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Cornwall 2008.

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took the kayaks out with gutshot today on the south coast didnt see to many bass but both took 2 nice ones

I should have had 4 but lost 2. One the line got caught up as the spear hit the bass and he bolted off. Had a look around but couldn't find him. Hopefully he was not too hurt as it is not good to leave a fish hurt or dying. The other one must have been a really bad shot as i did my usual trick of letting him hit the reef and then i swam to him but he was gone! I know i got him but he must have torn off the line. 2 Hurt fish in one day is shocking :rcard. Should have gone to specsavers!!! The viz was ok though. Getting upto about 5m in places down to less than 2 in the shallow string weed. Fairly warm too. Seemed odd having so many people watching from the cliffs with the Tallships. Usually it is people free!

Surfing today to see what sort of damage i can do on top of the water!
It was too. Had the corner of my local beach to myself for the best part!:)
Slept in my Van Friday night in a layby. No one mentioned the Tall ships! It so happened that it didn't affect my trip as I was up early doors as couldn't risk spearing later in the day incase it got too hot in the Van for my dog.

In the water for about 1min before bagging my first fish. Mullet for starters so I didn't have an empty stringer.

Saw a really nice dogfish species fish. Almost white in colour. Lovely fish. Loads of 1lb ish pollock, wrasse, starfish etc. Fun dive but only saw 2 Bass. The Bass I took was in the string weed.

Took my camera out but was worried that if I dived with my camera with the gun on the stringer the Bass would come out to taunt me! , so didn't take that many shots. Its just a £50 ebay waterproof digital camera but takes alright pics.

oohhhh. and Sunday scored WAVES! ... what a sweet weekend (family were at mother in laws in liverpool! ... what a result :) )


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Millpond on the south coast and Ive got a cold :( might go in the shallows anyway looks too good to pass up....


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South coast boat dive last night. Good viz, but pretty quiet on the fish front. Did 4 different spots, and didn't see a single bass on any of them. Ended up with a 10.1lb pollack from a deep spot, but that pales into insignificance compared to this 14.5lb beauty a friend of mine got in awful viz on friday

Spearguns by Spearo uk ltd finest supplier of speargun, monofins, speargun and freediving equipment

Nice fish!!! pretty much the same here (minus the Pollock!) just back, good viz, but not a single fish to be seen....strange....
Got in for a couple of hours, very disappointing vis, one small mullet the only catch :( Oh and diving with a cold sucks I have discovered ).
Had another late start today so dropped down to Portwrinkle today on the way into work. Saw very little for the first hour but then saw 2 decent mullet moving around at speed. 2 dives later and I hit one just behind the gills. As I was surfacing with fish and gun I became surrounded by a very large shoal of mullet upto 4lb with afew smaller but legal bass mixed in. Then I began to rush....... Big mistake!

The fish were circling me a little too quickly to take a shot from above so I quickly reloaded and went back down without breathing up properly. This is a mistake I will not repeat because the shoal stayed just out of range before I had to surface again. Next dive down after breathing up properly and they had all gone - bummer! Looked over my shoulder to see where they had gone and there was a John Dorey hovering about 4 feet off the bottom in a gulley. I left him there as he looked on the small side and I wasn't sure of legal take size. First time I've seen one - it looked very alien compared to all the other usual round fish.

Took another pollack from the kelp as a consolation on my way back ashore.

Motto of the story - stay relaxed!

Vis 3-4m away from the shore and breaking waves.

Intend giving night diving a go next week with Diver9 for whatever we can pick up. There is a great thread about torches etc in the forum but if anyone has any tips.........?
I start my night dives at dusk. I get an idea of the layout of the reef / area. Then as it gets darker I don't feel as spooked.
South coast boat dive last night. Good viz, but pretty quiet on the fish front. Did 4 different spots, and didn't see a single bass on any of them. Ended up with a 10.1lb pollack from a deep spot, but that pales into insignificance compared to this 14.5lb beauty a friend of mine got in awful viz on friday


Wierd - I'm not seeing many (larger) bass at the moment either. Got to be happy with those pollack though - stunning fish!

Just went in at about low water today on the South Coast. Saw the waves and viz and thought I'd blank....how wrong I was. It was a huge low water and I have never seen so much of the beach.

As I headed out I saw a large fish in the murk and then the poor viz suddenly went to 5m+ and I could see all the reef.

Went right to the edge of the reef and started the usual hunting - shot one small pollack for my dog and as usual reloaded the gun with safety on!! (please note) I then went down and held into the kelp and a huge mullet came back to check me out and I tracked him and went for the shot and hey presto.....safety on!

Cursed myself and then continued to hunt. Shot a 4lb er in one crevise and another just around the corner....2 bass in the bag...wife has just eaten it, oh those browney points!

Went for another shot on a large mullet and my spear line parted! Quickly found the shaft and retied it, but couldn't use the quick release so carried on holding the line in my left hand. Shot one medium mullet near the end.

Wished I could have gone on but the swell was making me queasy. Still saw a good number of bass and large numbers of grey and golden grey mullet.

Strange viz and swell was definitely a result of the easterly.

Stay Safe
Just had a dive on the north coast as the viz looked ok when i was surfing. No it wasn't! The swell was bigger than someone told me so i should have surfed and the viz was shocking. 1-2m one side of the bay which is do-able but there was too much swell and i couldn't even see my gun on the other side of the bay. Saw some shadows but nothing i could identify.
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Went in at Talland Bay today and had an enjoyable dive as the vis was the best in ages, 5m+. Out near the point there was nothing but pollack, but I on the way in I stopped for a look in the shallows (3m) and manged to pick up a bass that was swimming from along the bottom from the middle of the bay towards me waiting at the edge of the rocks.:) Lesson for me I think is to check out a variety of areas and depths.
Will be back in tomorrow to make the most of this while it lasts.
I'm guessing there will be a lot more reports coming in this weekend!
North coast viz on Thursday was great! Got a stringer of fish comprising of 2 Bass and 3 Mullet. Nice looking weekend, although the viz doesn;t look as good as it was. BUT out the water again! with another ear infection :head ..

I need to re look at these vented ear plugs. I wear un vented custom plugs when surfing. If your wearing vented ear plugs to dive with would appreciate a pm. Cheers.
I need to re look at these vented ear plugs. I wear un vented custom plugs when surfing. If your wearing vented ear plugs to dive with would appreciate a pm. Cheers.

Ear plugs? Can you explain, do they help diving down with the pressure.

Had a fun day down South coast the on friday evening, good viz no wind.. happy days!

Seen some big schools of mackerel feeding off the surface, bagged 3... 2 by fluke and then picked a nice big one to finish with.

Then just went on to do some deep holds in the kelp.. started shooting with the cam as there were loads of fish about and then 2 bass showed up out of the blue.. literally! I took my time and got my shot in just as he turned.. fattest bass I've had yet.. he spat out a whole mackerel when I grabbed him!!!!

Anyways.. keen as mustard for some more hunts this week.. maybe boating weather tomorrow!!


[ame=http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=gAinoKirwvw]YouTube - Cornwall Spearfishing - Bass[/ame]

I havn't used them but interested to know how people find them, especially those with surfers ear!

My custom plugs for surfing are 100% water tight. Nothing gets in. But as you know with diving that would be a bad idea for equalising. I've got to try and keep my ears dry but unsure how effective these vented plugs would be. I think you maybe able to get custom vented plugs? The unvented custom plugs are about £60 - £70 for surfing but they work. I am unsure if the vented plugs would let water in. Without plugs I was getting about 1 infection every 4 weeks. Now when I do get infections it tends to be after diving, not surfing.

I dug out some old doc plugs in the garage this morning which I bought prior to the custom plugs. They are vented but never liked the fit, or tried them diving. When my ear is good I'll try them on a dive as being out the water sucks!
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