Been absent from the forum for a while, but been doing a bit of spearing. Found some nice pollock and some very wary bass at a deeper headland mark which will be visited again
Have been catching quite steadily but nothing unusual or very big
I attach a picture of a couple of 2lbers and a 3lb 11 fish from a lizard mark a few weeks back... and a lobster who wouldn't come out his hole!
I'll finish with a word of warning...
I was out this evening at castle beach, falmouth. We were in the water for about an hour, and having seen very little and not a single crab or lobster which was the purpose of the dive, some relaxed bottom times were in order. My buddy kindly spotted me for a couple, super relaxed, nice calm minute or so bottom times in about 7m. So in we went. Not content with getting out just yet, as it was warm and the vis wasn't horrendous, I wanted to have a couple more dives and managed some easy 1.30 dives in about 6m - only problem being I was a effing idiot shmuck douche-face about it and did this on my own.
On my last dive, after a 1.30 bottom time (and approx 5 minute rest before this dive) I left the bottom feeling a tad squiffy, went up very slowly and casually having had no contractions and felt decidedly worse at the surface. At this point I genuinely became very worried about blacking out, dumped my weight belt and lay on my back doing some hook-breaths while pulling my SMB towards me. As I hung onto my marker my legs lost control and my foot started to twitch. Samba?! I pulled my mask off and called out to a couple of spearo's nearby for help and waved. They both took one look at me and carried on doing what they were doing. If this was you, I don't blame you for not understanding my situation as I didn't really know what was going on at that point and might have thought I was dreaming. Nonetheless, the distinct lack of any care or concern really disheartened my as I lay there for the next 5 minutes recovering so I could lift my weight belt (attached to smb) just before heading ashore.
I need to stress - I was not tired, was perfectly warm, wasn't going deep, had no contractions, am physically fit, eat well, can do statics 4min plus and was very comfortable today. I'll never know how much trouble I could have been in, but will never ever ever dive like that alone again, and will from now on attach SMB to belt at all times to make dumping it a more attractive option.
Don't really know what else to say except be safe, don't dive alone and it COULD HAPPEN TO ANYONE AT ANY TIME