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Cornwall 2007!

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Huw- i was wearing my 5mm elios with an elios under vest,toasty and warm (need to throw an extra weight on though),hands got cold though in my cressi 3mm gloves so i'm ordering some 5mm ones tomorrow....my mate went for the classic two wetsuits approach and managed surprisingly fine.
Gun wise it was just the 90 gabianno though a 75 would have been preferable in that vis...though nothing would have helped me really as i was just so suprised to see fish....saw a few more mullet on the swim back but in less vis so no chance.........and a big shoal of bait fish.
The coming week is looking good conditions-wise...bring it on!
Huw- i was wearing my 5mm elios with an elios under vest,toasty and warm (need to throw an extra weight on though),hands got cold though in my cressi 3mm gloves so i'm ordering some 5mm ones tomorrow....my mate went for the classic two wetsuits approach and managed surprisingly fine.
Gun wise it was just the 90 gabianno though a 75 would have been preferable in that vis...though nothing would have helped me really as i was just so suprised to see fish....saw a few more mullet on the swim back but in less vis so no chance.........and a big shoal of bait fish.
The coming week is looking good conditions-wise...bring it on!

Nice one mate, i think im definatley gunna need to get some gloves, this season. Do you dive falmouth often? I went for a day last year at Gyllinvase (spelling) on a low tide and it was completely empty... except for the odd jellyfish! However i remeber snorkling there at high tides (before i knew what a speargun was!) and remeber seeing loads of fish on string weed. Have you found it to be more productive at a high tide? Also when i was there most of the deep gullys were only about 2-3m deep, but it looked like at a high tide they would be perfet for dropping down to the bottom in.

Nice one mate, i think im definatley gunna need to get some gloves, this season. Do you dive falmouth often? I went for a day last year at Gyllinvase (spelling) on a low tide and it was completely empty... except for the odd jellyfish! However i remeber snorkling there at high tides (before i knew what a speargun was!) and remeber seeing loads of fish on string weed. Have you found it to be more productive at a high tide? Also when i was there most of the deep gullys were only about 2-3m deep, but it looked like at a high tide they would be perfet for dropping down to the bottom in.

Castle beach would be a better bet. It's the area to the extreme left of Gyllyngvase as you look out to sea. Deeper gullies, more rocks with sandy areas sprinkled around and lots of kelp towards the castle headland. A good amount of pollack, mullet, wrasse, bass, spider and brown crabs. Last year I was in a huge shoal of sardines. Amazing fish. Little silver bullets. Park along the seafront on the left-hand side. There's several sets of steps down to the beach/rocks and the cafe and toilets are pretty near.
go to kingsand/cawsand. you'll find a ledge to your left with gullies then skirt the sand on the right going out to the point for flatties and lost jewellrey from the yotties! further round at the point by the degaussing range are some steps you can use but a big tidal stream there so be careful. then on rame itself if you can get down there is a small bay on the west side usually productive but a bugger to get to except by boat. then there is whitsand bay and the scylla but no guns allowed there.
If you do bring your gear give me a call.
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forgot to say cawsand has a few nice pubs to warm up in afterwards!! If you get anything they may even cook it for you!
Has anyone dived Rosemullion? I'm looking for a new spot to take the family (wife and #1 daughter snorkel/freedive) and for me to spear. Looks nice and quiet.
Rosemullion,i belive,in the summer time is in the no-take zone for bass as the zone goes from Rosemullion Head to Nare Point.However,i did dive there a few times before i knew this.
It'd be great for the family,loads of weeds and sandy patches with loads of fish...i swam all along that stretch but didn't really see any bass until i got right to Rosemullion head,from there to Maenporth it's great spearing.
Tried Castle beach tonight as there was a little swell and the Swanpool looked well murky.Vis was piss poor and the light was fading but saw a few wrasse and by the looks of the conditions,it should just improve all week with sun and light westerlys.
I'm simply gagging to get that first bass!
Rosemullion,i belive,in the summer time is in the no-take zone for bass as the zone goes from Rosemullion Head to Nare Point.However,i did dive there a few times before i knew this.
It'd be great for the family,loads of weeds and sandy patches with loads of fish...i swam all along that stretch but didn't really see any bass until i got right to Rosemullion head,from there to Maenporth it's great spearing.
Tried Castle beach tonight as there was a little swell and the Swanpool looked well murky.Vis was piss poor and the light was fading but saw a few wrasse and by the looks of the conditions,it should just improve all week with sun and light westerlys.
I'm simply gagging to get that first bass!

I swear I thought it was a mullet orificer! Thanks for for letting me know. At least I can pop around the otherside of the headland to get a bass.

I was down at castle on Sunday (not in the water) and the swell was pretty big. Got some winkles though. It's a good beach but beware of boats/jetskis in the summer - they treat bouys as slalom markers. I may have to dig my wetsuit out earlier than planed :)
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Shot down to Maenporth after work and had a look,tiny bit of swell there but looked worth a dip,vis was patchy but doable,saw a good few wrasse and bait fish,saw a group of largish mullet then saw a tail dissapear into the weeds in a gulley,followed it in and shot a fairly nice mullet,first fish of year so pretty pleased with that.Had a couple of hours in the and got a bit chilly but it was getting late.
Weather looks great for the coming days so i'm hoping to get in again on friday after work and maybe take the boat for it's first spearing mission saturday.
Game on!
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Nice work mate!!! First successful trip report on the Cornwall 07 thread!!! its great to hear that its all getting back on, were you using your 90 gabbiano again? What was the tide doing?

Gun was the gabbiano 90,it's all i have right now as for some reason my Mrs doesn't seem to understand why i need to buy a cayman hf 75 regardless of it's practical usgae or it's really stiff barrel.....anyway....tide was dropping out to low which is how i prefer it at that spot.
Roll on Friday!
I have got a new toy now. A Rob Allen 110. This now means i have to sit further away from the kids fish tank which is making these little tetras harder to see.

I have got to get into the water soon. This is doing my head in!!
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you intending to use that bad boy down here or is it for traveling? What size rubbers and shaft have you fitted it with? Im thinking of getting a 110 -120 sometime this year too. What model did you go with?

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