don't know what the scores on the doors are in UK but this is our mentality in Dubai so no criticizing please. Im sure much other people aggree that its not the size of the fish really as long as you eat them and they are all above a size.
sorry if this sounds rude just putting wrong things said straight!
Er...jonny grant or is that 'wannabee collective spokesman for Cornwall'? You seem to be made up of a lot of naive and ignorant aggressive *******s emanating from a foundation of beginner spearfishing in Dubai.
Noting aside that there is nothing wrong with beginners, as I and everyone else are still learning, I feel you would do well with defacating on a Dubai Death 2007 thread with the rest of the teenager/student(learning to spell) death squad.
I think people may well agree that unless you stop for a second, and think again your whole approach to open debate in forum, you will completely lose any last bastion of respect hanging off a fish bone that you might of had.
Cornwall is not Dubai, and in that specific vein, I personally would prefer you not to tarnish any more of this thread, but rather make considered and appropriate comments regarding Cornwall should you have any.
The amusement I assume that is shared by a few of us reading your posts regarding ordering/indecision/ordering/can't wipe my own ass/ordering/cancelling the order/stropping because someone is fishing rather than keyboard fishing and finally your Pièce de résistance,
"hey sorry dave, just ordered my stuff from apnea"....
....I'm sure he's devastated!
Geebee....welcome to the forum, naturally I would hold a degree of suspicion first as to whether you are a troll from BSAC...but if you are genuine you will quickly see that spearo's are generally and collectively a good bunch of people carrying on a sport that has always come from a sustainable, fair and sporting foundation well before conservation and ethics were ever discussed. You may well know, as I have found out that a lot of the UK scuba club foundations grew out of freediving/spearfishing clubs (ie. Swanage).
My story from last week was that I was on a boat just off a wreck that despicably had it's anchor rope cut by a scuba diver who was strongly suspected to be a skipper of a dive rib in the vicinity. And yes we were waiting for all the scuba divers we could estimate to clear the water(late afternoon)...And losing this good anchor later led to our rib slipping its mooring and getting swamped in the shorebreak of a nearby cove we were camping in....
P.S. I hazard a guess you will get a much greater buzz without your tanks as some previously bubble spooked bass etc. come in very close for a spear or a picture.