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Cornwall 2007!

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Alex,try Maenporth at low tide,left hand side around the rocks...the vis is currently great and there's a good chance of a few mullet.It's one of the falmouth beaches,pretty easy to find.A good safe bet.Watch out for divers though.
NICE! got in this evening at about 6.30 in a small bay/cove on the opposite side of the estuary, but was then forced to get out due to family commitmentsa round 8ish... but wow, the vis was amazing... I could easily see the bottom 25ft down in someplaces, but mainly stuck close to the rocks in the hope of bass and mullet, i saw one shoal of baitfish which i hoped the bass would be following... but no luck!!!

Eventually i was surrounded by a HUGE shoal of pollack must have been literally hundreds of fish, most were just around a lb in weight, but were still an impressive sight when they were all together.

Saw some huge wrasse, and one in a hole... the biggest i have ever seen, and found a fair sized pollack, and missed!

Later on i found the mark on another of a similar size, it wasnt a monster, but was welcomed for tea!! Great to get my first fish of the year, and i will definatley be hitting the water tomorrow evening for another bash, but this time on my side of the estuary, and hopefully be in for alot lot longer too.

The wetsuit again was brilliant, and i didnt feel the slightest bit of cold in the whole time i was in there. I also took your advice Dave on playing around with the face seal untill the air all passes out, and it really helped the floaty feet, and i added another 2 weights to the belt - much more comfortable. Equalising was also a doddle, and so im a very chuffed guy at the moment.


Nice one Huw, now please can you send some of them fish in the direction of Devon, or I may have to extend my hunting range down into Cornwall.

Well done oldmandave. Was it on the new Omer??

I got in , about 30mins down the coast. A spot I have not tried before. Water was clearer. However the new swell arrived a bit sooner than I expected and I regreted not having my board. Looks like we have a few surf days ahead. No sign of Bass, so will give it a couple of weeks now.

Just read the link. No Bass on the Omer then .. yet! ;>)
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Hell of a dive again! Once again great vis, and was in for well over two hours, but this time on my side of the estuary. Was very pleased to find a spider crab within the first 20mins or so - especially at this time of the year. I spent a couple of mins tying him into my floatline, and then the dive took an even better turn with the appearence of a shoal of 6 very large mullet, but they were off before i could get a bead on them.

A while later and i stumbled across the same 6 and pulled off a pleasing headshot on one that weighed in around 4lbs. While I was stringing it I noticed another spider below me (so I knew the first wasn't a one off) but decided to leave it alone.

Then came across a large shoal of mullet (maybe 60 fish) but they were smaller in size, but picked off a 2lber.

By this time it was getting dim (8pm) and so we called it a day and headed back, but when we reached the beach my spider crab had gone :confused: :confused: !!!!!

Nevermind, i am sure there will be more later on in the year!

Very very pleased with the mullet, and the overall dive. Hoping to hit the water again on monday.

Oh... and congrats to you Gurnsey boys on the bass!!!


PS: the bottom of the two in the pic was the 4lber


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Went for a dive around the lizard area on friday, lovely day, no swell, good to excellent visability in some parts. The spot looked perfect for a good range of fish when the season really gets going; plenty of deep gullies, rocky and sandy patches, lots of stringweed starting to grow up etc etc

We were in the water for well over two hours and I didn't see anything more edible than a few spider crabs and some tiny pollack, (plenty of wrasse, and baitfish though) BUT my mate definately saw three small (but keepable) bass schooled up together!!! He quickly took a shot but missed and never saw them again!

So the Bass are definately starting to come in but only in small numbers, hopefully this warm weather will bring them in in greater numbers? Still, good to get a sighting even if it didnt result in a catch!!
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So the Bass are definately starting to come in but only in small numbers, hopefully this warm weather will bring them in in greater numbers? Still, good to get a sighting even if it didnt result in a catch!!

Here here!
Andrew (or anyone else out there) do you know what the vis is like at the moment around Castle beach or Gyllyngvase?

Dived in the falmouth area today and though it was a little choppy,vis was still well fishable.Started off seeing loads of baitfish and even saw a little sea trout.A bit later on saw a big shoal of pollack moving towards me as i was on the bottom,now i've seen bass sneakily hanging around with the pollock on a few occaisions and this time proved no different,a little further back was a 3-4lb bass but he was just on the borderline of my range so i held off waiting for him to get closer but he spooked and off he went.After that encounter i found it near impossible to relax but slogged it out for another 2 hours hoping,praying for another chance but no joy,all i saw were more pollock,some mullet which lost their appeal and a,i think, huss...sorta dogfishy but darker and bigger.
Anyway,i'm certainly pleased to have seen a bass but obviously a bit gutted for not getting the shot but conditions look pretty similar if not better for tomorrow and i have the Mrs permission to go the whole day!!
And Huw,i'd say the vis is probably well doable around there as i was in the 'vicinity' today and it was fine.
Nice one mate! Pete and I are all set for tomorrow, we are getting the morning tide here at a local spot, but may (possibly) head over to Falmouth for around 5-6ish to catch the incoming high again. Just an idea, but either way at least some diving will be done. At least we know the bass are around!

Nice one mate! Pete and I are all set for tomorrow, we are getting the morning tide here at a local spot, but may (possibly) head over to Falmouth for around 5-6ish to catch the incoming high again. Just an idea, but either way at least some diving will be done. At least we know the bass are around!

I've not managed to get wet this weekend! I did haul my gear down to rosemullion with the family but due to some daft circumstances I didn't get in the water. Anyway, if you're in Falmouth for high tide I'd try the smaller parts of Castle beach (small sandy spots of beach on the left, near the castle as you look out to sea and not the main castle beach which will be covered with tourists). Nice spot to enter the water when the tide's high. Then dive out toward the castle headland. I've got the head down there today to try and get some flip flops and sunnies and I'll take my gear just in case. I'll probably not be at the beach at high tide though - kids and all that.
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Went spearing yesterday teatime in my favourite spot on the southcoast. (location top secret of course!)

Was just getting into the water with my gun still not loaded and put my head under to find myself face to face with a 4lb+ Mullet with two sizeable friends!!! Naturally by the time my gun was loaded they were well gone!!

This set up a good dive with quite clear visibility and lots of sightings of good sized Mullet. Was starting to lose hope of seeing a Bass when I stumbled across this one swimming over some rocky ground. As I sized him up he spotted me and started to swim away leaving me with a very tricky (lucky!!) shot to spear him. He was only a 2 pounder, just over legal size and the sort of fish you might overlook later in the season, but my freezer is in desperate need of a bit of restocking with some fish! Am I right in thinking that this is the first Bass taken in Cornwall this season?

Anyway, sounds like you guys are starting to see some decent sized Bass now and I look forward to hearing your tales of early catches!

The season is definately open!!!!!
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Good one. If its legal and it looks good for the plate take it with no regret!

I dived the north coast at a good early season spot and struggled not being able to see past the end of my gun. My buddy got a good mullet but the only fish i bumped into in the murk was wrass. Mind you i did pull a lobster out of a hole in the reef which was nice on the bbq last night. Lets see what happens on the south coast today. Good viz,..... lets see what this 110 can do!

Happy hunting,
Tried,tried and tried again for a bass today,but no joy.....first light down at falmouth then down to the Lizard for 4 hours through low but nope,not a sausage,had to contend myself with some chunky mullet which i was in compition with a seal for,had to run back and grab my float as the seal was munching mullet and i didn't want him munching mine,dangling as they were between my legs.Well done all those who've managed some bass,i'm begining to regret not taking the shot yesterday but hell,it's early days......on the plus side,the freezers looking good and tomorrows another day!
hi guys been spearing 4 couple of years but new 2 this site.from st ives and have only speared round west cornwall but intend 2 branch out a bit further this year with my buddy nickever.went in 4 second time this year today but drew a blank saw few bait fish and some damn ugly wrass!!!mate had a 2IB bass and saw few smaller ones.think its little bit soon still but def improving.tight lines
Had another 2lb bass tonight in same spot as before, picked it off the end of a small school of about 10, saw no other fish though - not even any mullet which was odd. Plenty of wrasse, baitfish and stringweed though which is promising for the weeks ahead!

Nice one mate! Me and petey H had a fantastic dive today... my longest one so far! We were in the water for over 4hours, and even then we only got out because we were so tired!

In the end we didnt get over to Falmouth unfortunatley, but there's still plenty of time for that :D. But nice one Andrew for the info, its really apprichiated :), and will definatley come in usefull soon!

I came out of the water with 3 mullet, and pete also got two nice ones.

Heres the annoying part... i was going around a small rock face with large collapsed bolder in the shallows that creates a sort of small gulley that really catches the sun. I hadn't been there before, but the area had the right sort of feel to it if you know what i mean. Anyway right up in about 2ft of water there was a nice takeable sized bass (3lb ish) sunning itself in the warmth. It didnt seem to have noticed me, and so i lined up the shot smoothly and quickly, and let fire. The fish glinted and the spear passed right through the fish onto my line. I released the gun and reached for my knife, but out of the corner of my eye, i saw the fish dissapearing :confused: i couldn't figure out what was going on... but it turned out that my knot attatching the spear to line had weakened and come undone :head :head :rcard

needless to say i was very annoyed, and couldnt stop kicking myself, as i usually check all knots before i set off anyway.

So if anyone sees a bass floating around with a nice hole through it... then kindly post it back to me :D.

A lesson to all... check your knots!!

come on guys!!!...whats all this about "if its legal its big enough"!! cant believe people still think like that!! As has been said a million times...the average breeding size for bass is 42cm. If we all take fish below this size, what will happen to the breeding stocks? Ok, its the netters that are doing most of the damage...but if we all take fish below breeding size, we arent helping either. Its a shame some people can be a bit short sighted and just think "oh well, I wont get fined for having it, thats all that matters"! Its madness that the limits only 40cm now, but thats Ben Bradshaw for you
:duh :head
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