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Cornwall 2007!

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I had a real good look for posts by a greatly missed past DB member Alison. Could not find them, but, she described exactly the upwardly floating net bag weighted to the bottom in a clearing with glee as she had so much success with it.
She could get her fish without the crab chumming I might add all day long, but, however I think its a valid technique and is worth a shot in a choice ambush position.
It was Alison's posts that described the CD flashers which I tried aswell. Not sure how long the posts are kept on DB.
like james t said good old agachon the best sporting way, i also find making throat sounds works very well
I know people who have used 'muppet-type' lures attached to the end of their guns with varying degrees of success. If you're fishing agachon and there is any type of current then the idea is to make the lure move about in the current which should attract predatory bass.
I always think about tying a few Cd's to my flout line but always end up thinking it will more of a pain that its worth.
what i carry for aspetto is a telescopic mirror ,i hide behind a rock and wave it above me it catches the light and looks very much like a distressed fish. Its easy to carry because it folds up to the size of a pen and it clips onto my belt.
Also if you have some left over fish after filleting it freeze it and on your next trip put it in your goody bag the cent might attract some fish or sharksrofl .
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I used to have a squid muppet on the end of my gun, but I dont bother any more.I think everyone goes through a phase of trying different gimmicks. You can sometimes use it to attract the attention of a bass that would otherwise swim past out of range, but it is not a "magic bullet" In UK type viz anything visual is a bit limited in use.
I dont see anything wrong with groundbaiting or lures, but it is approaching the problem of finding bass from the wrong direction. Rather than trying to attract bass to an area you are in, you need to find the area where the bass are
If you have seen a bass in a gully, look for it there and under the kelp (and look hard, it probably wont move far unless you have really spooked it). It will be easier to spear there than out in the open. Bigger bass spend a lot of their time resting, digesting their last meal; in gullies, under kelp or in holes, these are the places to look (particularly around low tide).
The most important things in bass hunting are to learn to move stealthily and blend into your surroundings, and to develop your "fish sense" There is no short cut to either of these, but they do come in time
Spearguns by Spearo uk ltd finest supplier of speargun, monofins, speargun and freediving equipment
Wise words Dave!

I went through the muppet stage, nicking the idea from Clive Thomas. It may have helped to lure in one or two indecisive bass but it sure didn't make up for my crap technique!
Sounds like we've all been down the same avenues.'Tried a muzzle muppet (it helped me see the muzzle in poor viz I suppose). 'Tried making a flasher, like a mini-version of the super, huge RA ones, using the ever popular free CDs & fishing swivels - but I never bothered taking it in the water. It would probably scare the fish.

'Have been thinking about ground baiting/chumming an area (Miles had some suggestions last year), perhaps while staying on the coast on holiday & perhaps putting a lobster pot down - but it is usually more fun to visit different spots. Also thought about attaching a lure to my float (works well on the yak) -- but figure the tangle potential would negate any benefit. BTW I'd use blue & white Eddystone eels 11-15cm, they are cheap, catch bass & pollock, and look like the bait fish I see most often (& which I've seen bass chasing). Black lures seem to be the latest fashion though.

I'm going through a simplifying/minimalist phase at the moment though, trying to reduce clutter. It's cheaper too. Seems like if you are among the fish, you are going to have a good time & if there are no fish about, you are not. The little gizmo's probably won't make much difference. As Dave suggested, keeping a low profile seems to help - and is half the fun of it really, like underwater deer stalking or "injun" ambush. Had great fun in Cornwall last Summer doing this - saw the biggest (and wariest) fish I have ever seen while swimming.
Hi guys, I would like to visit Newquay this summer, I dont surf anymore but still love the scene! I wonder if any of you dudes could recommend a place to stay for an old surfer who still likes to party. To be honest I dont like night clubs but love live music especially a couple of guys playing acoustic in a small venue. Will I find this? Also I am particular about food, what is the quality like, can i find restaurants severing organic food or am asking to much?
I wont be diving just fancy a break to somewhere I should of gone to 15 years ago, any info appreciated.
b lucky Mart.
I haven't been to Newquay for years but I've seen several reports of Jamie Oliver's restaurant/cooking school recently, which is right on one of the beaches -- just the job if you like Italian food (pricey though). Saw a surfing comp. at Fistral beach one year, pretty cool.
Reactions: Mr. X
From what I saw on the reality tv show about Newquay I would hav to agree with Dave; I went years ago during the 'run to the sun' music festival and wasn't very impressed. The same can be said for Rock which is next to Padstow but it's all the toffs causing the mayhem rofl rofl

How’s it going Mart?
Sennan is always worth a look and they’ve got a good restaurant right by the beach.
Or there’s Porthcurno nice beach and very picturesque but only small and not to sure about the food thing.
There’s also the Lizard very nice and one of my favorites.
Have a look here.

Thanks for the responses chaps, although I am obviously disappointed!
OK so Newquay is a bit commercial but I dont want total Peace & quiet. I can visit our own quiet Islands for that type of escape. Even a visit to the main land (England) is an adventure for us Guerns but I need my music input to really enjoy a break, not so easy in our Islands. Can any of you nice helpful guys suggest somewhere in Cornwall where I might find some surf dudes to talk to & find a bit of pub scene? :friday
as dave said newquay is a shit hole i should know i live there, it does have its moments though.The only plus side is its central to anywhere on both coasts. lands end is 45 min drive with lots of exellent places between like st ives, st agnes,porth towan, is just a few to mention all with good restarants,then going up north, watergate, constantine up to croyde with an exellent coastline and again good pubs with great food.then south coast from the lizzard right up to looe is stunning, hope this helps the only thing you will find in newquay summer time is drunks aggro and clamidia.hope thi helps
Foxfish....I would recommend that you DO visit Newquay. I first lived in Newquay in 1993 when there were still a few tumbleweeds in town, my wife is from Newquay and my in-laws still live right on the estuary opposite Crantock.
The thing is with Newquay, it has commercialised and has a lot of tackiness in some ways but if you like a vibe then Newquay has it. I think you can choose what kind of experience you are going to have by talking to some guys beforehand.
The chavs are around in numbers because Newquay has some big clubs and they go to certain cliche' venues like Berties, Corkers, Sailors, Talls trees or just cruise the streets with the hordes of stags and hens, but, it seems to me that what you are after is actually there music/gig wise. Vic Bar/Chy Bar/Belushis/Red Lion/Buzios/Walkabout etc. etc. in the summer there is always something on. The locals (for the season at least) always crowd a certain venue on certain nights and they are normally always looking for a local band if its on. A nice spot for the late afternoon beers is Lewinnick Lodge or The Phoenix at Watergate.
Live music guide...
I reckon
You are not far from much in Newquay....failing that....maybe St Ives....
Reactions: foxfish
Cheers mate, I think you are on my wavelength, I guess there is only one way to find out!
Here fishy, fishy, fishy. We got our children a fish tank with tropical freshwater fish in it at christmas. I keep getting suited up, and i sit in front of it holding my breath aiming my gun at the fish. The children are finding my behavior disturbing. I think i need to get out more! :mute
Well the water is flat today, and the vis looks a solid 6m or so... so easily huntable. However i have so much work on at the moment im just not going to be able to get in!!! Anyone thought about getting in today or over the weekend if this weather and conditions stick?

Would love to hear how they get on!

I was shooting toy fish in my bath it was a deep dive didn't think i was going to make it but just before i was out of air one appeared but it was just out of range.rofl
6 meter viz you lucky b*** i have around 6 inches.
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