands webcam shows it totaly flat so as my gears already in the car i might aswell just drive down and have a look.
Conditions look like they're set to improve as the week goes on.

'Went and had a look,there was too much North in the wind and it was chopping it up too much....shame.'
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Looks like all systems go for friday or the weekend.. maybe both?? Only problem is that it seems to be high tide at 8.15ish am and 6-7pm which means that low falls right in the middle of the day. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but at the moment the vis seems to decrease with the low tide.

So It looks like an early start with Petey H and myself be hitting the water at quater to 8 Friday morning. I havent decided whether to use a 75 or 90 yet though.

Anyone planning to dive... the wind is forecast to be very very slight, and tomorrow looks dry - so by friday vis should be fairly reasonable.

Ok, Petey H and I got in this mornign for the first dive of the year! 7am start - VERY pleased with the new suits... a remarkable difference from the old ones. The vis looked promising from the cliffs, but under the surface it wasnt more than 2m :(... it was a bit of a pain too as I decided on taking the 90cm over the 75. Stayed in for just over an hour before giving up after no real sign of decent fish. We saw a couple of monster wrasse, but let them be. Pete swore that he saw the lips of a mullet feeding on the bottom, but it was hard to judge as the bottom was so dark and the vis so poor, so needelss to say nothing came of that.

We came away un-deterred, and realy want to get back in at the next chance.... also praying for a little better visibility :D



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Did you go camo with the suit huw.
I ordered a new suit a minute ago my old elios is to small.
I decided to go for camo this time, i doubt it will have much difference:confused: rofl .
2meter viz sounds like heaven, the weather here gets worse and worse.
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