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Cornwall 2007!

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Jonny when you enter their site, you then have to sign in, you will see an icon saying follow up orders. This will tell you your status.
I can only guess here, but my guess would be that your order failed, the account wasn't created and you won't be charged. A couple of times when making internet orders I've filled in the details all the way to the end then when i've pressed the "buy now" button, the whole order has dropped off the screen and I've had to start again. I've never lost any money off the card from it.
I had a similar problem with my hotmail account- site security certificate revoked. I couldn't open my email for several days. In my case I eventually found that my Norton360 security wanted me to let it do defrag, disc cleanup, and computer backup. I hadn't been letting it do this as I choose when to do these things myself, then do them manually. When I let Norton do these the problem dissappeared. I also had to turn off email scanning by AVGfree, which is a free downloadable antivirus system. The Norton system wouldn't tolerate the free system working alongside it in the email section though it doesn't seem to mind it in the rest of the computer. I've only had a computer since May so I'm still learning and these things have had me tearing my hair out at times. If you can speak to someone who knows a lot about security systems they can probably save you a lot of time and frustration. Incidentally, windows vista [which I have] is notorious for kicking off security problems due to its very sensitive approach to security.
Anybody actually been spearfishing lately?????!!!!

Been a crappy summer in my eyes. Got in the water quite a bit back in May/June and had some success but past few weeks have been a bit poor. Had quite a few smaller fish but no whoppers. Seems that everytime I have got in water the vis has let me down despite looks good from the shore!

Hoping for the fabled indian summer and lots of spearing still to be done way into september!

By the way, I have used scubastore.com a great deal in the past and always found them to be cheap and very quick on the delivery side. Think they are actually based in spain not france, but normally get my stuff within 3-4 days!

Tight lines.
please stop clogging this thread with stuff completely unrelated to spearfishing in Cornwall. We do not really need 40 odd posts on every minute detail of your quest to buy some dive gear. There is a forum entitled "hunting equipment" which would be more suitable

Before the current crappy weather I got in for an evening/night dive in the far west. Whilst it was still light there were mackeral and pilchards everywhere, but nothing bigger feeding on them. Lots of small bass, but nothing I wanted to shoot. Nothing much to report on the night dive, as I was only able to stay in for an hour due to babysitting issues, but definately something I will do again.
Pilchards are something I have been seeing more and more of in recent years. I first saw them about 3 years ago on the Eddystone, but have recently seen them on both coasts in schools so thick they blocked out the light. Bigger bass from several offshore spots I dive are often full of pilchard. Last week in Mounts Bay I could see schools breaking the surface over a large area

Spearguns by Spearo uk ltd finest supplier of speargun, monofins, speargun and freediving equipment
Reactions: SurfnSpear

how deep can you free dive?? and what exercises can you do to improve lung capacity and holding your breath?

Saw a large shoal diving falmouth last year. Very pretty fish. Just lay on the surface watching them for ages.
Another shark story from the local paper this week, made me laugh;
this is cornwall - news, entertainment, jobs, homes and cars

I saw that in the West Briton - nearly made me wet myself laughing I thought those type of scare-mongering stories belonged in the Falmouth Packet! The opening sentence says it all really:

"A shark - possibly a Great White - killed people in the sea off Cornwall 50 years ago, the West Briton can reveal."
what exercises can you do to improve lung capacity and holding your breath?

The most important thing is time in the water, there are no magic excercises. Just maintain a reasonable level of fitness, and dont push anything too hard. The most important thing is to learn to relax, pushing hard for a long breathold is counter productive. Concentrate on being as smooth, unaggressive and unhurried in the water as possible
You dont need to be doing super long dives to catch fish. Most of my dives are around a minute. The UK team manager timed the current World Champion at the last worlds in portugal; he didn't do a dive over 50seconds all day

Spearguns by Spearo uk ltd finest supplier of speargun, monofins, speargun and freediving equipment
to clarify...I am laughing to myself thinking about a couple of others on here laughing to themselves.
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nice finger. i had a similar injusry a few years ago involving an articulated wishbone. i thought i had the wishbone firmly in the spear notch, and let the bands go, but it hadn't set and nearly took three of my fingers off. needless to say its been gloves and watching the wishbone set in the shaft ever since. evolution i think i'll call it!
dived north coast last weekend got five good bass, left my mask and snorkel behind gutted ,ordered new one sunday, snorkel from scubastore came tuesday, ordered masks from apnea came wednesday, got in south coast yesterday and got 2 more good bass, water is still cold for the south coast but the fish are there, but not as many as the north coast.........

Im new here and new to spearfishing, but reading the past page or so of posts has got me a bit worried.

Do most spearos have a "Team Death Squad" mentality and rape cuttlefish?

Do you guys just take fish to eat? Because there were a LOT of fish (some very small) on one of those pictures.

Reactions: dave
Hi geebee, welcome to deeperblue! This forum right now at this moment is probably not the best for representing UK spearos, as it seems to have become a little diluted by unrelated issues and looks to be drifting to discussing spearing a little outside of Cornwall.

It would be best to skip back a few pages to get the real feel, or perhaps check out the Gurnsey or South Devon thread.

The vast (overwhelming) majority of us hunt with discression and selectivity at the forefront of our minds, and try to avoid this small sport becoming labelled as 'brutal' in the pubilc eye (as seems to happen with all sports of this nature) and so tend not to carry names such as "death squads".

One thing you will find however as you read through the forums is that different people here really do enjoy hunting and consuming different types of fish. Some prefer mullet to bass, or perhaps enjoy eatign wrasse. Personally I do enjoy cuttlefish, and so take them (in moderation) when I find them - even though some regard them as 'too easy' to shoot.

Like I said, i'm sure you will enjoy your time here on deeperblue, just perhaps give it a week or so .

Happy hunting to all... the vis my way is TERRIBLE.

Oh and Johnny... what happened to the fish in the third picture? Did it actually fall victim to a speargun or a kalashnikov?
Hi Geebee, Huw is spot on when he said the forum is not performing at its best! We are just trying to keep it "alive" (sorry) I think you will find 99% of us are very conscientious about conservation.
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Er...jonny grant or is that 'wannabee collective spokesman for Cornwall'? You seem to be made up of a lot of naive and ignorant aggressive *******s emanating from a foundation of beginner spearfishing in Dubai.
Noting aside that there is nothing wrong with beginners, as I and everyone else are still learning, I feel you would do well with defacating on a Dubai Death 2007 thread with the rest of the teenager/student(learning to spell) death squad.
I think people may well agree that unless you stop for a second, and think again your whole approach to open debate in forum, you will completely lose any last bastion of respect hanging off a fish bone that you might of had.
Cornwall is not Dubai, and in that specific vein, I personally would prefer you not to tarnish any more of this thread, but rather make considered and appropriate comments regarding Cornwall should you have any.
The amusement I assume that is shared by a few of us reading your posts regarding ordering/indecision/ordering/can't wipe my own ass/ordering/cancelling the order/stropping because someone is fishing rather than keyboard fishing and finally your Pièce de résistance,
"hey sorry dave, just ordered my stuff from apnea"....
....I'm sure he's devastated!

Geebee....welcome to the forum, naturally I would hold a degree of suspicion first as to whether you are a troll from BSAC...but if you are genuine you will quickly see that spearo's are generally and collectively a good bunch of people carrying on a sport that has always come from a sustainable, fair and sporting foundation well before conservation and ethics were ever discussed. You may well know, as I have found out that a lot of the UK scuba club foundations grew out of freediving/spearfishing clubs (ie. Swanage).
My story from last week was that I was on a boat just off a wreck that despicably had it's anchor rope cut by a scuba diver who was strongly suspected to be a skipper of a dive rib in the vicinity. And yes we were waiting for all the scuba divers we could estimate to clear the water(late afternoon)...And losing this good anchor later led to our rib slipping its mooring and getting swamped in the shorebreak of a nearby cove we were camping in....
P.S. I hazard a guess you will get a much greater buzz without your tanks as some previously bubble spooked bass etc. come in very close for a spear or a picture.
Reactions: Huw
wasn't meant to come out like that.. i didnt mean to dangle i was saying sorry because he said dont say anymore stuff about it.. not sorry i didnt get from him anyways i dont exist on your forum anymore tried to delete everything