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Cornwall 2007!

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I thought about going for one after work this evening but it was high tide so i took the boat to be serviced instead.
Shame,looks like it's going back Southerly and strong......oh well.
what winds is it that mess up your water were you are:confused: , down here its a eastly of any speed and a strong north wind is also bad news.
I was shooting toy fish in my bath it was a deep dive didn't think i was going to make it but just before i was out of air one appeared but it was just out of range.

Boy, and i thought i had it bad. You are really messed up. I think you need help. Lay off the drugs cause they are not helping! rofl ;)

you dont want to know what happened before i was on the pills.
Oh those poor children at the swimming centerrofl .
Gutshot please dont get out more, i have seen the pictures of what happened at the shop.:)
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Gutshot please dont get out more, i have seen the pictures of what happened at the shop.:)

Now i know you are are talking shite. I paid good money to keep those pictures out of the public eye so you must have the wrong person!

Anyway, they asked for it. They saw me walk in with nothing but my pants on my head. They should have stopped me!

A local witness said i have been on many safaris and seen various animals torn to pieces by wild animals, but what i saw on that terrible day was far worst than anything i have ever seen in my life.
Those poor tropical fish did not stand a chance.rofl
Oh dear something tells me spring is in the air and we are all getting itchy trigger fingers

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Me and gutshot are showing classic symptoms of noternufferwaterdiver disease.:)
According to this book on sea diseases the next stage is paranoid behaviour , looks like gutshot is already at that stage.
Oh god extreme diarrhea is soon to come, all that sushi is not good on your system.
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And Spearheads on the otherhand seems to be suffering from verbal diarrhea (if spearheads can spell it wrong then so can i, haha), anyway, thats enough of that rubbish. I'm off to bed. Good night!


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And Spearheads on the otherhand seems to be suffering from verbal diarrhea (if spearheads can spell it wrong then so can i, haha), anyway, thats enough of that rubbish. I'm off to bed. Good night!
Well my spell check cant find any incorrect spelling so shut up.rofl
Gutshot when adding a s to (that) you need to spell it like that's not thats ok ,no house point for you.rofl
First post of the year, both gregorian and chinese!!
Try playing octopush in the winter just to get the lungs going again. Loads of big targets all thrashing abount some of them good looking too!!
tues nights plymouth central park pool 9-10pm
ps bring shorter fins!
Gutshot when adding a s to (that) you need to spell it like that's not thats ok ,no house point for you.rofl

Right, back off pal!! My mother was a teacher, my wife is a teacher. I have been getting this from all sides and now you!!:rcard I am at breaking point. GIVE IT A REST AND STICK THE BLOODY HOUSE POINT WHERE THE SUN DOESN'T SHINE!:t

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Got in the sea at swanpool in falmouth today for a bit,looked at Maenporth first but it looked well murky with the run off from the river.Anyway,shot over to swanpool which looked a little more promising and got in there.
Vis was poor to start but as you moved further away from the beach it cleared to about 3m.I was enjoying just being out there when i stumbled apon 2 chunky mullet which caught me a little off gaurd and watched them bugger off into the gloom,still,it was enough to make me pretty sure that i'm in there now whenever it's looking good.
Getting changed afterwards however was a little chilly to say the least,but not as chilly surely as the guy who i passed on the swim out just breast stroking along in a pair of trunks.....hellish!
Nice! Cheers for the report mate, thats ideal! I can't wait to get out, but am gunna hold off till the suit arrives (not long now :D) How long were you in for, and in what suit? Did you take out your longer gun? See much else?

Any of you guys know any good spots in the Rame Head/Torpoint area? I'm going to a wedding there over whitsun holiday and might take my gear with me just to p**s of my girlfriend. rofl
rofl, sorry mate i cant help you, but im sure someone might! Would be a sight... a speargun in one hand - fins in the other, all while wearing a wedding suit eh?

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